Bids Must be Postmarked or E-mailed by Tuesday, Apr 20, 2021
Send Bids to: Don Pearson, Auction Manager
2368 Wheatland Cir or e-mail:
Delmont, PA 15626
Reminder: a 10% buyer fee will be added to each winning bid. This is a policy that has been in effect for many years.
You can find our complete auction terms and conditions on our web site, or request a copy from the auction manager.
To view the complete auction terms and conditions visit:
A new rule was approved by the MCS Board at the recent Annual Meeting. If an estimated value (EV) is given for a lot then no bid less than 1/3 of that EV will be accepted.
ad advertising mc multicolor R right
am airmail env envelope min minimum recd received
B bottom EV estimated value m s manuscript reg registered
b s backstamp(ed) flts faults o/s z oversize rev reverse
ca cachet(ed) gpc government postal card o/sk overstruck sm small
cc corner card hs handstamp(ed) o/w otherwise T top
cds circular date stamp ill illustrated pc postcard(picture or greeting) unad unaddressed
cr(s) crease(s) imp impression pm postmaster var variety
cnr corner L left pmk postmark yd yeardate
cv cover lt light pse postal stationary envelope w/ with
dd different die MB minimum bid pts points w/o without
The condition of the cancellation is indicated first, then the condition of the cover or card.
For example, F/VG means a fine cancel on a very good cover or card.
Condition of the cancel (consists of the postmark and the stamp invalidator)
VF = Very Fine; all letters and cancel virtually perfect.
F = Fine; letters and cancel well imprinted, considerably better than average.
VG = Very Good; letters and cancel well imprinted but perhaps some lightness or other defect.
G = Good; some defect, such as some letters or portion of cancel light or not imprinted, or
Right ends of lines or bars run off the edge of the card or cover.
P = Poor; merely an identifiable and complete example.
Condition of the cover or card
VF = Very Fine; attractive, no faults.
F = Fine; minor fault such as toning; not described.
VG = Very Good; several minor faults, but none judged to be major; usually described.
G = Good; one or two major faults; described
If you are hesitant to bid without further details, call with your questions or request photocopies. |
Bidding increments are: $ 1.00 to $ 10.00 $ 0.50 $ 10.00 to $ 100.00 $ 1.00 $ 100.00 and above $ 5.00 |
American (non-flags)
1 Boston, Mass Dec 3, 1889 type 89 (1) cvr w/1c grn Banknote vg+/f
2 Boston, Mass Mar 29, 1890 type 90 (4) 6 bar 3.5x4.5 cvr w/#205 to Paris, France vg+/vg+ MB-5
3 Philadelphia, Pa Oct 31, 1895 D-6 (3) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc Presbyterian Historical Society vg+/vg+ MB-2
4 Chicago, Ill Jul 13, 1897 F-2 (1) adv cvr w/2c red HQ on front product: Gladstone Ax on back f+/f+ MB-2.50
5 Chicago, Ill Dec 23, 1897 F-2(4) cvr w/1c blue Bureau w/cc The Lancashire Insurance Co vf-/f+
6 Quincy, Ill May 26, 1904 L-6(1) St. Louis World Fair Souv pc w/#323 f-/f+ MB-2.50
7 Springfield, Ill Nov 18, 1897 F-6(1) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc f/f+
8 Terre Haute, Ind Jun 26, 1906 L-6 (1) adv gpc adv for Bailed Hay on back f/f- lite print
9 Baltimore, Md Dec 1, 1897 H-2 (2) gpc vg/vg+
10 New Brunswick, NJ May 2, 1905 L-6 (1) on pc with paid reply UY1 unsevered vg+/vg+ MB-2
11 Albany, NY Mar 21, 1901 O5 (1) 3.25x5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f-/f-
12 Auburn, NY Nov 6, 1905 L-6( ) ppc w/#300 vg+/f
13 Kingston, NY Dec 22, 1906 L-6(1) xmas pc w/#300 vg+/vg+ bottom crnrs clipped
14 New York, NY Dec 8, 1896 F-2 (2) pse 2c grn Wash + 3c purple to Germany vg+/vg+ MB-2
15 Philadelphia, Penn Jun 16, 1897 HB-2 ( ) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc f/vg rgh open right side
16 Wilkesbarre, Pa Sep 1, 1900 K-5 (1) 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau vg+/f-
17 Orlando, Fla Dec 19, 1912 J-6P xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f+
18 Rome, Ga Dec 24, 1918 K-8P xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f lite print
19 New Brunswick, NJ Oct 4, 1905 A-G die 1 pse w/cc Strong Hardware Co f-/f- cancel is lite
20 New Brunswick, NJ Dec 19, 1917 K-8 xmas pc w/pair 1c grn f-/f+
21 Paterson, NJ Aug 28, 1907 J-6 die 1 1st line not printed ppc w/#300 f/f
22 Paterson, NJ Dec 23, 1912 J-6P die 3 xmas pc w/1c grn
23 Dunkirk, NY Mar 23, 1911 J-6P ppc w/1c grn Inside factory of American Locomotive Works vg+/vg+
24 Hoosick Falls, NY Dec 23, 1915 K-8 xmas pc w/1c grn f-/f-
25 Jamestown, NY Aug 4, 1911 J-6P ppc w/1c grn f/f
26 Port Jervis, NY Dec 23, 1912 J-6P xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f
27 Saratoga Springs, NY Jul 13, 1915 K-8 die 2 greeting pc w/1c grn f/f-
28 Watertown, NY Dec 23, 1913 J-6P 1st line not printed xmas pc w/1c grn f-/vg+
29 Charlotte, NC Dec 12, 1901 A-2 gpc Charlotte’s 2nd machine 13 months of use vg/f MB-3
30 Greensboro, NC Jul 1, 1913 K-8 gpc f-/f MB-2
31 Providence, RI Dec 23, 1915 Elmwood Station KS-8 xmas pc w/1c grn f-/f-
32 Townsend, Mass Oct 7?, 1913 F-131 greeting pc w/1c grn vg/vg+
33 Bakersfield, Cal Dec 12, [1903] type D private mailing card w/1c grn Franklin Bureau vg+/f cancel part off right year not printed but verified by date on back of card
34 Trinidad, Colo Apr 3, 1906 type D cvr w/#319 vg/vg cancel ½ off R minor rgh open Right MB-2
35 Brunswick, Ga Jul 18, 1906 yr unreadable but verified by message type D ppc w/#300 vg/f-
36 Thomasville, Ga Mar 11, 1904 type D pse w/cc vg/f cancel partial
37 Belvidere, Ill Apr 24, 1905 type D pse vg+/f cancel 1/3 off R MB-1.50
38 Chicago, Ill Dec 24, 1904 DSR-13 Garfield Park/Station/Received bkstmp cvr vg/vg+ MB-2
39 Chicago, Ill Dec 18, 1919 FR dd Received General Delivery in Red ink xmas pc w/1c grn g/f+ spotty cancel but this usual for Chicago Received General Delivery MB-2
40 Chicago, Ill Jul 1, 1913 FS-12 McKinley Park/Station ppc w/1c grn f/f MB-2
41 Chicago, Ill Jul 25, 1914 ES-12 Morgan Park/Station cvr w/cc Morgan Park Academy vg/g cut short on Right and into stamp Scarce cancel MB-4
42 Chicago, Ill Jun 19, 1903 DS-22 Pullman/Station cvr w/#301 vg/vg- cvr has written notes all over MB-2
