About the Machine Cancel Society
This page contains information about
the Society.
Membership Application
Please consider joining us! Here is
an application to join the Machine Cancel
The Machine Cancel Society has its roots in the Flag Cancel Society,
formed over thirty years ago. The last Flag Cancel Society Constitution
was adopted November 28, 1981. The Flag Cancel Society was
incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio. The Corporate
Charter was submitted on June 4, 1982, and signed by Ralph Grumke,
the late Andy Buckland, and Bart Billings. The State of Ohio accepted its
filing as a non-profit corporation on June 7, 1982. The Internal Revenue
Service gave the Society a provisional status as a non-profit
organization on September 22, 1982. In a subsequent letter dated
April 30, 1985, the IRS formerly recognized the Society as
an "exempt" non-profit organization under 501(c)(3) of the
Code, for the reason that we are an educational society of the type
described in sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi).
On May 1, 1987, the Flag Cancel Society amended its name to the Machine
Cancel Society, as well as its Charter to reflect its change in mission
from studying only Flag Cancels to studying ALL machine markings.
Benefits of Membership in the Society
- Machine Cancel Forum: Quarterly journal sent to members
in January, April, July, and October with a variety of articles on
all phases of machine cancel collecting.
- Society Auction: Presented with each issue of Forum, here is
an opportunity to buy and sell choice machine cancel covers.
Covers are pictured in Forum. Photocopies of lots are available.
The Auction is currently headed by
Don Pearson.
Please refer to the
Machine Cancel Society Officers Page
or inside front cover
of any issue of Forum for the address of the Auction Manager.
- Questions about a particular postmark? Study group leaders head
the investigation of machine cancels in their specific field
of expertise.
Please refer to the
Machine Cancel Society Officers and Study Group Leaders Page
or inside front cover
of any issue of Forum for for contact information.
Have a question that does not fit into any category, or you do not
know the category? The Machine Cancel Forum has a special column
called "Members' Column." Place your question there
by sending it to the editor. [You can also email your
questions to Bob Swanson, the webmaster for the
Machine Cancel Society. His email address is:
He will try to answer your question,
or, failing that, send it on to an appropriate specialist.]
- Need more information about a particular postmark or machine? Chances are
the Society has a book on it! Check the
Machine Cancel Society Publications List
for a listing of all current
Society publications. Most of these books are loose leaf, not
only to keep their prices down, but also to allow you, the reader, to
decide how you wish to bind them.
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Contact Information
Updated February 16, 2020
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