Bids Must be Postmarked or E-mailed by Tuesday, November 20 , 2012
Send Bids to: [no longer relevant]
Reminder: a 10% buyer fee will be added to each winning bid. This is a policy that has been in effect for many years.
To view the complete auction terms and conditions visit:
A new rule was approved by the MCS Board at the recent Annual Meeting. If an estimated value (EV) is given for a lot then no bid less than 1/3 of that EV will be accepted.
ad advertising mc multicolor R right
am airmail env envelope min minimum recd received
B bottom EV estimated value m s manuscript reg registered
b s backstamp(ed) flts faults o/s z oversize rev reverse
ca cachet(ed) gpc government postal card o/sk overstruck sm small
cc corner card hs handstamp(ed) o/w otherwise T top
cds circular date stamp ill illustrated pc postcard(picture or greeting) unad unaddressed
cr(s) crease(s) imp impression pm postmaster var variety
cnr corner L left pmk postmark yd yeardate
cv cover lt light pse postal stationary envelope w/ with
dd different die MB minimum bid pts points w/o without
The condition of the cancellation is indicated first, then the condition of the cover or card.
For example, F/VG means a fine cancel on a very good cover or card.
Condition of the cancel (consists of the postmark and the stamp invalidator)
VF = Very Fine; all letters and cancel virtually perfect.
F = Fine; letters and cancel well imprinted, considerably better than average.
VG = Very Good; letters and cancel well imprinted but perhaps some lightness or other defect.
G = Good; some defect, such as some letters or portion of cancel light or not imprinted, or
Right ends of lines or bars run off the edge of the card or cover.
P = Poor; merely an identifiable and complete example.
Condition of the cover or card
VF = Very Fine; attractive, no faults.
F = Fine; minor fault such as toning; not described.
VG = Very Good; several minor faults, but none judged to be major; usually described.
G = Good; one or two major faults; described
If you are hesitant to bid without further details, call with your questions or request photocopies.
Bidding increments are: $ 1.00 to $ 10.00 $ 0.50
$ 10.00 to $ 100.00 $ 1.00
$ 100.00 and above $ 5.00
American (non-flags)
1 Washington, DC Aug 14, 1891 D-2( ) cvr w/cc w/2c red f/vg
2 Chicago, Ill Aug 24, 1896 D-6(V) cvr w/cc w/2c red vf/f minor soiling
3 Boston, Mass Aug 8, 1890 used May 26-Nov24 D-2(6)c cvr w/2c red vg/g-vg rgh open Rt o/w vg+ cvr
4 Boston, Mass May 2, 1889 D-6(7) cvr w/cc w/2c grn banknote f+/f
5 Boston, Mass Mar 27, 1889 used Mar 7-Aug 24 D-2(8)b 3x5.25 cvr w/2c grn banknote vf/f+ 2 ink smudges
6 Boston, Mass Oct 17, 1889 D-6(9) cvr w/cc w/2c grn banknote f/f
7 Philadelphia, PA Jun 16, 1908 B-W2( ) 3x6 cvr w/#300 f+/vg
8 Philadelphia, PA May 24, 1904 B-W2(5) grey cvr w/#324 w/cc vg/vg some soiling on cover
9 Philadelphia, PA Aug 20, 1900 B-W2(6) pse w/adv cc anvil, hardware f+/vg large tear B R crnr
10 Philadelphia, PA May 4, 1897 B-W2(13) adv cvr w/cc w/2c red adv covers back f/f+
Barr Fyke
11 San Diego, Cal Sep 26, 1903 C4-121a 3x5.5 cvr w/#301 vg+/vg dial spotty EV-5
12 Washington, DC May 4, 98 A@-102a cvr w/cc w/2c red f/p-g several tears along edges
13 Washington, DC Feb 25, 99 A2-121a cvr w/2c red f/g+ rgh open on left scarce cancel EV-15
14 Chicago, Ill May 12, 1899 C4-121 gpc f/f cancel on top of pc design
15 Kansas City, Kans Dec 9,98 C2-102a pse w/cc vg/f dial spotty very scarce cancel EV-30
16 Kansas City, MO Feb 22, 1900 C4-121a cvr w/cc w/2c red vg/vg+ EV-6
17 St. Louis, MO May 8, 1899 C4-121a front of cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/front
18 Sedalia, MO Apr 22, 1900 bkstmp C4-121a cvr vg/g
19 Springfield, MO Nov 30, 1903 C4-122 3x5 cvr w/#301 vg/vg uncommon cancel EV-5
20 Altoona, Pa Aug 15, 1901 C4-121a 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f+/g sm pieces from T R crnr and B R crnr
21 West Chester, Pa Dec 20, 1899 C4-121a gpc vg/vg+ dial on top of pc design
22 Columbia, SC Jun 23, 1901 yr slug removed bkstmp C4-121a cvr vg/vg+
23 Memphis, Tenn May 30, 1901 bkstmp C4-121R1 vg+/f very scarce EV-30 PHOTO
24 Parkersburg, W.Va Dec 2, 1900 C4-121a cvr w/2c red vg+/vg sm tear Left EV-5
25 Oshkosh, Wis Oct 16, 1900 bkstmp C4-121a cvr vg/f sm ink smudges
26 Los Angeles, Cal Arcade Station Jun 2, 1909 late use HS-6(1) gpc vg+/f
27 San Francisco, Cala Dec 30, 1897 H-2(1) 4x5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg rgh open top
28 San Francisco, Cal Jul 21, 1900 K-5(1) cvr w/adv cc w/2c red vg/f
29 Denver, Col Dec 12, 1897 H-2(1) cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/vg-f cut shrt on L into cc
30 Denver, Colo Sep 3, 1898 O-8(1) 4x5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+ minor rgh open top
31 Denver, Colo Aug 6, 1900 L-5(1) 3.25x5 cvr w/2c red f+/f+
32 Washington, DC Dec 14, 1896 F-2(1) cvr w/2c red w/cc f/f some soiling on cvr
33 Washington, DC Sep 22, 1897 HB-2(1) 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red vg/f+
34 Atlanta, GA Nov 21, 1900 H-5(1) cvr w/2c red w/cc f+/f+
35 Augusta, GA Mar 9, 1908 L-6(1) cvr w/#319 w/cc f+/f
36 Chicago, Ill Jul 20, 1899 O-2(square block) pse w/cc f/f ??? inch tear T center not affecting cancel
37 Quincy, Ill Apr 12, 1905 lku? L-6( ) cvr w/cc w/#319 f+/f+
38 Rockford, Ill Jun 21, 1900 H-5(1) 3.25x4.5 cvr w/pair 1c grn vg/vg
39 Des Moines, Iowa Apr 16, 1899 bkstmp H-5(1) cvr vf/f
40 Dubuque, Iowa Jul 10, 1907 L-6(1) 3.25x4.5 cvr w/#319 f/f some soiling
41 Louisville, KY May 8, 1897 F-2(1) grey cvr w/2c red f/f
42 Bangor, Me Apr 27, 1901 K-5(1) adv cvr w/ adv cc w/2c red g-vg/f cut shrt L in cc
43 Baltimore, Md Dec 17, 1897 H-2(2) 3.5x4.75 cvr w/2c red f+/f sm tear T L
44 Baltimore, Md May 23, 1899 H-9(2) cvr w/2c red w/adv cc vf/vg tiny tear T L PHOTO
45 Lansing, Mich Oct 22, 1908 L-6( ) ppc w/#300 vg+/vg+
46 St. Paul, Minn Jul 8, 1896 F-2( ) 1st month of use for Barry in St Paul cvr w/2c red w/cc f+/f+