43 Chicago, Ill Jan 8, 1914 FS-13 Washington/Heights/Station ppc w/1c grn vg/vg+ MB-2
44 Chicago, Ill Aug 25, 1909 ES-22 West Pullman/Station ppc w/1c grn g+/vg under inked in places MB-2
45 Exeter, NH Dec 4, 1906 type D pse w/cc f+/vg+ rgh open right
46 Towanda, Pa Dec 4, 1903 type D gpc vg+/f MB-2
47 Miami Beach, Fla mach #3 Jun 24, 1954 D-30 cvr w/1c grn + 2c red w/cc The Sherry Frontenac on the Ocean f/f cancel at an angle MB-2.50
48 Chicago, Ill Mar 12, 1902 D-32 (9) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc f+/vg+
49 Chicago, Ill Feb 17, 1903 D-22 (10) cvr w/1c grn Bureau w/cc AJ Montague Real Estate and Loans vf-/vf
50 Chicago, Ill Jan 14, 1903 D-22 (12) cvr w/2c red f+/vg+
51 Louisville, KY Feb 3, 1906 D-32 (3) adv gpc adv for Streeter Brothers Grain Co on back f/vg+
52 Davenport, Iowa Nov 22, 1906 D-32 (1) R cvr w/#319 w/cc White Lily Washer Co, Toledo Oh vg/vg+
53 Baltimore, Md Mar 5, 1910 D-32 (3) lt brn bus reply pc w/1c grn f+/vg+
54 Baltimore,Md Oct 13, 1911 D-32 (3) C cvr w/2c red w/cc F.S. Royster Guano Co f-/vg+ sm tear Rt edge
55 Woburn, Mass Jun 24, 1935 D-35 pse w/adv cc Bees for Bailey & Blendinger f+/f+ MB-3 PHOTO
56 Worcester, Mass Sep 11, 1906 D32(1) ( R) ppc w/#300 scene of Quinsigamond Lake vg/f
57 Detroit, Mich Nov 15, 1893 B-11 (2) comm cvr w/2c red w/adv cc Acme White Lead f/f- MB-3 PHOTO
58 Detroit, Mich May 4, 1895 D-21 (2) on U327 entire + #230 w/bullseye cancel blue cvr to Prussia, Germany f/f- MB-3
59 Minneapolis, Minn Apr 15, 1908 D-32 (4) ppc State Capital w/#300 f/vg toning
60 Franklin, NH Jul 2?, 1927 D-30 ppc w/2c red log cabin scene vg+/f
61 West Rindge, NH Aug 24, 1955 HD3 yellow commercial cvr w/3c violet DPO only machine ever used f+/f+
62 Hammonton, NJ Apr 9, 1940 D-30 adv cvr w/#894 Pony Express vf-/f+ MB-3 PHOTO
63 Buffalo, NY Jul 11, 1905 D-32 (2) ppc The Lenox Hotel w/#300 f/f
64 Buffalo, NY Aug 14, 1907 D-32 (3) ppc downtown scene w/#300 f-/f-
65 City Hall Annex, NY mach #1 Sep 2, 1933 L-30 dd cvr w/3c purple w/cachet f/f MB-4 PHOTO
66 Deansboro, NY Mar 14, 1958 HD3 cvr w/1c blue + 2c red w/cc Harrington’s Stamp Shop f+/f+
67 Ithaca, NY Dec 24, 1911 D-32 (1) xmas pc w/1c grn f+/vg+
68 Madison Sq Sta, NY Dec 24, 1902 L-22 (1) 4x5 pse w/cc The Colonial Dames of the State of NY f+/f+ MB-2
69 Madison Sq Sta, NY Dec 27, 1911 L-32 (1) gpc vf/f+
70 New York, NY Apr 24, 1894 C-18 (3) 8 wavy lines cvr w/pair 1c blue Franklins f/vg+
71 New York, NY Nov 14, 1900 D-22 (11) T 4.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red Bureau vf/f-
72 New York, NY Sta O Oct 18, 1907 D-32 (1) cvr w/#319 w/cc Joseph Ellery Art Publisher f-/f-
73 Rochester, NY Oct 18, 1915 D-32 (3) adv cvr w/2c red coil vg+/f- MB-5 PHOTO
74 Syracuse, NY Dec 9, 1914 D-32 (1) T lku? ppc Church of the Sacred Heart w/1c grn f/f
75 Kinston, NC Jan 25, 1937 D-30 cvr w/#791 + 1 c grn f+/vf
76 Shelby, NC Jul xx, 1928 D-30 dd cvr w/2c red w/cc Cleveland Springs Hotel, Shelby, NC vg+/vg+
77 Cincinnati, O Apr 2, 1906 D-32 (4) C adv gpc Shippers of Hay & Grain vf/f-
78 Allegheny, Pa Oct 3, 1906 D-32 (1) R pse w/oval cc Eagle Paint & Varnish Co f-/vg+
79 Philadelphia, PA Jan 9, 1907 D-25 Broad St Station gpc f/f
80 Philadelphia, PA Jul 28, 1910 D-25 Broad St Station gpc vf-/f+
81 Pittsburg, Pa May 15, 1906 D-32 (1) R pse w/cc Eagle Paint & Varnish Co vg+/vg
82 Pittsburg, Pa Nov 5, 1910 D-32 (2) D pse w/cc Lindsay Hardware Co f/vg
83 Charleston, SC Oct 27, 1914 D-32 (1) ppc St Micheal’s Church w/1c grn vf-/f
84 Charleston, SC Aug 7, 1941 EKU? D-25 Navy Yard Sta. cover w/#901 f/f-
85 Salt Lake City, Utah Jul 12, 1910 D-32 (1) C cvr w/1c grn x 5 w/ illus cc Yellowstone Association of Hotels to Germany vg+/f- MB-3
86 Richmond, VA Jul 2, 1906 D-32 (1) D gpc f+/f-
International Service Marks
87 Cincinnati, O Jul 10, 1907 IMS-22 LKU ppc w/#319 1907 view of Juneau, Alaska f/f+ MB-2.50
International Slogans
88 San Francisco, Calif mach #2 Feb 10, 1933 D42 Notify Your Correspondents of Change of Address window cvr w/3c purple coil w/cc Miller & Stern Tool Co vf-/vf-
89 San Francisco, Calif mach #2 Dec 29, 1933 D42 Register or Insure cvr w/#732 vf/f+
90 San Francisco, Calif mach #10 Feb 7, 1947 D26 1847 Centennial 1947/International Philatelic Ex cvr f/f-
91 San Francisco, Calif mach #10 Mar 13, 1918 D42 Give+Red Cross Fund cvr w/3c purple w/red print cc Fielder & Davis Transit Advertising vf/vf-
92 San Francisco, Calif mach #15 Sep 6, 1950 D26 Hire the Handicap w/illus cc Starlight Furniture Co f+/f
93 Santa Ana, Ca Sep 14, 1966 W26 50th Anniv Marine Corps Reserve w/#1315 vf-/vf
94 Santa Rosa, Ca Jul 14, 1969 W42 Amer Legion 50th Anniv cvr w/6c Election Ballot rtn cvr for American Society of Civil Engineers vf/vf
95 Miami Beach, Fla mach #3 May 19, 1958 D-26 50th Anniv Governor’s Conference philatelic w/#1106 vf/vf
96 Lakeland, Fla Jul 3, 1954 D-46 New Hope for Hearts Support the Heart Fund philatelic w/#1061 vf-/vf-
97 Honolulu, Hawaii Jun 27, 1951 Centennary of Hawaii First Postage Stamps w/#799 Hawaii Territory Issue w/cachet of Map of Islands + 1st Stamp f+/vf-
98 Rahway, NJ Mar 1, 1958 D-26 100 Years of Progress cvr w/#1002 f+/f+
99 New York, NY mach #4 Dec 13, 1922 D-42 International Silk Expo ppc w/1c grn f-/f MB-2
100 Grand Cent Sta, NY macg #5 Sep 4, 1924 L-42 Address Your Mail cvr w/ illus cc vf/vg+ MB-5 PHOTO
101 Gando, N. Dak Jan 18, 1959 D-42 Diamond Jubilee Gando, N.Dak Jul 16-18, 1959 philatelic w/#1104 f/vf
102 Cave Junction, OR Jan 23, 1973 N-42 Prevent Forrest Fires cvr w/8c stamp f-/f-
103 Philadelphia, PA Jan 21, 1943 D-42 Buy War Savings Bonds adv cvr vf/vg+ MB-3 PHOTO
104 Washington, DC May 2, 1882 2 digit yr type C-Wash gpc f/vg fold down middle MB-3
105 Glencove, NY Dec 7, 19[06] type 2 comic pc w/#300 not seen very often vg-/vg+ underinked MB-2
Pitney Bowes Slogans
106 San Diego, Ca Jan 26, 1976 B400 Support Your Local Science Fair cvr w/13c f+/f+
107 San Diego, Calif mach 2B My 3, 1967 B400 Can Do Navy Seabees cvr w/5c blue f-/f
108 San Francisco, Ca mach 6A May 10, 1978 B400 Conservatory of Flowers 1878-1978 favor cancel f+/vf
109 Santa Ana, Ca mach 4B Apr 24, 1989 B400 Orange County Centennial w/25c flag vf-/f+
