Machine Cancel Society Announcements
December 2010

December 21, 2010


Please plan now to attend these shows with The Machine Cancel Society:

Columbus, Ohio: August 11-14, 2011 with the AGM on August 13, 2011.

APS STAMPSHOW, American Philatelic Society, Columbus Convention Center, Columbus.
Contact Dana Guyer: (email given in plain English) stampshow "at" stamps "dot" org; 814-933-3803 ext 217; Fax 814-933-6128. *WSP*
Charlotte, North Carolina: July 2012
Details pending.

2011 Dues are now payable.

If you have not paid, you will not receive the next issue. Kindly remit promptly. Annual Dues remain:

$15 for bulk mail delivery, USA

$22 for CANADA first class

$30 for AIRMAIL overseas

Note any address correction on your dues statement. A large #10 envelope pre-addressed is provided for your remittance. Make checks payable to The Machine Cancel Society, and send to

Post Office Box 546
Sierra Madre CA 91025-0546

All remittances must be made in US funds drawn on US banks. Thank you!

Machine Cancel Society Elections for the 2011-1012 Term

Duly authorized to issue and receive ballots for Election of Officers on behalf of the members of The Machine Cancel Society, I hereby report the following tabulation from 121 ballots received:

For President: Matt Liebson 119 votes Other 0 votes
For Vice-President: Tony Crumbley 119 votes Other 0 votes
For Secretary: Gary Carlson 120 votes Other 0 votes
For Treasurer: Larry Haller 120 votes Other 0 votes

I further report no disqualified ballots, and that on some ballots, no choice for office were made. I hereby declare the aforesaid individuals, Matt Liebson, Tony Crumbley, Gary Carlson, and Larry Haller elected for the 2011-2012 term for the office they were nominated. Respectfully submitted,

Election Judge

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