47 Omaha, Nebr Nov 25, 1896 F-2(1) cvr w/2c red vf/f
48 Albany, NY May 25, 1898 O-9(1) cvr w/1c grn w/cc f+/f+
49 Buffalo, NY Jul 25, 1900 Mach 2 Pan Am Expo Bomar B01-14c cvr w/cc w/2c red vg+/vg+ EV-30
50 New York, NY Sep 18, 1895 A-1(NDS) cvr w/cc w/2c red uncommon f+/f+ EV-10 MB-5
51 New York, NY PO Branch??s Aug 16, 1898 JS-6(1) cvr w/2c red w/adv cc f/vg+ minor rgh open T
52 Akron, Ohio Aug 14, 1896 F-2(1) 1st 5 weeks of use pse w/cc f/f+
53 Akron, Ohio May 6, 1899 O-2(1) pse w/cc f/vf
54 Cincinnati, Ohio Sep 11, 1900 J-2(1) last week of known use cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f irreg open on R
55 Cleveland, O Jan 18, 1896 A-1(NDS) cvr w/2c red w/cc vg+/vg+
56 Cleveland, O Apr 5, 18[97] yr not printed F-2(1) cvr w/cc w/2c red vg+/f+
57 Cleveland, Ohio Jan 6, 1898 H-2(1) pse w/cc vf/f+
58 Cleveland, Ohio May 1901 3rd class K-5(1) cvr w/cc w/1c grn g-vg/vf
59 Cleveland, O Jan 5, 1897 F-2(2) pse w/cc vg/vg+
60 Cleveland, Ohio Feb 14, 1898 H-2(2) pse w/cc vg+/vg+
61 Cleveland, Ohio Dec 1900 3rd class K-5(2) cvr w/cc w/1c grn f+/f+
62 Columbus, Ohio Sep 28, 1898 O-7(1) cvr w/2c red w/cc Columbus Central Railway Co f/vf
63 Pitttsburg, Pa Jul 28, 1896 F-2(1) pse w/cc f+/vg some minor soiling
64 Pittsburg, Penn Mar 9, 1900 K-5(1) pse w/cc vg+/vg
65 Wilkes Barre, Pa Apr 14, 1903 L-5(1) adv cvr w/#301 vg/vg some aging on edges
66 Richmond, Va Apr 30, 1901 H-5(1) lt blue pse w/cc vg+/vg+
67 Cleveland, Oh Aug 2, 1900 type 3 die c rare abt 7 weeks use pse EV-200-300 MB-125 f=/f PHOTO
68 Victor, Colo Nov 12, 1915 K-1WS 3x5.25 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg uneven open on R
69 New London, Conn Nov 14, 1915 K-8 YMCA cvr w/enclosure w/2c red w/cc f+/vg rgh open R
70 Columbus, Ga Dec 2, 1913 K-8 double strike window env w/1c grn w/cc vg/f lite print
71 Jacksonville, Ill Decc 17, 1913 K-8 var 1 gpc f+/f+
72 Peoria, Ill Aug 23, 1916 K-8 die 2 ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
73 Springfield, Ills Oct 27, 1905 A-G var 2 var used 7 months gpc vg/f
74 Marshalltown, Iowa date unreadable o/w nice cancel K-8P xmas pc w/1c grn vg/vg
75 Attleboro, Mass Dec 24, 1913 K-8 xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f
76 Greenfield, Mass Sep 15, 1913 K-8 1st month of use ppc w/1c grn vg/vg lite print B R cnr clipped
77 Ann Arbor, Mich Jan 15, 1904 A3-K2b cvr w/#319 f+/f+
78 Ann Arbor, Mich May 20, 1906 A-G 3.5x5 cvr w/#319 f/vg+
79 Buchanan, Mich Dec 30, 1921 lku for variety G-2W cvr w/pair #498 f/vg
80 Hillsdale, Mich Dec 27, 1915 K-1WS cvr w/2c red vg/f
81 Sturgis, Mich Aug 23, 1915 K-1WS lt blue cvr w/pair 1c grn g/vg lite prnt but readable stamp damaged
82 Norfolk, Nebr Dec 23, 1916 J-6P 2.75x4.25 cvr w/2c red f+/f+
83 York, Nebr Dec 18, 1916 K-8 cvr w/2c red w/cc vg/vg killer ??? off R cut short on L
84 New Brunswick, NJ Jul 15, 1916 K-8 3x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/vg+ rgh open L
85 Patterson, NJ Feb 16, 1905 early use A-G die 5 adv cvr w/#319 vg/f+ cancel ??? off R
86 Socorro, N.Mex Aug 24, 1923 G-2W adv cvr w/pair #498 f+/f+
87 Cuba, NY Aug 12, 1921 G-2WD7 pse f+/f+
88 Elmira, NY Feb 2, 1910 A-G cv w/2c red w/cc vg+/vg rgh open R o/w fine cvr
89 Fredonia, NY Jan 22, 1904 A-2 cvr w/#301 vg/g killer ??? off R minor rgh open T
90 Jamestown, NY Jan 18, 1911 K-6P birthday pc w/1c grn vg/f
91 Jamestown, NY Jul 15, 1912 J-6P var 2 1st month of use for this var gpc vf/vf
92 Charlotte, NC Apr 23, 1906 A-G either die4 or die 5 cvr w/cc g-vg/vg 2 punch mark holes
93 Mount Vernon, Ohio Dec 11, 1914? K-8 cvr w/2c red f/f yr unreadable
94 Madison, Wis Jan 26, 1907 A-G cvr w/#319 w/cc f+/f
95 Washington, DC Feb 24, 1891 type 2 7 thick bars cvr w/2c red w/ornate cc very scarce vf/g-vg several small
tears on edges o/w fine cvr EV-100+ MB-50 PHOTO
96 New York, NY Jun 12, 1895 type 3 late use pse ?YORK? missing in dial vg/f+ EV-100-200 MB-65 PHOTO
97 Holbrook, Mass Jun 8, 1915 F-131 gpc f+/f+ dial slightly off T
98 Sanbornville, NH Dec 25, 1914 F-131 xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f+
99 Ridgeway, Pa Dec 22, 1916 J-121a xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/vg
100 Cumberland, Wis Dec 25, 1913 F-131 xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f cancel 2/3 off R
101 Rocky Ford, Colo Nov 25, 1909 type E comic pc w/1c grn vg/f+
102 Stamford, Conn Aug 3, 1900 bkstmp type 2 received vg/vg
103 Williamantic, Conn Sep 27, 1906 type D late use gpc vg/f ?ANTIC? not printed but id sure
104 Paris, Ill May 12, 1906 type D pse w/cc Ancient Order United Workman vg+/vg+ irreg cut on L
105 Moorestown, NJ Jul 3, 1906 type D cvr w/#319 w/cc vg/vg+ ?RESTOW? not printed but id sure
106 York, Nebr Jan 11, 1908 type D cvr w/#319 f/vg+ minor rgh open R
107 Exeter, NH Mar 19, 1903 type D cvr w/2c red vf/f
108 Cortland, NY Nov 13, 1903 type D cvr w/#301 f/vg+ killer ??? off R minor rgh open R
109 Morristown, NY Jul 11, 1908 1st yr of use type EC ppc w/#300 f/f+ yr hard to read EV-6
110 Cannonsburg, Pa Oct 20, 1911 type E pc w/1c grn vg/f
111 Union City, Pa Sep 23, 1909 type E birthday pc w/1c grn vg+/vg
112 Puyallup, Wash Jun 2, xxx yr machined out type E 3.5x5.5 cvr w/three 1c grn f/f
113 Moundsville, W.Va Nov 27, 1905 type D 3x5.5 cvr w/#319 vg/vg killer 1/3 off R rgh open R
114 Sistersville, W.Va Apr 15, 1902 type D bkstmp as receipt pse f/f
115 Fort Atkinson, Wis Oct 13, 1911 type E gpc f/f
116 Racine, Wis Racine Junc Sep 10, 1904 type D dial pse w/cc vg+/f EV-6
117 Waukesha, Wis Oct 6, 1906 type D ppc early st scene with horse/buggies w/#300 vg/f+
118 Washington, DC Jan 8, 1909 D-3 ppc w/#300 rare vg/f lite print EV-300+ MB-150 PHOTO
119 Kokomo, Ind Nov 28, 1900 bkstmp B-8 die a cvr f+/f+ EV-10
120 Plainfield, NJ Jan 20, 1899 A-13A experimental cancel bk stmp cvr f+/f EV-15
121 New Rochele, NY Dec 27, 1901 B-8 die 8 early use cvr w/2c red vf/f+ EV-10
122 Zanesville, O Jun 21, 1898 A-13A experimental cancel 3x5.75 cvr w/2c red uncommon vg+/f EV-20
123 Butler, Pa Dec 29, 1899 B-8 pse w/cc f+/f EV-10