110 Santa Monica, Ca Feb 4, 1975 B400 Celebrate With Us/Santa Monica/Centennial favor cancel cvr f+/vf-
Time Marking
111 Washington, DC Dec 22, 1910 D-104 xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f
112 Chicago, Ill Sep 1, 1909 C-112 ( ) cvr w/2c red w/cc Fort Dearborn Watch & Clock Co g/g+ cncl 1/3 off R
113 Chicago, Ill Jul 30, 1909 C-111 (C ) cvr w/2c red vg+/vg
114 Chicago, Ill Jul 26, 1909 C-113 (2) yellow cvr w/2c red w/cc f+/f
115 Chicago, Ill Mar 12, 1913 D-105 (2) LKU?? Cvr w/2c red vf-/f+
116 Ann Arbor, Mich Apr 10, 1912 D-104 greeting pc w/1c grn vf-/f
117 Joplin, Mo Aug 28, 1911 D-104 ppc w/1c grn f-/f-
118 Hamilton, Ohio Feb 20, 1913 D-104 ppc w/1c grn vg+/f-
119 Nashville, Tenn May 8, 1912 D-104 bkstmp cover vf-/f
120 Pasadena, Calif Jan 1, 1949 Mach #2 BT2L-200 cvr w/#968 w/cachet 1949 Tournament of Roses Cachet f/vf-
121 Chicago, Ill May 22, 1936 mach #25 left BT25L-200 window cvr w/3c purple w/cc vf-/f+
122 Chicago, Ill Jul 12, 1932 B-223 (34) cvr w/3c purple w/cc Shakeproof Lock Washer Co vf/vf
123 Bay City, Mich Aug 1, 1921 DT-300 cvr w/2c red cachet National Cycle Co vg/f MB-6 PHOTO
124 Lansing, Mich Nov 1, 1935 BT-200 cvr w/#775 first day of issue Cat Val $15 vf/f+ edge toning MB-3
125 Charlotte, NC mach #1 May 21, 1931 BT-500 cvr w/2c red w/cachet Sons of Amer Rev f+/f MB-3 PHOTO
126 Charlotte, NC mach #2 Aug 9, 1934 BT2L-200 pse + 2c red w/cc Armstrong Cork f+/vf
127 Raleigh, NC mach#1 Dec 29, 1933 BT1L-500 cvr w/2c red w/cachet 125th Birth of A. Jackson vf/vf- PHOTO
128 Harrisburg, PA mach #1 Sep 18, 1934 BT1L-200 cvr w/#741 w/cachet vf-/vf- PHOTO
129 Philadelphia, PA Mar 1, 1917 BT-430 Germantown Station cvr w/cc Philadelphia Normal School vg+/vg+
130 Salt Lake City, Utah Jul 29, 1929 Gutherie Sta BS-500 ppc Temple Block w/1c grn f-/f
131 Longmire, Wash Aug 3, 1934 DT-300 cvr w/#742 FDC no cachet f/f+ MB-2
Universal Slogans
132 Oakland, Calif Nav. Sup. Depot Oct 27, 1948 DS-400 Navy Day Oct 27 cvr w/#956 w/cachet f/f+ MB-2.50
133 Pasadena, Calif mach #2 Jan 1, 1937 BT2L-400 Buy US Savings Bonds cvr w/#773 vg+/vg+ MB-2 PHOTO
134 San Diego, Calif mach 1 Nov 20, 1931 BT400 Red Cross Roll Call Join cvr w/2c red coil f/f-
135 San Diego, Calif mach 1 Seep 3, 1942 BT400 Buy Defense Savings Bonds and Stamps cvr free military mail w/illus cc YMCA Building San Diego f/f
136 San Diego, Calif mach 1 Oct 11, 1950 BT400 Remember Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires w/pair 997 f/f-
137 San Diego, Calif mach 3 Oct 3, 1955 BT3L400 Remember Only ….Prevent Forest Fires cvr w/6c airmail f/f
138 New Britain, Conn mach #2 Oct 23, 1950 BT-400 New Britain Centennial philatelic cvr w/#997 f+/f-
139 New Haven, Conn Nov 15, 1938 Mach #3 Red Cross Roll Call Join cvr w/#800 w/cc vg+/f
140 Gainesville, Fla Mar 23, 1953 DT-400 Centennial Univ of Florida philatelic w/#1019 f/vf-
141 Jacksonville, Fla Oct 27, 1948 BT-400 Navy Day October 27 philatelic w/#951 f+/vf-
142 Augusta, Ga mach #1 May 2, 1960 DT-400 100th Anniv US Army Signal Corps comm cvr Best & Co f+/f+
143 Jonesboro, Ga Sep 3, 1956 DT-400 Centennial Celebration philatelic w/#1073 vf-/vf-
144 Hilo, Hawaii Apr 10, 1959 Fight Cancer Give to Hawaii Cancer Society comm cvr w/#C51 f-/f
145 Honolulu, Hawaii Jun 16, 1959 J-26 Employ Handicapped Ability Counts bicolor pse w/UC33 f+/f+
146 Honolulu, Hawaii Aug 4, 1959 J-42 Pray for Peace pc w/5c airmail beach scene f+/f+
147 Chicago, Ill mach #5 Nov 11, 1956 B-400 Check Diabetes Be Tested philatelic ½ c orange block of 6 vg+/vf-
148 Chicago, Ill mach #14 Jun 11, 1962 B-400 Chicago 125 yrs of Progress comm cvr w/4c violet Lincoln f+/f+
149 Chicago, Ill mach #106 Mar 21, 1962 B-400 Chicago 125 yrs of Progress window cvr w/4c violet coil f+/vf-
150 Mount Pleasant, Iowa Aug 26, 1965 J-26 Old Threshers Reunion/ Five Days Ending/ on Labor Day cvr w/#1269 f/vf
151 Binghamton, NY xxx 18, 1946 BT-400 Buy US Savings Bonds adv pc w/#930 vg/f+ MB-5 PHOTO
152 Chapel Hill, NC Aug 13, 1962 DT-400 Pray for Peace bicolor airmail cvr w/#C58 vg+/f
153 Athens, Ohio Jan 1, 1954 DT-400 Ohio Univ Sesquicentennial phil cvr w/#1027 f/f+
154 Chillicothe, Ohio Feb 19, 1953 Ohio Sesquicentennial/Chillicothe/First Capital cvr w/#945 w/cachet of Ohio famous figures and locations f-/f MB-2
155 Columbus Grove, Ohio Feb 1, 1964 DT-400 Columbus Grove Centennial philatelic w/#1231 f/vf-
156 Coshocton, Ohio May 22, 1961 DT-400 Coshocton Sesquicentennial philatelic w/#1178 vf/vf
157 Germantown, Ohio Aug 1, 1954 DT-400 1804-1954 Sesquicentennial philatelic w/#1004 f+/vf-
158 Knoxville, Tenn Sep 19, 1952 Mach #1 BT1L-400 Wear Your Red Feather Proudly lt brn cvr w/3c violet f-/vg+ cut shrt left
159 Nashville, Tenn Oct 26, 1943 BT-400 Buy War Savings Bonds & Stamps greeting pc soldiers free mail vg/f-
Large Lots of Non-flag Machine Cancels
160 200 Pennsylvania covers and cards 170+ covers 1894 to 1980 most are International and Universal. Nearly all are vg/vg or better. No duplicates noticed. From consignor who just wants to sell his extra Pennsylvania towns from A to W MB-25
161 125+ slogan cancels on covers and cards. 100+ are covers. There are no duplicates. All are International and Universal machines. Nearly all are vg/vg or better. Most cancels are from the years 1960 to 1970. The states covered are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. MB-20
162 54 covers and cards, 17 are covers. Mixture of various machine cancels with around half being slogans from the 1940s. Range of years is from 1889 to 1945. 52 of these were previously offered but not sold, and all are vg/vg or better in condition, the other two were extras from the same consignor. Variety of states covered – CA, FL, CO, CN, DC, IN, IL, LA, ME, MA MI, MO, NE, NH, NY, OH, UT, WI, VA, TN, and TX. MB-15
163 Southampton 27 May 1935 UK stamped entire w/cachet of RMS Queen Mary Maiden Voyage Southampton to New York May 27th 1936 f/f MB-3 PHOTO
164 Port Colborne, Ontario Jan 23, 1956 RPPC Lift Bridge w/4c violet Canada f/f
165 San Juan, P.R. Jul 16, 1935 D-42 AMSTb cvr w/2c red + 1c grn vg-/f+ plane on top of red stamp
FLAG CANCELS references are to the Flag Cancel Encyclopedia 4th Edition
American Postal Machines Co.
