Please plan now to attend these shows with The Machine Cancel Society:
Columbus, Ohio: August 11-14, 2011 with the AGM on August 13, 2011.
APS STAMPSHOW, American Philatelic Society, Columbus Convention Center,
Contact Dana Guyer: (email given in plain English)
stampshow "at" stamps "dot" org;
814-933-3803 ext 217; Fax 814-933-6128. *WSP*
Charlotte, North Carolina: July 2012
Details pending.
If you have not paid, you will not receive the next issue.
Kindly remit promptly. Annual Dues remain:
$15 for bulk mail delivery, USA
$22 for CANADA first class
$30 for AIRMAIL overseas
Note any address correction on your dues statement. A large #10 envelope
pre-addressed is provided for your remittance. Make checks payable to
The Machine Cancel Society, and send to
Post Office Box 546
Sierra Madre CA 91025-0546
All remittances must be made in US funds drawn on US banks. Thank you!
Duly authorized to issue and receive ballots for Election of Officers on behalf of the members of The Machine Cancel Society, I hereby report the following tabulation from 121 ballots received:
For President: Matt Liebson 119 votes Other 0 votes
For Vice-President: Tony Crumbley 119 votes Other 0 votes
For Secretary: Gary Carlson 120 votes Other 0 votes
For Treasurer: Larry Haller 120 votes Other 0 votes
I further report no disqualified ballots, and that on some ballots, no
choice for office were made. I hereby declare the aforesaid individuals,
Matt Liebson, Tony Crumbley, Gary Carlson, and Larry Haller elected for the 2011-2012 term
for the office they were nominated. Respectfully submitted,
Election Judge
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