124 Chicago Tribune Receipt Cancel Feb 14, 1914 Receipt in dial greeting pc f+/f+ PHOTO
125 Anchorage, Alaska Nov 17, 1955 D-30 gpc vf/vf
126 Tucson, Ariz Oct 15, 1930 D-30 bicolor airmail env w/#C 12 w/cachet First Flight vf/f+
127 Camp Roberts, Calif Sep 15, 1941 D-30 cvr w/pair #805 US Army Cachet f+/f+ PHOTO
128 Hueneme, Calif Apr 30, 1940 model HD2 cachet Cabrillo 1542 w/#895 aux mark: last day use f/f
129 Lake Arrowhead, Calif Jun 1, 1936 HD1 cvr w/cc w/#720 f+/f
130 Rialto, Calif Nov 13, 1935 HD1 cvr w/cc w/#720 f+/vg dial lite print rgh open T L
131 San Francisco, Cal Jun 1, 1894 1st wk of use C-11(1) cvr w/2c red vg+/f
132 Bridgeport, Conn Dec 17, 1910 D-32(1) pse w/cc very nice WX6 on back of cvr f+/vf
133 New Haven, Conn Dec 21, 1893 B-11(1) 3x5.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/f+
134 New London, Conn Nov 28, 1921 D-30 cvr w/adv cc w/#549 vf/vf
135 Washington, DC Sep 12, 1901 D-22(1) adv cvr w/2c red w/enclosure f+/f+ PHOTO
136 Pensacola, Fla May 6, 1940 US Naval Air Station D-25 gpc vf/vf
137 Honolulu, Hawaii Mach 1 Apr 6, 1945 D-30 cvr w/#905 Army Day Cachet vf/vf EV-15 PHOTO
138 Gooding, Idaho Dec 3, 1940 D-30 cvr w/cc w/#C23 vg/f
139 Chicago, Ill May 2, 1893 lku B-11(1) pse w/2c Columbia f+/f+
140 Chrisman, Ill Aug 27, 1934 early use D-30 cvr w/#739 w/nice cachet vg+/vf
141 Des Moines, Iowa Mar 2, 1895 D-21(1) pse f+/vg tear R repaired
142 Atchison, Kans Aug 10, 1943 D-30 cvr w/#905 w/nice cachet f+/vf PHOTO
143 Lawrence, Kans Feb 1, 1965 University Sta D-25 cvr w/#C64 perfins w/cc f/vf
144 Topeka, Kans Dec 21, 1894 lku? C-11(1) cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/vg rgh open R
145 Portland, Me Nov 22, 1894 C-11(1) cvr w/2c red w/adv cc f+/f+
146 Baltimore, MD Jul 11, 1892 B-11(2) 3x5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+
147 Coopersville, Mich Aug 20, 1959 J-30 pse w/adv cc U540 vf/vf
148 Mount Clemons, Mich Jun 16, 1940 D-30 adv cvr w/cc w/#866 vf/f+
149 St Louis, Mo Apr 25, 1901 D-22(2) pse w/cc w/1c grn and 2c red to Dresden Germany vg+/f
150 Camden, NJ Nov 3, 1910 D-32(1) gpc vf/vf
151 Newark, NJ Aug 8, 1892 B-11(1) 4x5 cvr w/2c red f+/f+
152 Albany, NY Oct 23, 1893 late use B-11(1) pse w/cc w/2c Columbian f/f
153 Brooklyn, NY Jul 9, 1924 D-10 ppc w/1c grn vg/vg some age spots around edges
154 New York, NY Aug 4, 1942 D-26 Bronx Central Annex cvr w/cc w/#900 perfins MT vf/vf
155 New York, NY Mar 24, 1941 D-26 Wall Street Station adv cvr w/#900 perfins US F&G f/vg+
156 Belhaven, NC Apr 12, 1944 HD3 gpc vf/vf
157 Charlotte, NC Feb 21, 1913 D-32(1) blue ink cancel cvr w/2c red f/f
158 Fort Bragg, NC Feb 18, 1934 D-30 cvr w/#732 vg/vg+
159 Method, NC Mar 30, 1973 last day cancel aux mark H-30 gpc f+/f+
160 Newton, NC Dec 23, 1938 D-30 xmas pc w/#684 vg/f+ yr lite print
161 Weldon, NC Oct 25, 1956 D-30 gpc f+/vf
162 Bethlehem, Pa Apr 4, 1910 D-32(1) cvr w/cc w/#372 f+/f
163 Piedmont, SC Feb 19, 1941 HD2 gpc f/f+
164 Milwaukee, Wis Jul 25, 1913 D-32(1) cvr w/cc w/#Q1 parcel post stmp f/f
165 Military Post Office Red Cross pc Soldiers Mail vg/vg lite print
International Slogans
166 Sitka, Alaska Oct 18, 1954 HD8 Alaska Day Festival cvr w/#1062 f/f+
167 Los Angeles, Cal Sta C Mar 27, 1915 WPPE Bomar SF15-13g easter pc w/#397 f+/f+ EV-4
168 Los Angeles, Cal July 29, 1915 WPPE Bomar SF15-13 pse w/cc f+/f
169 Los Angeles, Calif Sep 15, 1938 AMST bi-plane window cvr w/#811 w/cc vg/vg+ sm tear T
170 Oakland, Cal Jan 2, 1912 WPPE SF15-15 ppc w/1c grn vg/f
171 Oakland, Cal Apr 22, 1912 WPPE SF15-15 ppc w/1c grn f/f+
172 Oakland, Cal Dec 19, 1916 PCIE SD16-16 xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f
173 Pasadena, Cal Apr 11, 1912 WPPE SF15-14 ppc f/f
174 San Bernandino, Calig Nov 13, 1935 Red Cross Roll Call Join cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f+
175 San Francisco, Cal mach 8 Mar 25, 1954 Cal Public Schools ppc SF street car w/2c red f/f+
176 San Francisco, Calif mach 3 Feb 19, 1939 Golden Gate Int Expo C39-15 ppc w/1c grn f+/vg+ EV-10
177 San Francisco, Calif mach 3 Jul 9, 1939 Golden Gate Int Expo C39-15 ppc w/1c grn vg/f+
178 San Francisco, Cal Dec 23, 1914 WPPE SF15-09-01 new year pc w/#397 vg/vg
179 San Francisco, Calif mach 3 Jul 21, 1926 AMST bi-plane 3.5x5.5 cvr w/#627 f+/f+ near vf
180 San Francisco, Ca mach 5 Sep 21, 1929 Regis or Insure Val Mail linen 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red f/f
181 Estes Park, Co Jun 27, 1966 Nat Park Svc 50th Anniv ppc w/4c purp f/f+
182 Flushing, NY mach 1 May 24, 1940 New York World?s Fair 1940 ppc buildings at WF w/1c grn vg+/f
183 Rome, NY Aug 3, 1962 Fort Stanwix Day cvr w/#1153 w/cachet f/vf PHOTO
184 Somers, NY Apr 1, 1966 Cradle of Amer Circus cvr w/#1208 cachet f+/vf PHOTO
185 Philadelphia, Pa Nov 11, 1942 Buy Def Sav Bonds and Stmps cvr w/ornate cc vf/vf
186 Spokane, Wash mach 2 Aug 28, 1936 AMST bi-plane cvr w/2c red w/cc f+/f
187 Washington, DC Apr 4, 1882 type C 14 bars gpc vg+/f EV-6
188 Boston, Mass Oct 8, [81] yr slug removed type C 12 bars gpc vg/vg+ EV-20
189 Cresco, Iowa Feb 9, 1907 type R greeting pc w/#300 vg+/f+ EV-5
190 Perry, Iowa Dec 1, 1903 type 1 gpc f/f EV-5
191 Addison, NY Dec 22, 1909 type 1 cvr w/#319 f/p-g most of T R cnr missing
192 Haverstraw, NY Aug 8, 1903 type 1 cvr w/#301 f+/P bad tear from T to R edge
193 Plymouth, Pa Mar 11, 1905 type 2 variety bkstmp pg 22 Morris/Payne Perfections either 5 bars were inverted or replaced by 4 bar killer vg/f nice example scarce EV-10 PHOTO
194 Plymouth, Pa Mar 25, 1907 type 2 variety as above easter pc g-vg/f scarce EV-10
195 Mifflintown, Pa Dec 2, 1903 type 2, cvr w/#301 w/cc vg/vg
196 State College, Pa type R bkstmp scarce cancel f+/vg+ EV-10
Roller Cancel
197 Muncie, Ind 1954 cvr g-vg/f+
198 Beatrice, Nebr 1963 3.5x4.5 cvr w/#1216 and 30c spc del #E21 f/f
199 Memphis, Tenn Apr 3, 1934 adv cvr w/#720 and #E12 aux mark: Fee claimed by Office g-vg/f+
Time Marking