(note: the ‘points’ respectively indicated in the FCE are affected when the cancel is on a gpc or pc; see pages 112 to 114)
166 1. Pacific Grove, Cal Nov 7, 1917 B14 22 pts ppc w/2c red vg+/vg+ cancel 1/3 off right MB-2
167 5. Palo Alto, Cal Dec 6, 1921 A14 dd 12 pts ppc Stanford Univ w/1c grn vg/vg+
168 3. Redlands, Cal Mar 25, 1912 B14 dd 9 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/vg- rgh open on R
169 2. Riverside, Cal Mar 2, 1913 B14 ( ) 4 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f
170 2. San Bernardino, Cal Jul 5, 1909 B14 5 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f-
171 3. San Jose, Cal Jul 22, 1909 B14 7 pts late use for this die ppc w/#300 vf-/f-
172 Denver, Colo Jul 15, 1912 A38 Five Points Station 18 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f-
173 Denver, Colo Apr 2, 1912 A38 South Denver Station 18 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+ MB-2
174 1. Lamar, Colo Dec 21, 1912 A14 24 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/f MB-2.50
175 1. Salida, Colo Mar 4, 1909 B14 (1) 18 pts ppc w/1c grn f-/f MB-1.50
176 1. Hartford, Conn Feb 17, 1898 B14 (1) 10 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau vf-/f-
177 3. Middletown, Conn Sep 8, 1908 B14 2 pts greeting pc w/#300 vg+/vg+
178 1. New Haven, Conn Mar 30, 1898 B14 (1) 2 pts gpc vg/vg left bot crnr clipped
179 2. Norwalk, Conn Dec 22, 1914 B14 (1) 5 pts cvr w/2c red f-/f-
180 South Manchester, Conn Mar 27, 1910 B14 17 pts Easter pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
181 3. Stamford, Conn Nov 18, 1910 B14 3 pts cvr w/2c red vf-/f+
182 4. Stamford, Conn Dec 23, 1914 A14 6 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+ lite print
183 5. Waterbury, Conn Dec 5, 1905 B14 ( ) dd 1 pt ppc w/#300 The Elton Hotel Waterbury vg+/f+
184 West Haven, Conn Jul 11, 1911 A14 6 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f
185 2. Winsted, Conn Dec 22, 1911 B14 (1) dd 6 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f
186 De Land, Fla Dec 17, 1912 A14 20 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f
187 1. Saint Augustine, Fla Apr 8, 1910 B14 10 pts ppc no stamp Old City Gates f+/vg- removal of stamp caused top layer of card material to tear away also
188 9. Tampa, Fla Feb 12, 1917 A14 2 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
189 Tifton, Ga Sep 30, 1913 A14 23 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Tiff’s Dry Goods vf-/f- tear top left crnr MB-2.50
190 3. Honolulu, Hawaii Dec 22, 1915 A14 lt brn bus reply entire + 2c red w/enclosures – extensive article on surfing in Hawaii MB-2.50
191 1. Champaign, Ill Aug 8, 1910 B14 (1) 3 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
192 60. Chicago, Ill Aug 24, 1897 B14 (Z) 15 pts adv pse The American Cereal Company with picture of Pilgrim f+/f+ MB-4 PHOTO
193 1. Mattoon, Ill Apr 15, 1908 B14 3 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/vg
194 2. Monmouth, Ill Jun 1, 1907 B14 ( ) 5 pts pse vg/vg-
195 6. Quincy, Ill May 25, 1899 B14 ( ) 15 pts pse w/cc State Savings Loan & Trust vg+/vg+
196 1. Connersville, Ind Nov 22, 1912 B14 5 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f/f
197 1. Crawfordsville, Ind Dec 31, 1908 B14 5 pts cvr w/#319 vg+/vg+ lite print
198 1. Huntington, Ind Aug 17, 1908 B14 (1) 6 pts gpc late use f+/f
199 1. Jeffersonville, Ind Oct 3, 1910 B14 5 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f/f-
200 1. Lafayette, Ind Feb 17, 1898 B14 (1) 11 pts pse vf/f+
201 2. Lafayette, Ind Oct 1, 1901 B14 2 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/295 vf-/f MB-1.50
202 2. Wabash, Ind May 12, 1920 A14 10 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/f- lite print
203 1. Clinton, Iowa Dec 16, 1901 B14 (1) 6 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau vg+/vg+
204 2. Waverly, Iowa Mar 16, 1909 A14 30 pts single yr of use gpc f-/vg+ MB-3
205 3. Waverly, Iowa Aug 23, 1910 B14 dd 30 pts die 06-31 birthday pc w/1c grn f-/f- MB-3
206 2. Webster City, Iowa Dec 24, 1913 A14 11 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/f-
207 Kansas City, Kans. Dec 10, 1906 B14 (1) 2 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/f-
208 Kansas City, Kans. Dec 11, 1905 B14 (1) 2 pts pse f/vg rgh open on R
209 7. Louisville, Ky Sep 5, 1908 B38 Station E 12 pts ppc w/#300 f-/vg+
210 1. Auburn, Me. Feb 12, 1909 B14 2 pts pse w/cc Pearl, Shank, & Leather Board Co f-/f
211 1. Bar Harbor, Me Oct 12, 1906 B14 (1) 12 pts ppc w/1p red GB stamp as recpt cancel from England vg+/vg+
212 1. Camden, Maine Jul 17, 1909 B14 ( ) 17 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f
213 2. Old Orchard, Maine Aug 4, 1913 A14 8 pts ppc w/1c grn scene of surf and beach f/vg+
214 Portland, Me. Woodfords Sta Jul 3, 1928 C14 20 pts pse w/cc Portland Evergreen Nurseries f/vf- MB-2.50
215 Saco, Maine Jan 26, 1922 A14 7 pts pse w/cc Mutual Fire Insurance Co f/f-
216 1. Waterville, Me Jun 26, 1902 B14 4 pts bkstmp cvr vf-/vg+
217 1. Waterville, Me Mar 10, 1908 B14 4 pts ppc w/#300 f/vg+
218 23. Boston, Mass Jul 19, 1904 B4 (4) ovate cvr w/#324 w/illus cc vg+/vg+ rgh open top MB-4 PHOTO
219 31. Boston, Mass Oct 16, 1896 D3 (6) 30 pts pse w/cc f+/f MB-3
220 44. Boston, Mass Feb 4, 1898 D4 (8) steep dd 25 pts adv cvr w/2c red Boston Hose & Rubber Co. vf/f+ MB-4
221 59. Boston, Mass Apr 10, 1896 D4 (12) 30 pts pse +1c blue+2c red w/cc to Germany f/vg+ fold left MB-7
222 5. Brockton, Mass Oct 28, 1908 B14 (1) 2 pts ppc w/300 Church in Brockton vf-/f
223 Cambridge Sta, Boston, Mass May 23, 1897 N14 Steep dd 20 pts 3.25x4 cvr w/2c red Bureau vg+/f MB-2.50
224 2. Cambridge, A, Mass May 13, 1910 S14 3 pts ppc w/1c grn Old North Church vg/f cancel ¼ off right
225 Holliston, Mass Apr 13, 1929 A14 22 pts cvr w/2c red w/illus cc f+/f MB-4 PHOTO
226 1. Housatonic, Mass Jun 1, 1933 A14 LFHC pse w/cc Monument Mills vg/vg sm tear top town very lite
227 1. North Adams, Mass Apr 21, 1905 B14 (1) 2 pts bkstmp cvr vf-/vf-
228 2. Adrian, Mich Jul 17, 1911 B14 ( ) 4 pts ppc w/1c grn County Court House f/f-
229 2. Big Rapids, Mich Mar 10, 1911 A14 13 pts early use greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/f
230 1. Ionia, Mich Mar 9, 1910 B14 9 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f+/vg sm piece missing left edge
231 1. Lake City, Minn Jul 12, 1912 B14 22 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f MB-2
232 1. Rochester, Minn Jun 23, 1908 B14 6 pts early use ppc w/#300 Library, Rochester f/f
233 Chillicothe, Mo Nov 23, 1921 A14 11 pts ppc w/1c grn f-/f
234 7. Kansas City, Mo Mar 12, 1910 A38 Station A 10 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f dial very lite o/w cancel vg+
235 2. St. Louis, Mo Mar 11, 1899 B14 (1) dd pse U358 w/cc C. H. McKeel (stamp dealer) f+f MB-3
236 11. St. Louis, Mo May 29, 1906 B38 Annex Station 23 pts greeting pc w/#300 vf-/f+ MB-2
237 4. Bozeman, Mont Aug 16, 1912 A14 16 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f lite print
238 Glacier Park, Mont Aug 25, 1921 A14 13 pts ppc w/1c grn picture of Blackfeet Indians and Tepee vg+/vg+
239 Blair, Nebr Apr 8, 1912 A14 20 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+ MB-2
240 Tonopah, Nev Jan 13, 1922 A14 dd 23 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f- MB-2
241 5. Concord, NH Dec 5, 1908 B14 (1) 1 pt pse w/cc Brown & Batchelder f+/f+
242 1. Keene, NH Sep 19, 1899 B14 4 pts 3.5x4.5 pse U318? If so then cat val $50 f/f- MB-3.50
243 2. Atlantic City, NJ Jun 23, 1899 B14 (1) dd 15 pts pse vg+/vg+
244 3. Cape May, NJ Oct 4, 1918 A14 20 pts gpc f-/f-
245 3. Elizabeth, NJ May 23, 1908 B14 ( ) 1 pt birthday pc w/#300 f/vg+
246 3. Ocean Grove, NJ Aug 27, 1908 B14 dd 4 pts ppc w/#300 vg/vg+
247 5. Orange, NJ Dec 23, 1907 B14 ( ) 3 pts xmas pc w/#300 f-/f-
248 1. Santa Fe, N Mex Dec 27, 1918 A14 20 pts cvr w/cc Board of Historical Service Palace of the Governors Santa Fe vg/vg several sm tears top and right side
249 2. Amsterdam, NY May 4, 1906 B14(1) dd 2 pts pse w/cc f-/f-
250 4. Auburn, NY Jan 1, 1908 B14 4 pts pse w/cc National Bank of Auburn vg+/f
251 Bath, NY Jan 20, 1912 B14 7 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
252 Carthage, NY Dec 31, 1910 A14 17 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg-/f date very faint
253 1. Chautauqua, NY Aug 26, 1908 B14 40 pts ppc w/#300 Chautauqua Institute f/f+ MB-4
254 2. Chautauqua, NY Aug 1, 1910 A14 8 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f
255 2. Cooperstown, NY May 3, 1912 A14 18 pts pse w/cc f/f-
256 3. Elmira, NY Jan 29, 1898 B14 (1) steep 20 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc The Alaska Mining & Prospecting Company Elmira, NY g/g+ rgh open Rt
257 2. Endicott, NY Sep 11, 1912 A14 6 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+
258 1. Fort Plain, NY Dec 22, 1909 B14 18 pts pse f+/vg+ 60% toning
259 2. Fort Plain, NY Jan 1, 1925 A14 18 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+ lite print
260 Geneva, NY Mar 17, 1911 B14(1) 3 pts lt brn cvr w/1c grn w/cc Price Bros William St Nurseries vg+/vg+
261 2. Herkimer, NY Apr 6, 1914 A14 5 pts Easter pc w/1c grn vg+/f
262 Hudson, NY Dec 19, 1908 B14 6 pts cvr bkstmp vf/vf-
263 Hudson Falls, NY May 1, 1914 A14 11 pts 3.25x5.5 pse w/cc vg+/vg+
264 1. Ilion, NY Sep 24, 1906 B14(1) 8 pts pse w/cc vg+/vg+ town name partial
265 2. Jamestown, NY Mar 11, 1901 B14(1) dd 15 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+
266 Johnson City, NY Apr 6, 1923 A14 9 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc vg+/vg+
267 Kingston, NY Dec 27, 1900 B14 10 pts pse w/cc vf/f- toning on edges
268 Lake George, NY Sep 2, 1922 A14 30 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/vf- MB-3
269 2. Lestershire, NY May 26, 1915 A14 10 pts cvr w/2c red f+/vg lrg tear U L crnr
270 1. Little Falls, NY Feb 13, 1901 B14 3 pts 3.25x5.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f-/f-
271 2. Lockport, NY Dec 23, 1909 B14 4 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f+/vg+
272 Lyons, NY Nov 24, 1916 A14 13 pts 3.75x5.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/f-
273 1. Medina, NY Jan 2, 1911 B14 9 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red vg+/f-
274 3. Medina, NY Mar 8, 1922 year unreadable but verified by billing note on cvr A14 12 pts pse w/cc Swett Iron Works f-/vg rgh open on Rt
275 Middleport, NY Dec 22, 1928 A14 38 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/f- ‘lepo’ not printed MB-2.50
276 Middletown, NY Jul 8, 1904 B14(1) 3 pts pse w/cc vg/f-
277 New Brighton, NY Dec 15, 1906 B14(1) 12 pts greeting pc w/#300 f/f+
278 2. New Rochelle, NY May 24, 1911 B14 4 pts bkstmp cvr vf-/f
279 Niagara Falls, NY Aug 21, 1916 A38 Bridge Station 16 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
280 Niagara Falls, NY Aug 21, 1909 A38 Falls Station 4 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/vg+
281 1. Northport, NY Dec 13, 1909 B14 28 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Ed Thompson Law Publishers vg+/vg+ MB-2.50
282 1. Nyack, NY Jul 29, 1912 B14 10 pts pse w/cc Supreme Court of New York vg+/vg+
283 Ogdensburg, NY Oct 2, 1908 B14(1) 3 pts pse w/cc vg+/f
284 Olean, NY Mar 12, 1906 B14(1) 3 pts cvr w/#319 f-/vg+
285 Owego, NY Jan 6, 1911 B14 10 pts bkstmp cvr f/vg+
286 1. Oyster Bay, NY 2nd class 1916 B14 33 pts cvr w/1c grn vg/vg+ MB-2
287 Patchogue, NY Nov 29, 1912 A14 20 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f+/f- MB-2
288 Penn Yan, NY Jan 24, 1918 A14 15 pts cvr w/3c violet vg+/vg+
289 1. Perry, NY Jun 13, 1914 A14 13 pts lt brn cvr w/2c red w/cc First Universalist Church vg+/g
290 1. Poughkeepsie, NY Sep 20, 1898 B14(1) 12 pts pse vg+/f+
291 1. Richmond Hill, NY Dec 2, 1909 B14 15 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f-/f
292 Riverhead, NY Nov 30, 1920 A14 23 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red f/vg+ MB-2.50
293 Rochester, NY Mar 7, 1916 A38 East Avenue Station 12 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red f+/f-
294 Rye, NY Jan 2, 1915 A14 13 pts New Years pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+ water stain U L crnr
295 Sacket Harbor, NY Dec 10, 1929 A14 10 pts pse f-/vg+ fold in middle
296 Saranac Lake, NY Sep 8, 1913 A14 13 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/pair 1c grn vg+/vg+
297 1. Saugerties, NY Aug 28, 1908 B14 17 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/vg+
298 2. Saugerties, NY Sep 30, 1912 A14 14 pts cvr w/2c red vf-/vg+ rgh open Rt
299 1. Sayville, NY Dec 21, 1912 A14 24 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg/vg MB-2
300 Schuylerville, NY Aug 4, 1927 A14 37 pts cvr w/#644 2nd day of issue vg/vf- lite print MB-4
301 2. Seneca Falls, NY Dec 21, [1]921 3 digit year A14 dd 16 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f-/vg+
302 Sidney Center, NY Mar 15, 1937 A14 11 pts cvr w/#792 vg+/vg+
303 1. Stapleton, NY Jun 21, 1909 B14(1) 20 pts 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+ MB-2
304 Staten Island, NY Mar 30, 1918 B38 West New Brighton Sta 30 pts pse f-/vg MB-2.50
305 5. Syracuse, NY Aug 1, 1898 B14(3) 28 pts pse vf-/f- rgh open left MB-2.50
306 2. Troy, NY Oct 13, 1898 B14 (1) 10 pts pse vf-/vg+ cut shrt left
307 6. Troy, NY Jul 21, 1900 B14( ) dd 1 pt 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f/vg+ 2 sm ink stains top
308 Warsaw, NY Dec 28, 1918 A14 16 pts xmas & New Years pc w/2c red f-/vg+
309 3. Watertown, NY Mar 17, 1910 B14 ( ) 1 pt easter pc w/1c grn f/f
310 West New Brighton, NY Apr 18, 1908 B14 15 pts Easter pc w/#300 vg+/vg+
311 Williamson, NY Dec 17, 1931 A14 11 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Sunnyside Farm vg+/f- town name partial
312 Brooklyn, NY Sep 29, 1906 B38 Coney Island Station 15 pts ppc w/#300 vg-/vg+ year partial
313 Brooklyn, NY Jul 24, 1917 A38 Saint Johns Place Station 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red w/enclosure vg/vg+
314 Brooklyn, NY Dec 26, 1909 B38 Station C 5 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/vg+
315 Buffalo, NY Dec 29, 1911 B38 Station C 4 pts New Years pc w/ no stamp vg+/vg+
316 Buffalo, NY Jul 8, 1912 B38 Station E greeting pc w/1c grn f/f-