200 Sacramento, Cal Oct 15, 1909 A-104 greeting pc w/1c grn vg/f+ cancel on top of pc design
201 Washington, DC Dec 24, 1910 A-104 xmas pc w/1c grn f+/f
202 Chicago, Ill Feb 19, 1908 B-111 valentine pc w/#300 vg/vg
203 Chicago, Ill Feb 14, 1912 D-105(4) adv cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/vg long tear down R side
204 Chicago, Ill Dec 23, 1909 C-113(9) 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg tear T R cnr
205 Chicago, Ill Nov 13, 1909 1st yr of use mach 14 A-105(14) cvr w/adv cc Sawyer Biscuit w/#370 f/f
206 Chicago, Ill Feb 1, 1913 last yr of use mach 14 A-105(14) pc w/1c grn perfins R-H f+/vg 2 punch holes
207 Chicago, Ill Mar 3, 1913 D-105(15) gpc f+/f+
208 Chicago, Ill Nov 23, 1909 C-114(17) cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f+
209 Terre Haute, Ind Feb 15, 1910 A-104 thansgiving pc w/1c grn f/f
210 Ann Arbor, Mich Jun 23, 1909 A-102 3.25x5 cvr w/pair 1c grn to Elford,Ontario, Canada vg+/vg
211 Pontiac, Mich Jul 17, 1911 A-104 3x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/f+
212 Juneau, Alaska Sep 12, 1949 DT-300 pse UC3 f+/f+
213 King Salmon, Alaska Feb 28, 1960 K-200 cvr w/#1113 & pair #1079 w/first flight cachet f+/vf
214 Kodiak, Alaska Nov 3, 1942 K-200 cvr w/cc w/#899 vf/vf
215 Douglas, Ariz Oct 15, 1930 DT-300 bicolor airmail pse 5c UC1 first flight f+/vf
216 Little Rock, Ark mach 2 Jul 12, 1944 ca-110 cvr soldiers mail free cachet f+/vf
217 Stuttgart, Ark Feb 12, 1945 DT-300 cvr soldiers mail free w/Lincoln cachet vf/f+ age spot cancel PHOTO
218 Beaumont, Calif Feb 8, 1937 DT-300 pse f/f sm tear T R cnr
219 Burbank, Calif Dec 17, 1935 DT-300 cvr w/#720 w/cc f/f minor rgh open T
220 Fontana, Calif Dec 18, 1935 DT-300 pse w/cc vf/f minor rgh open T
221 Sacramento, Calif Feb 27, 1937 DSB-200 Terminal Station bicolor airmail w/#C17 first flight vf/f+
222 Santa Rosa, Calif May 18, 1929 DT-300 bicolor airmail w/#C11 cachet Luther Burbank f/f+
223 Camp Blanding, Fla Sep 12, 1941 DT-300 bicolor airmail w/#C25 31st Dixie Div f/vf PHOTO
224 Jacksonville, Fla West Bay Annex Jul 13, 1937 DSB-200 cvr w/1c grn & 2c red w/cc f+/vg+
225 Summerville, GA Aug 27, 1942 D1 cvr w/#CE2 w/airmail and Spc Del labels f+/f+
226 Danville, Ill Feb 1, 1935 C-550 comm cvr w/#750A f+/f+
227 Harvey, Ill May 28, 1954 DT-300 3x5 card w/2c red aux mark: ?Missent to Auburn, Wash? vg/f
228 Wilmette, Ill Feb 28, 1945 DT-300 yellow cvr w/#905 military cachet ?Stars & Stripes? vf/f+
229 Wilmette, Ill Mar 22, 1945 DT-300 buff cvr w/#905 military cachet ?Stars & Stripes? f+/f+ PHOTO
230 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 3rd class BT2L-300 pse w/cc f+/f
231 Sioux City, Iowa Jul 3, 1944 C-110 cvr w/#905 w/cachet Sioux City Boys vf/f+
232 Milo, Maine Jan 14, 1954 D1 3x5 card w/2c red aux mark: ?Missent to Lind, Wash? vf/vf
233 Camp Shelby, Miss Nov 8, 1944 DT-200 cvr soldiers Mail free war cachet f+/f+ PHOTO
234 Kansas City, Mo mach 3 May 26, 1926 CT3-500 adv cvr w/2c red w/ornate cc f+/f+ stamp damaged
235 Sedalia, Mo May 21, 1919 DT-200 adv cvr w/3c violet f+/vg+ irreg open on R PHOTO
236 Princeton, NJ May 14, 1936 DT-300 cvr w/presidential widow free frank Signature of Francis Folsom
Cleveland Preston ? widow of Grover Cleveland f+/f+
237 Buffalo, NY Feb 11, 1933 BT2L-300 unusual tricolor airmail cvr w/#C17 w/cachet f+/f+ PHOTO
238 Kinston, NC Jul 1, 1971 FDC w/cachet 1st Day of Issue w/#1396 vf/vf
239 Roanoke, Rapids, NC Jan 31, 1947 D-300 gpc vf/vf
240 Sunbury, Pa Sep 16, 1944 D-300 adv cvr w/#905 f+/f+
241 Barnwell, SC Feb 27, 1941 type D pse w/#874 vg/vg+
242 Parris Island, SC Marine Bks Sep 8, 1945 greetings pc soldiers mail free f/f+
243 Elkins, W.Va Nov 16, 1939 C-300 pse U525 w/devil cachet vg/f
Universal Slogans
244 Long Beach, Calif Dec 18, 1935 BT2L-400 Buy US Savings Bonds Ask Postmaster cvr w/#720 f+/f
245 Los Angeles, Calif mach 31 Jan 22, 1959 Aliens must supply address RPPC w/3c purp DT-400 vg+/f+
246 San Diego, Cal Dec 19, 1913 Pan Cal Expo SD Bomar SD16-25 very scarce ppc w/1c grn f+/f EV-15 MB-6
247 San Diego, Cal Dec 17, 1913 Pan Cal Expo SD Bomar SD16-25 very scarce xmas pc w/1c grn cancel slight off T
248 Bridgeport, Conn mach 1 Dec 18, 1933 Mail Early for Christmas 3.5x5 cvr w/#732 perfins w/cc vg/f
249 Honolulu, Hawaii Dec 23, 1966 50th Anniv Marine Corps Reserve ppc w/4c violet g-vg/f
250 Chicago, Ill Dec 23, 1931 DT21L-400 Mail Early for Christmas cvr w/cc Drexel Stamp Shop w/2c red
imperforate stamp f+/f+ pencil used to deface stamp
251 New Orleans, La Jun 3, 1953 Louisiana Purchase 150th Anniversary ppc w/2c red f/f
252 Lincoln, Nebr Dec 2, 1931 BT2L-400 Mail Early for Christmas 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f+/f+ irreg open R
253 Lincoln, Nebr Nov 12, 1937 no mach # BT-400 Red Cross Roll Call Join cvr w/#720 f+/f+
254 Schenectady, NY Dec 10, 1923 BT-400 Christmas Seals Stamp Out Tuberculosis cvr w/2c red aux mark: ?Not Carrier 11? f/f
255 Raleigh, NC mach 2 Nov 21, 1951 Ca-400 Hire the Handicap cvr w/#1000 w/cachet vg/f+
256 Harrisburg, Pa mach 1 Nov 21, 1939 lku? Red Cross Roll Call Join cvr w/adv cc w/three 1c grn vg+/f
257 Providence, RI mach 2 Nov 24, 1937 Red Cross Roll Call Join cvr w/adv cc w/#600 f/vg rgh open R
258 Salt Lake City, Utah mach 2 Oct 26, 1943 Buy War Savings Bonds cvr soldiers mail free f+/f
259 Brookfield, Wis Jun 15, 1959 Waukesha County 125th Anniv ppc w/#1125
260 Brooklyn, NY Mar 9, 1900 type 2 only used 4 weeks rare cvr front only w/2c red EV-300+ MB-150
Small Town Machine Cancels from 1970?s
These are all stamped small covers from ?small? towns of the states indicated. They are International and Universal with
a few slogans and most are from 1970s with maybe some earlier or later. They are mixed condition but most are vg/vg or better. There is sometimes a lot of duplication in each lot and will be estimated with each lot. Send questions for any
states in which you might be interested. Machine cancels from small towns are sometimes difficult to find.