American Flag Cancels New York City Main Office (page 46 4th FCE)
317 1. New York, NY Feb 17, 1896 D14(2) 30 pts lt blue pse 2c grn Washington w/cc Chapman Derrick & Wrecking Co f+/vg+ MB-3
318 9. New York, NY Jun 11, 1896 D14(4) 25 pts pse w/cc f+/f- lt ink smudges near cancel
319 14. New York, NY 2nd cls 1897 B14(6) 25 pts adv cvr w/1c blue Franklin Bureau vg+/vg+ MB-2 PHOTO
320 17. New York, NY Jan 24, 1900 B14(6) dd 14 pts pse w/cc vg+/f
321 19. New York, NY Jul 6, 1896 D14(8) 30 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc Pfeiffer & Lavanburg Manufacturers and Importers of Color f+/f MB-3
322 20. New York, NY Jan 27, 1897 B14(8) 8 pts commercial pse 2c grn Washington New York Life Insurance Co to Wisconsin Branch Office, Milwaukee, Wis f+/f+
323 25. New York, NY May 14, 1897 B14(10) 25 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau f+/vg+ several light smudges MB-2
324 28. New York, NY Nov 6, 1899 B14(10) dd 12 pts pse w/cc Engineering News vf-/vg+
325 30. New York, NY Sep 9, 1897 B14(12) 25 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/adv cc Union Printing Printing, Publishing, Advertising vg+/vg+ tiny piece missing top
326 39. New York, NY Feb 20, 1899 B14(14) dd 20 pts #10 pse w/2c postage due w/cc Municipal Debenture Co f/vg fold down middle w/sm circular mark of Due 2 cents
327 40. New York, NY Aug 21, 1896 D14(16) 30 pts pse 2c grn Washington vf-/f- MB-3.00
328 41. New York, NY Oct 30, 1897 B14(16) 20 pts pse 2c grn Washington w/cc vf-/vg+
329 53. New York, NY 2nd cls 1899 B14(20) dd 35 pts lt blue pse 1c grn Franklin f+/f-
330 55. New York, NY Nov 17, 1896 D14(22) 25 pts pse 2c grn Washington w/cc f-/f
331 57. New York, NY Sep 21, 1896 D14(24) 30 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc [Se]aboard Air Line vg/vg cut shrt on left into Seaboard cc town name partial
332 64. New York, NY Mar 1, 1897 B14(28) 30 pts #10 pse 2c grn Washington w/cc vg-/vg+ fold in middle
333 68. New York, NY 2nd cls 1897 B14(32) 30 pts adv pse 1c blue Franklin J.W. Scott Junior Weekly Letter Stamps and Coins vg+/vg+ dial lite PHOTO
American Flag Cancels New York City Stations (page 47 4th FCE)
334 New York, NY Sta D Mar 19, 1896 E14(1) 30 pts commercial pse German American Ins Co vf-/f+ MB-3
335 New York, NY ‘H’ Jun 23, 1897 F14(2) 25 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau f/vg+
336 New York, NY Sta O Jul 8, 1896 E14(1) 30 pts 3.25x5.75 pse w/cc The MacMillan Co vg+/f- MB-2.50
337 New York, NY ‘O’ Jan 16, 1897 F14(2) 10 pts 3.25x5.75 pse 2c grn Wash w/cc The MacMillan Co f/f
338 New York, NY ‘P’ 2nd cls 1897 F14(1) 10 pts cvr w/1c blue Franklin w/cc Oppenheimer Co vg+/vg+ cut shrt lft
339 New York, NY Sta P 2nd cls 1896 E14(2) 30 pts pse 1c blue Franklin vf-/f MB-2.50
340 New York, NY ‘P’ 2nd cls 1898 F14(2) 10 pts pse 1c blue Franklin w/cc Elmerhorst & Co f+/f
341 New York, NY ‘P’ Mar 1, 1898 F14(3) 11 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau vf-/vg+ minor rgh open top
342 New York, NY Oct 1, 1910 B38 Station T 5 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/f
343 New York, NY Dec 31, 1915 A26 Station T ( C) 30 pts New Years pc w/1c grn vg+/f MB-2
344 New York, NY Mar 20, 1907 B38 Station X 4 pts greeting pc w/#300 f-/vg+
345 New York, NY Dec 20, 1899 B38 Station Y 11 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f+/f
346 New York, NY Apr 14, 1911 B38 Tremont Station 7 pts Easter pc w/1c grn f/f
347 Ashville, NC Jun 22, 1906 B14 ( ) 6 pts gpc vf-/f-
348 1. Raleigh, NC Apr 9, 1907 B14 (1) 4 pts pse rcpt cancel on back Columbia Little Rock, Ark Diamond cancel with Star A-2D vg/vg+ MB-3
349 Fargo, N Dak Oct 7, 1908 B14 (1) 12 pts ppc w/#300 Carnegie Library Fargo f-/vg+
350 1. Grand Forks, N Dak Jul 1, 1910 B14 (1) 4 pts pse w/cc vg/f-
351 1. Jamestown, N Dak Jun 19, 1910 B14 (1) 13 pts ppc w/1c grn Spiritwood Lake vg-/f lite print
352 Valley City, N Dak May 6, 1909 A14 14 pts ppc w/1c grn Birds Eye View Valley City f+/f+ MB-2
353 2. Williston, N Dak Oct 6, 1920 A14 13 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc The Williston Herald vf/f+ MB-2
354 1. Coshocton, Ohio Jan 4, 1910 B14 5 pts ppc w/1c grn f-/vg+
355 Delaware, Ohio Feb 23, 1904 B14 (1) 4 pts gpc f+/f+
356 2. Elyria, Ohio Jan 4, 1908 B14 3 pts gpc f/f+
357 Fostoria, Ohio Dec 22, 1915 B14 (1) 3 pts cvr w/2c red f-/vg+
358 2. Massillon, Ohio Dec 28, 1908 B14 ( ) 3 pts pse w/cc W.R. Harrison & Co vf-/f-
359 1. Salem, Ohio Oct 25, 1910 B14 (1) 5 pts pse w/cc Victor Stove Company vg/vg
360 2. Alva, Okla Jul 28, 1909 A14 21 pts RPPC w/1c grn vf-/f MB-2.50
361 6. Bartlesville, Okla Sep 9, 1910 A14 24 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red w/enclosure f/f lite print MB-2.50
362 1. Chickasha, Okla Aug 6, 1908 B14 26 pts greeting pc w/#300 vg+/vg+ MB-2
363 El Reno, Okla Jun 2, 1910 B14 (1) 6 pts greeting pc f+/f
364 Fort Cobb, Okla Sep 18, 1934 A14 12 pts cvr w/3c violet w/cc Farmers Co-op Mill and Elevator Assoc f-/vg
365 2. Hobart, Okla Jan 29, 1915 A14 22 pts 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red vf-/f- cut shrt left MB-2.50
366 Lawton, Okla Mar 8, 1912 B14 7 pts gpc f/vg sm water stain on Rt edge
367 1. Nowata, Okla Apr 7, 1914 A4 ovate easter pc w/1c grn g+/f flag is partial MB-3.50
368 2. Oklahoma, Okla Jan 24, 1908 B14 dd 4 pts ppc w/#300 vf-/vg+
369 2. Ponca, Okla Oct 11, 1907 B14 28 pts greeting pc w/#319 g/vg dial and flag are partial MB-2
370 3. Ponca, Okla Feb 23, 1910 A14 35 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+ MB-3
371 1. Sapulpa, Okla Dec 24, 1911 A14 13 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f-/f-
372 1. Woodward, Okla Apr 25, 1913 A14 22 pts pse w/cc The Soul Winner vg+/f- lite print
373 Tulsa, Ind T. Jan 27, 1907 B14 $12 ppc w/#300 Birds Eye View Tulsa f/vg+ MB-7
374 3. Barberton, Ohio Oct 1, 1914 A14 10 pts greeting pc f/f
375 1. Corvallis, Oregon Nov 20, 1908 H14 16 pts 3x5 cvr w/319 vg+/vg- rgh open Rt
376 1. Corvallis, Oregon Feb 11, 1909 H14 16 pts ppc w/1c grn view of Mt Pitt f/vg+
377 1. East Pittsburg, Pa Nov 18, 1909 B14 8 pts ppc w/1c grn vf-/f
378 4. Lancaster, Pa Oct 21, 1897 B13 (1) 40 pts 3x5.25 cvr w/2c red w/cc Hamilton Club g-/vg+ star field mostly not printed except for flag field cancel is fine MB-1.50 as is
379 2. Marietta, Pa Jan 31, 1914 A14 25 pts pse 2c red Washington w/cc f-/f- MB-2.50
380 3. Norristown, Pa Nov 15, 1908 B14 4 pts ppc w/#300 vf/f-
381 1. Ridgway, Pa Aug 6, 1910 B14 10 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vf-/f
382 1. State College, Pa May 25, 1914 B14 19 pts gpc f+/f+
383 2. West Grove, Pa Jan 25, 1920 A14 dd 35 pts lt brn comm cvr w/2c red Penn Nursery Co vg/vg+ MB-3
384 Wilkinsburg, Pa Aug 12, 1916 B14 2 pts cvr w/2c red vg/vg
385 7. York, Penn Jul 11, 1915 A14 dd 4 pts 3x5.5 cvr w/1c grnx2 w/enclosure f+/vg aging and toning
386 10. Philadelphia, Pa Jun 22, 1908 B38 Station S (2) dd 4 pts gpc vf/f+
387 2. Philadelphia, Pa Aug 10, 1909 B38 West Philadelphia Station (2) dd 5 pts lt brn comer cvr w/2c red w/cc Masonic Protective Assoc vg/vg 3 crnrs clipped
388 Central Falls, RI Feb 17, 1917 A14 5 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f/f+
389 1. Newport, RI Oct 5, 1898 B14 (1) 15 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/vg minor rgh open Rt
390 3. Newport, RI Oct 22, 1906 B14 2 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/#319 vg/vg+
391 4. Newport, RI May 18, 1908 B14 dd 15 pts ppc w/300 scene of Point Judith f/f
392 5. Newport, RI Jun 10, 1909 B14 dd 10 pts pse vf/f+
393 6. Newport, RI May 22, 1918 A14 3 pts cvr w/3c violet w/cc YMCA f/vg+ toning
394 1. Pawtucket, RI May 3, 1898 B14 (1) 10 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Fred Jones & Co Druggists vg+/vg+
395 3. Pawtucket, RI Dec 11, 1900 B14 (1) dd 10 pts gpc vg+/vg+
396 4. Pawtucket, RI Sep 25, 1905 B14 (1) dd 2 pts cvr w/319 vg+/vg B R crnr clipped
397 7. Pawtucket, RI Jun 6, 1913 A14 1 pt pse w/cc H & B American Machine Co vf/vf-
398 Valley Falls, RI Dec 15, 1937 A14 10 pts pse w/cc Valley Falls Machinery Co vg+/f toning
399 Warren, RI Feb 13, 1929 A14 10 pts pse w/cc vg/f ‘RREN’ not printed
400 1. Westerly, RI Nov 17, 1909 B14 5 pts pse f/f
401 2. Westerly, RI Sep 7, 1917 A14 10 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+
402 2. Woonsocket, RI Apr 20, 1908 B14( ) 1 pt easter pc w/300 vg/f
403 3. Woonsocket, RI Feb 13, 1913 B14 2 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/f
404 6. Woonsocket, RI Feb 18, 1919 A14 7 pts pse w/cc Taft-Pierce Mfg Co f/f+
405 3. Providence, RI Aug 2, 1900 B14 (1) 1 pt pse w/cc Builders Iron Foundry vf/f+
406 4. Providence, RI Jun 21, 1911 B14 (1) dd 3 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg+ sm piece missing T L crnr
407 6. Providence, RI Mar 5, 1906 B14 (2) 1 pt cvr w/319 vf/f
408 7. Providence, RI Dec 23, 1911 B14 (2) dd 4 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/vg+
409 8. Providence, RI Jul 23, 1902 B14 (3) 2 pts cvr w/2c red vf-/f+
410 9. Providence, RI Feb 21, 1907 B14 (3) dd 1 pt pse w/cc First Congregational Society vf-/f+
411 11. Providence, RI Jan 1, 1912 B14 7 pts New Years pc w/1c grn f/f
412 12. Providence, RI Jan 26, 1914 A14 7 pts die 07-72 cvr w/2c red w/cc vf/vf
413 12. Providence, RI Dec 24, 1914 A14 7 pts die 07-72 xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
414 13. Providence, RI Aug 28, 1913 A14 dd 7 pts die 13-99 gpc f/vg+
415 13. Providence, RI Feb 25, 1914 A14 dd 7 pts die 13-99 cvr w/2c red w/cc vf-/f+
416 14. Providence, RI Apr 5, 1915 A14 dd 12 pts die 14-33 ppc w/1c grn f-/f
417 15. Providence, RI Sep 9, 1915 A14 dd 10 pts die 12-22 pse w/cc f+/f+
418 15. Providence, RI Nov 23, 1915 A14 dd 10 pts die 12-22 thanksgiving pc w/1c grn vg+/f
419 17. Providence, RI Dec 23, 1916 A14 dd 7 pts die 16-23 xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
420 17. Providence, RI Apr 28, 1917 A14 dd 7 pts die 16-23 pse w/cc vf-/f+
421 19. Providence, RI Aug 29, 1908 B38 Elmwood Station 3 pts pse w/cc f/f
422 21. Providence, RI Nov 8, 1906 B38 North Station 3 pts cvr w/319 vf-/vg+
423 21. Providence, RI Dec 9, 1907 B38 North Station 3 pts ppc w/300 picture of Hope Club f+/f+
424 24. Providence, RI Oct 10, 1910 B38 East Side Station 2 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f
425 27. Providence, RI Mar 26, 1906 B38 Olneyville Station 3 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/319 f-/f-
426 3. Anderson, SC Apr 28, 1909 B14 7 pts ppc w/1c grn vf-/vg 2 sm stains on front
427 4. Anderson, SC Aug 6, 1920 A14 13 pts pse vf-/f- MB-2
428 Branchville, SC Mar 29, 1932 A14 10 pts pse vf-/vf- MB-2.50
429 1. Charleston, SC Feb 8, 1897 B14 (1) 13 pts 3.25x5.25 pse vf-/vf- MB-2.50
430 2. Charleston, SC Oct 25, 1897 B14( ) 58 pts 3.5x4.75 cvr w/1c blu pair vg+/vg+ rgh open Rt MB-10
431 3. Charleston, SC Dec 21, 1899 B14 ( ) dd 27 pts gpc f+/vg+ MB-2.50
432 4. Charleston, SC Aug 21, 1900 B26 Slogan Inter-State and West Indian Expo bkstmp on cover vf-/f+ MB-15
433 Columbia, SC Aug 7, 1908 B14 (1) 4 pts pse w/cc in red Wholesale Fruit and Produce f-/f+ MB-2
434 Darlington, SC Sep 2, 1921 A14 35 pts cvr w/cc in red Carolina Warehouse f+/g vry rgh open Rt MB-3
435 Georgetown, SC Feb 23, 1921? Yr very lite A14 19 pts ppc w/1c grn damaged f+/f- MB-2.50
436 1. Greenville, SC Nov 7, 1905 B14 (1) 5 pts cvr w/319 damaged vg-/vg+ MB-1.50
437 2. Greenville, SC Feb 14, 1912 B14 8 pts pse w/cc Poe Manufacturing Co vf-/f- MB-2
438 3. Greenville, SC Sep 23, 1917 A14 32 pts double strike 3.25x5.5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg rgh open R MB-3.50
439 4. Greenville, SC Aug 20, 1918 A14 DD 20 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/3c violet vg+/vg- rgh open Top MB-2
440 Marion, SC Oct 20, 1925 A14 23 pts pse w/cc vg/vg+ lite print MB-2.50
441 1. Rock Hill, SC Dec 22, 1909 B14 8 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
442 3. Rock Hill, SC Jan 5, 1920 A14 10 pts pse vf/f+ MB-2.50
443 2. Sumter, SC Oct 30, 1911 B14 8 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg-/f-
444 4. Sumter, SC Apr 12, 1920 A14 10 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg lite print
445 1. Waterboro, SC Nov 18, 1922 A14 38 pts pse w/cc Wichman Brown Company f/f MB-4.50
446 1. Aberdeen, S.Dak Nov 8, 1908 B14 8 pts pse vf-/f- MB-2
447 1. Aberdeen, S.Dak Apr 5, 1911 B14 8 pts ppc w/1c grn vf/f+
448 2. Aberdeen, S. Dak Aug 25, 1917 A14 12 pts ppc w/ 1c grn St. Lukes’ Hospital f+/f- fold MB-2
449 2. Aberdeen, S. Dak Feb 1, 1918 A14 12 pts cvr w/cc f+/vg rgh open on R into stamp MB-2.50
450 Bridgewater, S. Dak Nov 15, 1934 A14 11 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/3c violet vf-/vf- MB-2.50
451 Canton, S. Dak Feb 12, 1924 A14 26 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg+ MB-3.50
452 1. Deadwood, S. Dak May 12, 1907 B14(1) 24 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/f+ MB-3
453 2. Deadwood, S. Dak Oct 23, 1928 B14 17 pts gpc vf-vg MB-2
454 3. Deadwood, S. Dak Aug 2, 1922 A14 22 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red vf-vg+ MB-3.50
455 Edgemont, S. Dak Aug 1, 1931 A14 12 pts cvr w/702 vf-/f MB-2.50
456 1. Huron, S. Dak Nov 7, 1914 B14 9 pts pse f-/f+
457 2. Huron, S. Dak Jul 3, 1919 A14 11 pts cvr w/cc The Code Commission vf/vg cut shrt on R into stamp MB-2
458 2. Lead, So. Dak May 8, 1911 B14 11 pts die 06-48 birthday pc w/1c grn f+/f+ MB-2
459 4. Lead, So. Dak Dec 9, 1920 A14 11 pts gpc UX27 vg/f
460 4. Lead, So. Dak May 14, 1923 A14 11 pts lt brn cvr w/2c red vg/vg MB-2
461 5. Lead, So. Dak Jul 8, 1915 B14 dd 22 pts die 08-197 ppc w/1c grn vf/f MB-3
462 Lennox, S. Dak Dec 13, 1915 A14 50 pts as receipt cancel cvr w/2c red w/adv cc p/vg origin and receipt cancels on top of each other Only offered in auction because it is a scarce cancel MB-4
463 Marion, S. Dak Nov 19, 1931 A14 11 pts cvr w/2c red f-/f- MB-2
464 Menno, S. Dak Feb 4, 1922 A14 11 pts gpc UX27 vf-/f+ MB-2
465 Milbank, S. Dak Dec 31, 1927 A14 23 pts 2.75x4 cvr w/2c red f/f MB-3
466 Pierre, S. Dak Sep 1, 1914 B14 13 pts pse f-/vg B R crnr clipped
467 2. Rapid City, S. Dak Jul 15, 1918 B14 dd 16 pts comic pc w/2c red vg-/g ink smears in msg MB-2