261 Nebraska G to M towns lot of 84 26 different towns 28 different cancels
262 Nebraska N to Z towns lot of 98 47 different towns 51 different cancels
263 New York N and O towns lot of 120 50 different towns 58 different cancels
264 New York P towns lot of 125 39 different towns 46 different cancels
265 Pennsylvania B towns lot of 234 46 different towns 64 different cancels
266 West Virginia A to L towns lot of 133 41 different towns 51 different cancels
Large Mixed Lots
267 Remainder lot of 95+ variety of machine types 1890-1970 a few slogans mixed condition MB-10
268 Australia, Melbourne Jun 1946 3.5x5.5 cvr w/3.5 p blue vg+/f+ PHOTO
269 Austria, Brunn 13 Nov 1909 5x6 cvr w/10h red f+/vg+ PHOTO
270 Canada, Cranbrook Brit Col May 21, 1942 window env w/adv cc w/pair 3c red f+/f+ PHOTO
271 France, Paris Rue Dupin 1938 slogan ppc w/1f pink vg+f PHOTO
272 England, Rossendale, Lancs 21 Nov 1947 cvr w/1p red f+/f+ PHOTO
273 Germany, Nurnberg 15 Jan 1935 beautiful cancel 5x6 cvr w/12p red vf/f+ PHOTO
274 Germany, Herne 24 Jun 1956 cvr w/10p grn vg+/f PHOTO
275 Greece, Athinai Omonia 19 Oct 1965 airmail cvr w/comemorative stamp f+/f PHOTO
276 Haiti, Port-au-Prince 7 Mar 1934 bilingual slogan cvr w/cc w/10c red f/f PHOTO
277 Norway, Bergen 1949 60 ore aerogram vg/f+ PHOTO
278 Puerto Rico, Vega Baja Sep 22, 1943 bicolor airmail cvr w/#814 & #899 f+/f PHOTO
279 South Africa, Capetown 25 Mar 1943 window env f/vg+ PHOTO
280 South Africa, Johannesburg 26 May 1937 cvr w/3d blue f/f PHOTO
281 Tonga, Niuafoou Jun 1937 Tin Can Mail to Texas City, Texas g-vg/vg PHOTO
282 England, Barmouth Merioneth 4 Sep 1957 ppc w/2d brown f/f+ PHOTO
283 Canada, Toronto, Ont Nov 14, 1913 mach 5 Help the Muskova Free Hospital ppc w/1c grn vg+/f PHOTO
284 England, Empire Exhibition Sep 10, 1924 Wembley Park 1924 British Lion between two columns of wavy lines.
To Rotterdam Holland. Postcard Parliament MB-5 PHOTO
285 England, London W.C. British Empire Expedition 1924 British Lion between two columns of wavy lines. To
Rotterdam, Holland postcard Tower Bridge MB-5 PHOTO
286 Puerto Rico, San Juan Sep 18 1911 D-32(1) U.S. use of Haitian Post aus mark: Paquebot San Juan, P/R f/f+
287 Germany, Hamburg 21 Nov 1925 ppc vg/f+ This may be an indeterminate rather than a Krag PHOTO
288 Sweden, Stockholm 16 Jul 1906 ppc w/10ore red vg+/f PHOTO
289 England, Dunoon Argyll 10 Oct 1942 RPPC w/3p violet w/censor mark f/f PHOTO
290 Puerto Rico, San Juan cvr w/US 8c airmail w/cc f+/f+ PHOTO
FLAG CANCELS page references are to the Flag Cancel Encyclopedia 4th Edition
291 Leesburg, Fla Jan 27, 1913 pg 108 FCE ppc w/1c grn f+/f+ dial lite print EV-40 MB-20 PHOTO
American Postal Machines Co.
(note: the ?points? respectively indicated in the FCE are affected when the cancel is on a gpc or pc; see pages 112 to 114)
292 2. Huntsville, Ala Nov 19, 1908 B14(1) 7 pts adv cvr w/#300 vg/vg PHOTO
293 8. Mobile, Ala Aug 25, 1914 A14 dd 2 pts gpc f+/f+
294 Nogales, Ariz Jul 31, 1916 1st yr of use A14 15 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f+ lite print
295 Prescott, Ariz Jul 26, 1909 B14 15 pts ppc w/1c grn vf/vf
296 Berryville, Ark May 3, 1932 A14 12 pts comm cvr w/2c red f/f+ lite print
297 Eureka Springs, Ark Jan 28, 1924 A14 30 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f+
298 2. Little Rock, Ark Nov 1, 1905 B14 3 pts 3x4.5 cvr w/#319 vg/f
299 3. Little Rock, Ark Mar 29, 1909 B14 dd 6 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/#319 vg+/vg tiny tear T
300 Rogers, Ark May 8, 1915 A14 23 pts gpc vg/f+
301 Alhambra, Calif Oct 20, 1921 18 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red f+/vg+
302 Balboa, Calif Apr 3, 1931 A14 57 pts 4.5x6.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg stamp damaged EV-24
303 Bell, Calif May 23, 1926 A14 55 pts gpc vg/vg dial lite & spotty EV-40
304 Berkeley, Cal Feb 27, 1919 B38 South Berkeley Station 8 pts pse f/vg+
305 Campbell, Calif Sep 10, 1930 A14 55 pts pse pinholes L f/f+ town spotty EV-30
306 1. Coalinga, Cal Aug 5, 1910 A14 16 pts pse w/cc f/vf lite print
307 Coronado, Calif Aug 24, 1923 A14 17 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
308 2. Eagle Rock, Calif Aug 6, 1925 A14 dd LFHC 35 pts cvr w/2c red f+/f+ EV-24
309 Fortuna, Calif Nov 2, 1935 very late use A14 10 pts pse vg+/vg+
310 Garberville, Calif Jul 25, 1935 A14 80 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f+ EV-60
311 Longbeach, Cal May 23, 1913 B38 slogan WPPE 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red vf/vg rgh open R MB-5
312 Los Angeles, cal Jul 2, 1913 B38 WPPE Arcade Station birthday pc w/1c grn vg/f lite print
313 Los Angeles, Cal Mar 23, 1918 A38 Station F WPPE slogan removed 40 pts easter pc w/2c red vg+/f MB-10
314 Los Angeles, Cal Jul 30, 1910 B38 Hollywood Sta 18 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f
315 Los Angeles, Cal May 22, 1911 B38 Hollywood Sta 18 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f+
316 Los Angeles, Cal May 4, 1914 B38 Hollywood Sta WPPE slogan cvr w/pair 1c grn vg/f
317 Los Angeles, Cal Jul 11, 1912 B38 WPPE Westlake Sta pse w/enclosure vg+/vg rgh open L yr faint
318 Los Angeles, Cal Apr 15, 1912 A38 Westlake Sta 5 months use 70 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+ EV-60
319 Los Angeles, Cal Mar 7, 1912 used Jan-Apr A38 University Sta 60 pts cvr w/2c red f/f EV-40
320 Manhattan Beach, Calif Jan 8, 1931 A14 10 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/f
321 4. Napa, Cal Feb 7, 1916 B14 8 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/f+
322 Newcastle, Calif Mar 4, 1925 A14 60 pts adv pse f+/f+ dial slightly off T EV-80 MB-40 PHOTO
323 Ocean Park, Cal Aug 7, 1913 A14 17 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f+ lite print
324 1. Ontario, Cal Feb 15, 1909 B14 19 pts ppc w/1c grn f/vg stamp damaged
325 2. Ontario, Cal Feb 7, 1911 A14 16 pts ppc w/1c grn f/vf
326 1. Pacific Grove, Cal Mar 31, 1908 B14 22 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/vg+
327 1. Pasadena, Cal Jun 25, 1901 bkstmp B14(1) 13 pts vf/f+
328 3. Porterville, Cal Sep 30, 1917 A14 18 pts pse w/cc aux mark: ?Returned to Writer Unclaimed? and ?Not for