468 Ree Heights, S. Dak May 10, 1934 A14 12 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/#737 vf/f- MB-2.50
469 3. Sioux Falls, So. Dak Oct 7, 1904 B14 7 pts pse w/cc vf-/vg- has usual die break lines 5 & 6 MB-2
470 4. Sioux Falls, S.D. Sep 2, 1901 B14 10 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Star Restaurant w/enclosure vf/vg- rgh open R
471 5. Sioux Falls, S.D. Dec 6, 1908 B14 9 pts ppc Episcopal Church w/300 vf-/f+ MB-2
472 6. Sioux Falls, S. Dak Dec 24, 1907 B14 10 pts ppc Big Sioux River Penitentiary vg/vg+ MB-2.50
473 1. Vermilion, S. Dak Mar 12, 1924 A14 30 pts cvr w/2c black Harding vg-/f dial off top ‘ILIO’ not printed MB-3
474 1. Watertown, S. Dak Dec 23, 1909 B14 10 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/vg+ MB-2
475 2. Watertown, S. Dak Feb 14, 1913 B14 dd 8 pts Valentine pc w/397 vf-/f- MB-2
476 3. Watertown, S. Dak Jul 1, 1918 A14 13 pts pse w/cc vg-/f- part of flag field not printed MB-2
477 Athens, Tenn Aug 28, 1924 A14 24 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f MB-2.50
478 1. Bristol, Tenn Oct 23, 1905 B14(1) 7 pts cvr w/319 w/cc Hobson Plumbing vf-/vg+ MB-2
479 2. Bristol, Tenn Jan 13, 1919 A14 11 ps cvr w/3c violet vg+/f MB-2.50
480 Butler, Tenn xxx, 1936 (month and day unreadable) A14 15 pts cvr w/3c violet vg-/f- MB-2
481 Celina, Tenn Feb 6, 1931 A14 12 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Kyle Cedar Co f+/vg some dirt smudges MB-2.50
482 1. Clarksville, Tenn Feb 4, 1909 B14 (1) 7 pts ppc w/300 High School vf/f MB-2.50
483 2. Clarksville, Tenn Mar 13, 1912 B14 ( ) 7 pts pse w/cc N.V. Gebhart’s Sons f+/vg+ MB-2
484 3. Cleveland, Tenn Mar 3, 1920 A14 dd 15 pts pse w/cc Dixie Foundry Co vg+/vg+ blue pencil mark on front
485 Crossville, Tenn Dec 9, 1930 A14 LFHC 14 pts 3x5.5 cvr w/2c red f-/vg+ town partial MB-2.50
486 Dyer, Tenn Nov 9, 1931 A14 13 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/f+ MB-2.50
487 Greenville, Tenn Oct 8, 1909 A14 27 pts pse w/cc Pulasky Grocery Co vg+/vg+ MB-3.50
488 Jacksboro, Tenn Apr 5, 1938 A14 12 pts cvr w/3c violet f+/f- flag vf dial g-vg MB-2
489 Jackson, Tenn Sep 28, 1910 B14 (1) 5 pts ppc w/1c grn County Court House vf/vf-
490 1. Johnson City, Tenn Jun 25, 1911 B14 (1) 5 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Johnson City Poultry Assoc vf-/f MB-2
491 Kingston, Tenn May 1, 1935 A14 12 pts commercial cvr w/3c violet Watchmaker Supply House advertising on back of cover vg+/vg+ MB-2
492 Knoxville, Tenn Dec 3, 1904 B14 3 pts cvr w/319 w/cc Intl Harvester Co vf-/f- cut shrt on Left MB-2
493 2. Lebanon, Tenn Feb 25, 1913 A14 21 pts gpc g-vg/f+ MB-2.50
494 Lewisburg, Tenn Feb 10, 1931 A14 26 pts cvr w/2c red f+/vg- defacing in address area MB-2
495 McMinnville, Tenn Nov 9, 1925 A14 28 pts Blue commercial cvr Dixie Hound Kennels w/2c red w/enclosure f+/f month and day very light MB-3
496 Memphis, Tenn Jun 16, 1916 A 38 Dutro Station 18 pts cvr w/2c red vf-/vg+ MB-2.50
497 Memphis, Tenn Mar 15, 1917 A38 Dutro Station 18 pts St. Patrick’s Day pc vf-/vg+ sm stain B L crnr
498 Milan, Tenn Dec 23, 1929 A14 32 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red coil f+/vg- sm piece missing bottom edge MB-3
499 Monterey, Tenn Nov 16, 1935 A14 10 pts commercial cvr Guarantee Mutual Life vf/f+ MB-2.50
500 1. Morristown, Tenn Oct 9, 1908 B14 21 pts ppc w/300 Indian Lake f+/f+ MB-2.50
501 Mountain City, Tenn Sep 14, 1930 A14 12 pts pse U522 f/f cancel vf-/dial vg town partial
502 1. Murfreesboro, Tenn Feb 12, 1913 B14 16 pts lt brn comm cvr Home Supply w/pair 1c grn g+/vg+ entire cancel on top of pair of green stamps
503 Nashville, Tenn Jun 13, 1900 B14 (2) 20 pts cvr w/2c red vf-/vg sm piece missing B R crnr MB-2.50
504 Trenton, Tenn Dec 8, 1930 A14 37 pts cvr w/2c red f+/vg+ MB-2.50
505 Tullahoma, Tenn Mar 1, 1923 A14 28 pts pse w/cc Campbell & Dann Mfg Co f/f- lite print MB-2.50
506 2. Dalhart, Texas Jul 20, 1911 A14 27 pts ppc no stamp f/vg+ MB-2.50
507 1. Mineral Wells, Texas Aug 29, 1912 B14 13 pts ppc w/1c grn f/vg+
508 1. Bennington, Vt Sep 9, 1910 B14 (1) 6 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
509 1. Brattleboro, Vt Oct 6, 1909 B14 5 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/2c red f+/vf-
510 1. Burlington, Vt Apr 6, 1898 B14 (1) 11 pts gpc vg/vg
511 Plymouth, Vt Aug 3, 1933 A14 LFHC 12 pts cvr w/1.5c brn w/cachet 10th Annv of Oath of Office for President Calvin Coolidge f/f- dial lite MB-1.50
512 3. Rutland, Vt Apr 17, 1908 B14 (1) dd 3 pts easter pc w/#300 f-/vg+ sm crnr fold top right
513 4. Rutland, Vt Feb 3, 1919 A14 11 pts pse w/cc Rutland County National Bank vf-/vf-
514 1. Alexandria, Va Jun8, 1900 B14(1) 9 pts lt brn cvr w/2c red Bureau vg+/g-vg hvy toning rgh open top
515 3. Alexandria, Va Mar 3, 1905 B14(1) dd 3 pts lt brn cvr w/#319 vf-/vg+ T R crnr damaged into stamp
516 2. Charlottesville, Va Aug 20, 1909 B14( ) 5 pts pse f/f-
517 1. Farmville, Va Feb 20, 1915 B14 24 pts pse w/cc vf-/f- sm piece missing B R o/w f+ cvr MB-2.50
518 2. Farmville, Va Sep 29, 1919 A14 32 pts cvr w/pair 1c grn vg+/vg+ MB-3
519 Harrisonburg, Va Jun 18, 1919 A14 20 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/3c violet vf-/vg+ MB-2
520 Luray, Va Dec 21, 1923 A14 47 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/vg+ dial partial off top ‘Ray’ not visible MB-5
521 1. Lynchburg, Va Apr 5, 1896 D14(1) 40 pts lt brn cvr w/1c blue Bureau f-/vg+ MB-3.50
522 3. Lynchburg, Va Feb 23, 1900 B14(1) dd 6 pts pse w/cc vf-/f+
523 5. Lynchburg, Va Jul 24, 1912 B14 2 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc vf-/vg rgh open right
524 4. Newport News, Va Apr 2, 1918 A14 15 pts cvr w/damaged stamp w/enclosure vg+/vg rgh open right
525 1. Petersburg, Va Oct 16, 1911 B14 7 pts cvr w/2c red vg/vg+ flag field partial
526 1. Roanoke, Va Aug 27, 1907 B14(1) 3 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/#319 vg+/vg
527 University, Va Nov 23, 192x A14 34 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f MB-3
528 Winchester, Va Nov 9, 1909 B14(1) 9 pts ppc w/1c grn Winchester, Va street scene f+/f
529 North Yakima, Wash Apr 11, 1911 B4 (1) ovate 9 months of use easter pc w/1c grn vg+/f MB-3
530 1. Whitewater, Wis Apr 13, 1917 A14 19 pts Easter pc w/1c grn f+/f
Large Lots of Flag Cancels
531 140 flag cancels on covers and cards. All different. Nearly all are vg/vg or better. States are AZ, CA, CO, CN FL, IL, IN, IA, KN and KY. Approximately half are covers. MB-30
532 71 flag cancels on covers and cards. All different and all previously offered as singles in auctions but did not sell. All are vg/vg or better. 57 cards and 14 covers. States include AZ, AR, CA, CN, FL, IL, IN, IA, KY, ME, MA, MI, MN, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, SD, V, WA, WV, WI. MB-20
533 70 Flag cancels on covers and cards. All different and all previously offered as singles in auctions but did not sell. All are vg/vg or better. 43 covers and 27 cards. States include MA, NV, NH, NJ, NM, OK, OR and PA. Heavier in OK and NJ than in other states. Nice lot. MB=25
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