Carrier No.? f+/f killer ??? off R
329 1. Redlands, Cal Apr 19, 1906 B14 8 pts ppc w/#300 vf/vf
330 2. Riverside, Cal Nov 24, 1908 B14( ) 4 pts ppc city park w/#300 f/f+
331 2. Riverside, Cal Jan 13, 1909 B14( ) 4 pts ppc orange grove w/#300 vf/f+
332 2. San Bernardino, Cal Feb 8, 1908 B14 5 pts ppc w/#300 f/f+ dial on T of writing of card
333 7. San Francisco, Cal Mar 9, 1899 bkstmp B14(4) 50 pts cvr f+/f+
334 8. San Francisco, Cal Jun 19, 1907 B14(4) dd 70 pts mid 1907 use 2x4 cut fm penalty env f/cut
335 4. San Jose, Cal Jun 2, 1910 A14 7 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f
336 6. San Jose, Cal Jun 18, 1919 A14 dd 5 pts adv pse f+/f+ near vf EV-6 PHOTO
337 San Mateo, Cal Jun 19, 1913 A14 12 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/f+
338 San Pedro, Cal Jul 30, 1920 A14 45 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f+ EV-15
339 San Ysidro, Calif Jun 20, 1934 A14 11 pts cvr w/#732 w/cc vg+/vg+
340 5. Santa Barbara, Cal Sep 9, 1918 A14 16 pts 3.5x4.5 mourning cvr w/3c violet vf/f
341 Santa Cruz, Cal Jun 1, 1913 B14 5 pts pse vg+/vg
342 Santa Monica, Cal Aug 7, 1920 A38 Ocean Park Sta 17 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f lite print
343 1. Scotia, Calif Oct 3, 192x (1926 or 1927) A14 52 pts ppc w/2c red vg+/f dial spotty EV-60
344 Southgate, Calif Jun 21, 1930 A14 30 pts cvr w/2c red f+/vg+ staple holes B L cnr
345 Taft, California Oct 9, 1921 A38 Capital Hill Sta 80 pts cvr w/pair #548 plt#12431 vg/vg EV-40
346 Winters, Calif Nov 13, 1929 1st yr of use A14 60 pts cvr w/2c red f+/f+ slight trim T EV-50 MB-20
347 Canon City, Colo Sep 2, 1910 B14 10 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f
348 Denver, Colo Apr 2, 1912 A38 South Denver Sta 18 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/f+
349 Limon, Colo Jun 25, 1929 A14 60 pts ppc vg/f stamp missing EV-24
350 Rocky Ford, Colo Jan 6, 1922 A14 21 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg-/f
351 2. Canaan, Conn Sep 8, 1928 A14 dd 58 pts ppc w/2c red vg+/f+ EV-18
352 3. Derby, Conn Mar 29, 1918 A14 9 pts easter pc w/2c red vg/vf yr lite print
353 6. Hartford, Conn Apr 2, 1912 B38 Station A(1) 8 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg+/f
354 3. Middletown, Conn Feb 14, 1908 B14 2 pts greeting pc w/#300 vf/f+
355 4. Meriden, Conn Aug 13, 1913 A14 2 pts birthday pc w/2c red f+/f+
356 8. New Haven, Conn Apr 13, 1911 B14 2 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg/f
357 4. New London, Conn Jan 24, 1911 B14 5 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/vg stamp damaged
358 New Milford, Conn Dec 24, 1920 A14 13 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/f+
359 1. Norwalk, Conn Mar 14, 1909 B14 3 pts pse w/cc vf/f+
360 Putnam, Conn May 23, 1912 A14 8 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg/f+ cancel on T of pc design
361 4. Stamford, Conn Dec 22, 1917 A14 6 pts xmas pc w/pair 1c grn f+/f+ near vf
362 1. Torrington, Conn Sep 20, 1913 B14 2 pts pse w/cc f+/vg sm piece missing T L
363 5. Waterbury, Conn May 2, 1908 B14( ) dd 1 pt pse w/cc vg/vg tiny piece missing T
364 West Haven, Conn Jul 24, 1908 A14 6 pts ppc w/#300 f+/f+ cancel on T of pc design
365 Cocoa, Fla Feb 4, 1925 A14 70 pts 3.25x5.5 cvr w/2c red vry scarce cancel f/f EV-60
366 1. Daytona, Fla Dec 13, 1910 B14 12 pts ppc w/1c grn f/vg stain L edge
367 Leesburg, Fla Dec 21, 1923 A14 50 pts greeting pc w/1c grn p-g/f parts of cancel not printed EV-30
368 1. St. Petersburg, Fla Dec 3, 1909 use Oct-Dec A14 70 pts ppc w/1c grn vry scarce cancel f+/f EV-60
369 2. Saint Petersburg, Fla Feb 15, 1911 A14 dd 17 pts ppc w/1c grn vf/f+
370 9. Tampa, Fla Feb 25, 1919 last yr of flag in Tampa A14 2 pts cvr w/3c violet w/enclosure vf/vg rgh open R
371 3. Augusta, Ga Mar 23, 1911 A14 4 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red vg+/f+
372 Folkston, Ga Feb 9, 1931 A14 60 pts cvr w/2c red f+/f 2 pinholes EV-50
373 6. Macon, Ga Jul 16, 1909 B14(2) 3 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f
374 1. McDonough, Ga Jan 21, 1930 A14 63 pts brn cvr w/2c red g-vg/f town partial but id sure EV-30
375 2. Milledgville, Ga Dec 21, 1923 A14 18 pts 3x4.75 cvr w/pari 1c grn w/enclosure f+/vf EV-6
376 Millen, Ga Nov 22, 1923 A14 70 pts ppc w/1c grn vry scarce cancel f/f+ fial spotty EV-60
377 1. Savannah, Ga Dec 3, 1896 B14(1) 50 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red vf/vg+ soiled B R cnr EV-40
378 Tifton, Ga Dec 31, 1910 A14 23 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/f stamp damaged
379 3. Boise, Idaho Jun 25, 1912 B14 dd 5 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/pair 1c grn f/f+
380 2. Coeur D?Alene, Idaho Jul 8, 1909 A14 42 pts ppc w/1c grn scarce cancel f+/vg+ EV-60
381 Wendell, Idaho Oct 23, 1931 A14 60 pts cvr w/2c red g-vg/g-vg gen smudges on cvr 2 pinholes EV-35
382 5. Aurora, Ill Apr 5, 1910 B14 dd 10 pts ppc stamp missing f+/f+
383 1. Centralia, Ill Feb 12, 1908 B14(1) 4 pts ppc w/#300 f+/f+
384 1. Champaign, Ill Jun 9, 1909 B14(1) 3 pts ppc Law Building U of Ill w/1c grn vg-/f+
385 1. Freeport, Ill Oct 3, 1907 B14(1) 3 pts RPPC w/#300 f+/vg+
386 1. Kewanee, Ill Nov 11,1911 B14 5 pts pse w/cc vg/vg+
387 Lockport, Ill Dec 21, 1926 A14 30 pts xmas pc w/2c red vg+/vf scarce cancel yr partial EV-12
388 4. Rock Island, Ill Mar 7, 1907 B14(2) 4 pts cvr w/cc w/#319 f+/vg rgh open T
389 3. Sycamore, Ill Feb 7, 1913 A14 14 pts 3x6 cvr w/pair #397 vg-/f
390 2. Urbana, Ill Mar 8, 1909 B14 7 pts greeting pc w/#300 vg/vg
391 Muncie, Ind May 9, 1899 B44 Involute cvr w/2c red w/cc f+/vg irreg cut short R into stamp EV-20
392 3. Clinton, Iowa Mar 9, 1911 B14( ) 4 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f+
393 1. Independence, Iowa Jul 24, 1909 B14 14 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vf
394 5. Keokuck, Iowa Nov 25, 1899 B14( ) dd 17 pts gpc vg+/f
395 1. Le Mars, Iowa Feb 18, 1908 early use B14 27 pts greeting pc stamp missing vg/vg sm piece missing B L
396 1. Mount Pleasant, Iowa Oct 17, 1910 A14(1) 15 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg/f+
397 Toledo, Iowa Apr 7, 1939 last yr of use A14 10 pts cvr w/3c violet w/cc f/vg+ rgh open T
398 1. Waverly, Iowa Aug 29, 1908 B14 22 pts comic pc w/#300 f/vg+
399 4. Waverly, Iowa Apr 27, 1916 A14 17 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red vg/vg+
400 Berea, Ky College Sta Jul 24, 193x C14 13 pts ppc w/1c grn Boone Tavern vg+/f+
401 1. Henderson, Ky Mar 11, 1913 late use B14 4 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/f+
402 Marion, Ky Jul 5, 1918 A14 30 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/3c violet f+/f EV-15
403 1. Bar Harbor, Me Jun 2, 1908 B14(1) 12 pts ppc w/#300 vg-/vg
404 1. Biddeford, Me Apr 15, 1902 B14 3 pts gpc f/f+
405 2. Old Orchard, Maine Jul 28, 1909 A14 8 pts ppc w/#300 f/f+
406 Pittsfield, Maine Apr 6, 1917 A14 22 pts easter pc w/1c grn f+/f+
407 3. Portland, Maine Aug 8, 1916 A14 dd 2 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f
408 7. Portland, Maine Sep 9, 1909 B38 West End Station 14 pts ppc w/1 grn f+/vf
409 10. Portland, Me Apr 24, 1930 C14 Wood Fords Sta 20 pts gpc f/f
410 2. Cumberland, Md Mar 30, 1907 B14 3 pts easter pc w/#300 f/f
411 1. Amesbury, Mass May 29, 1908 B14 6 pts ppc w/#300 f+/f
412 1. Arlington, Mass Dec 23, 1909 A14 7 pts ppc w/#300 vg/vg card creased on L
413 Auburndale, Mass Jan 31, 1921 A14(66) 36 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red f/f+ EV-15
414 Brewster, Mass Jun 9, 1930 A14 70 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/f+ EV-60
415 8. Brockton, Mass Apr 12, 1911 B14 2 pts easter pc stamp missing vg/vg
416 10. Brockton, Mass Apr 9, 1914 B38 Montello Sta 4 pts #10 adv cvr w/2c red vg+/f cut short on R
417 1. Cambridge, Mass Feb 26, 1911 B14 1 pt greeting pc vg+/f
418 Canton, Mass Aug 26, 1916 A14 11 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/pair 1 c grn f/vg
419 Easthampton, Mass Dec 29, 1923 A14 7 pts birthday pc w/1c grn f+/f+
420 Gloucester, Mass Apr 22, 1911 A38 Magnolia Sta 50 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f EV-30
421 1. Greenfield, Mass Sep 20, 1902 B14 4 pts cvr w/2c red f+/vg some age spots
422 10. Haverhill, Mass Oct 9, 1914 B14 dd 1 pt real ppc w/1c grn vg+/f
423 5. Holyoke, Mass Jul 15, 1911 late use B14 1 pt ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
424 Hydepark, Mass Feb 13, 1906 B14(1) 2 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/#319 f/vg stamp damaged
425 4. Lawrence, Mass Apr 23, 1907 B14 dd 2 pts ppc w/#300 vg/f+
426 5. Lawrence, Mass Jun 5, 1911 B4 ovate greeting pc w/1c grn vg/f
427 7. Lawrence, Mass May 27, 1917 A14 dd 2 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/vg
428 2. Melrose, Mass Dec 23, 1910 B14 2 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f+/vg
429 3. North Adams, Mass Oct 23, 1911 B14 2 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/vg
430 2. Northampton, Mass Sep 26, 1907 B14(1) 2 pts ppc w/#300 vg/vg+
431 4. Northampton, Mass Dec 2, 1916 A14 5 pts 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red vf/f+
432 1. Orange, Mass Apr 24, 1908 B14 12 pts greeting pc w/#300 vg/vg
433 1. Plymouth, Mass Sep 4, 1906 B14(1) 4 pts ppc w/#300 g-vg/vg T R cnr missing
434 Shelburne, Mass Apr 18, 1919 A14 33 pts easter pc w/pair 1c grn f/f+
435 13. Springfield, Mass Aug 8, 1916 A14 dd 3 pts ppc w/1c grn vg-/f+
436 18. Springfield, Mass Oct 7, 1920 A38 Brightwood Sta 25 pts 3.5x6 cvr w/2c red f/f+
437 2. Taunton, Mass Dec 7, 1900 B14(1) dd 6 pts gpc vg/f
438 2. Taunton, Mass Apr 13, 1904 B14(1) dd 6 pts cvr w/#319 vg/vg
439 2. Waltham, Mass Dec 24, 1914 B14( ) 1 pt xmas pc w/1c grn vg-/f+
440 Wellesley, Mass Apr 20, 1915 B14 12 pts pse w/cc g-vg/f
441 Wellesley, Mass Mar 11, 1911 A38 Wellesley Hills Sta 31 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f
442 West Somerville, Mass May 4, 1909 B14 2 pts single page folded letter sheet w/2c red vf/f+
443 Winter Hill, Mass Jun 30, 1910 B14 4 pts ppc Faneuil Hall with Horse Buggies w/1c grn f/vg
444 2. Wollaston, Mass Dec 21, 1920 A14(70) 62 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/vf EV-50
445 16. Boston, Mass Apr 5, 1899 B53(smC) Involute pg 27 FCE gpc vg+/f+ cancel on T of design EV-8
446 Boston, Mass Mar 25, 1918 A38 Food Will Win the War? cvr w/cc w/3c violet coil f/f EV-5
447 23. Boston, Mass Sep 21, 1903 B4(4) 3 pts pg 27 FCE lt blue cvr w/#301 vf/f+
448 35. Boston, Mass Feb 13, 1906 B4(6) dd 2 pts cvr w/#319 g-vg/g-vg rgh open T
449 44. Boston, Mass May 22, 1896 D4(8) Steep dd 25 pts gpc f+/f+
450 55. Boston, Mass Jan 9, 1899 B4(10) Steep 12 pts lt brn cvr w/cc w/2c red vg/f lite print
451 20. Boston, Mass Oct 23, 1912 B14(3) dd 1912/1914 70 pts pg 33 FCE ppc w/1c grn f/vg+ EV-60
452 30. Boston, Mass Jun 20, 1911 A14(6) 2 pts ppc w/1c grn f/g-vg a couple of creases
453 30. Boston, Mass Apr 23, 1919 A14 No D/S pg 33 FCE ppc w/2c red 10 pts vg/f
454 Boston, Mass Jun 4, 1915 B38 Hyde Park Station 2 pts gpc vf/f+
455 Boston, Mass Nov 11, 1908 B38 Hanover Street Sta(1) 1 pt greeting pc w/#300 f/vg
456 Boston, Mass Jun 24, 1910 B38 South Postal Sta (2) 1 pt ppc w/1c grn vg+/f
457 3. Allegan, Mich Mar 3, 1921 A14 16 pts gpc f+/vf
458 2. Belding, Mich Feb 5, 1914 A14 14 pts gpc f+/vf
459 4. Coldwater, Mich Mar 17, 1913 A14 10 pts birthday pc w/1c grn f+/f+
460 3. Lansing, Mich May 13, 1901 lku B14(1) dd 8 pts 3x5.5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg
461 1. Saint Joseph, Mich Nov 3, 1902 eku B14(1) 8 pts cvr w/2c red f/vg
462 3. Brookfield, Mo Aug 26, 1916 A14 dd 10 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f
463 Clinton, Mo Aug 24, 1917 A14 12 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f
464 Eldorado Springs, Mo Aug 15, 1923 A14 10 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f
465 Helena, Mont Sep 20, 1918 A14 12 pts ppc w/2c red f/f
466 Arnold, Nebr Mar 11, 1935 A14 11 pts commercial cvr w/#720 vg+/f
467 Cambridge, Nebr Jan 16, 1929 A14 57 pts cvr w/2c red f/vg+ EV-40
468 4. Fairbury, Nebr Jun 25, 1910 A14 10 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f+/f+
469 Falls City, Nebr Dec 21, 1920 A14 20 pts xmas pc w/1c grn coil stmp ?LS C? not printed vg/f+
470 Greeley, Nebr Jun 28, 1935 A14 11 pts pse vg/vg
471 Hebron, Nebr Jul 13, 1930 A14 38 pts cvr w/#671 Nebr Ovprnt f/f EV-24
472 Humphrey, Nebr Jun 14, 1935 A14 11 pts commercial cvr w/#720 vg/f
473 Rushville, Nebr Apr 4, 1931 A14 LFHC 67 pts cvr w/2c red g-vg/f town partial EV-24
474 Spalding, Nebr Sep 30, 1934 A14 11 pts commercial cvr w/#720 vg/f
475 1. Bethlehem, NH Sep 3, 1924 A14 57 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f+ lite print EV-24 MB-12
476 2. Bethlehem, NH Aug 16, 1930 A14 dd 60 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red g-vg/vg+ town spotty EV-24 MB-12
477 Bristol, NH Sep 2, 1929 last year of use A14 53 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f EV-40
478 5. Concord, NH Jul 5, 1904 B14(1) dd 1 pt cvr w/cc w/#319 f+/vg
479 Hanover, NH Apr 23, 1911 A14 12 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f
480 1. Keene, NH May 31, 1913 B14 4 pts pse vg/g-vg rgh open R o/w f cvr
481 2. Keene, NH Jan 18, 1919 A14 13 pts pse w/cc f/vg+
482 Littleton, NH Jan 25, 1915 A14 19 pts adv cvr w/2c red f/g+ bad tear T L
483 1. Manchester, NH Jun 5, 1896 D14( ) 60 pts cvr w/2c red f/f 2 sm pieces missing L edge EV-30
484 Milford, NH Nov 23, 1923 A14 15 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/vg
485 North Conway, NH Sep xx, 1927 A14 76 pts ppc stamp missing p-g/f town spotty but id sure MB-10
486 Plymouth, NH Jan 6, 1916 A14 25 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/vg
487 Avon By The Sea, NJ Sep 15, 1926 A14 63 pts ppc w/2c red f/f EV-40
488 3. Cape May, NJ Sep xx, 1919 A14 20 pts birthday pc w/1c grn vg/f parts of dial underinked
489 Cape May CH, NJ Feb 2, 1928 last yr of use A14 53 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc f/f slight trim L EV-40
490 Grantwood, NJ Jan 4, 1927 A14 76 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/f stamp damaged EV-40 MB-20
491 1. Maplewood, NJ May 28, 1925 late use A14 66 pts pse vg/f minor rgh open L EV-30 MB-15
492 4. Silver City, N.Mex. Jul 7, 1923 A38 Fire Is Enemy dd ppc w/1c grn f/f+ EV-24
493 Tyrone, N.Mex. Mar 23, 1919 A14 50 pts 3x5 piece of pse p-g/piece dial partial but id sure
494 3. Binghamton, NY May 14, 1900 B14(2) dd 15 pts yellow cvr w/cc w/2c red vf/f+ stamp damaged
495 Brooklyn, NY Apr 10, 1909 B38 Station C 5 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg/vg
496 Brooklyn, NY 3rd class 1899 B38 Station W 13 pts front cvr w/cc w/1c grn vg+/front
497 Brooklyn, NY Mar 30, 1920 A38 Saint Johns Place Sta 8 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg+/f+
498 2. Catskill, NY Aug 7, 1911 B14 11 pts comic pc w/1c grn vg/f
499 4. Elmira, NY Jul 6, 1898 B14(1) 20 pts adv cvr w/2c red f+/vf exhibit quality MB-5 PHOTO
500 2. Endicott, NY Jan 5, 1914 A14 6 pts ppc w/#397 f+/vf
501 Flushing, NY Dec 23, 1919 A38 Corona Sta dd 15 pts xmas pc w/1c grn g-vg/vf Station name partial
502 Geneva, NY Aug 3, 1909 B14(1) 3 pts ppc w/#300 g-vg/f
503 Highland, NY Mar 17, 1927 A14 53 pts 4x7.5 cvr w/cc w/2c red f/f town spotty EV-30 MB-15
504 2. Ilion, NY Dec 14, 1911 A14 10 pts gpc vf/f+
505 Kingston, NY Jun 14, 1902 B14 10 pts pse front only vf/front
506 2. Lestershire, NY Jun 13, 1910 1st yr of variety A14 10 pts greeting pc w/#300 f/f
507 Mount Vernon, NY Apr 19, 1916 A14 4 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg+/f+
508 Rochester, NY Apr 6, 1917 A38 East Avenue Sta 12 pts cvr w/2c red f+/g many dirt smudges
509 Rye, NY Sep 14, 1915 A14 13 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
510 Saranac Lake, NY Jul 17, 1916 A14 13 pts ppc Lake Placid Club w/1c grn vg/f+
511 Staten Island, NY Jun 7, 1929? A38 Great Kills Station 40 pts ppc w/2c red vg/vg+ EV-24 MB-12
512 Troy, NY Sep 2, 19xx 09? A38 Lansingburg Sta 10 pts ppc w/1c grn g-vg/f
513 Wellsville, NY Feb 14, 1910 A14 14 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f stamp damaged
514 West New Brighton, NY Dec 22, 1911 B14 15 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f+/f+
515 New York, NY Jan 3, 1896 E14(2) Sta P 30 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f stamp damaged EV-15 MB-8
516 12. New York, NY Nov 14, 1899 B14(4) dd 10 pts adv cvr front only w/2c red vg/front
517 28. New York, NY 3rd class 1900 B14(10) dd 12 pts pse w/cc f+/f+
518 37 or 38. New York, NY 3rd class 1898 B14(4) dd 35 pts cvr w/cc w/1c grn vg/f+ lite print EV-4
519 49. New York, NY Mar 16, 1899 B14(18) dd 20 pts pse w/cc vf/vf
520 51. New York, NY 3rd class 1897 B14(20) 25 pts adv cvr w/1c blue Albino cover entire face Newspaper
Advertising f/vg+ EV-5
521 61. New York, NY Dec 6, 1897 B14(26) 35 pts cvr w/2c red f/vg some age stains on edges EV-5
522 New York, NY Jan 25, 1897 F14(1) Station A 10 pts cvr red L and B to 3x6 w/cc w/2c red f+/piece
523 New York, NY Nov 18, 1898 F14(2) Station D 15 pts adv cvr w/2c red g/vg killer ??? off R
524 New York, NY Aug 5, 1899 F14(1) 6th listed var Station O 30 pts lt brn cvr w/cc w/2c red vg/f+ EV-4
525 New York, NY Mar 7, 1916 A26 Station T(C) 30 pts adv front red to 3x6 f/piece
526 New York, NY Aug 2, 1918 A26 Station T(C) 30 pts ppc Army Post Spartanburg, SC f/f+ EV-6
527 New York, NY Sep 24, 1902 B38 Station W 5 pts cvr w/2c red vf/f+
528 Southern Pines, NC Dec 20, 1924 A14 65 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+ lite print EV-60 MB-30
529 Warrenton, NC Nov 8, 1930 A14 63 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f+ 4 pinholes L EV-30 MB-15
530 Winston, NC Feb 6, 1899 B14(1) 60 pts cvr w/2c red vf/f+ EV-30 MB-15
531 Hannaford, N.Dak Nov 7, 1932 A14 53 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/#718 f+/f+ EV-30 MB-15
532 La Moure, N.Dak Aug 19, 1930 A14 59 pts pse w/cc vg+/f slight trim R EV-40
533 Lidgerwood, N. Dak Mar 4, 1931 A14 56 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red vg+/vg+ slight trim T touching stamp
staple hole B L EV-30 MB-15
534 Park River, N.Dak Oct 31, 1930 A14 59 pts cvr w/2c red f+/vg+ 2 staple holes B L EV-40
535 Stanley, N.Dak Nov 1, 1930 A14 57 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red vg+/vg repaired spindle hole town spotty EV-40
536 1. Cambridge, Ohio Dec 20, 1903 B14(1) 4 pts cvr w/#301 w/cc vg/vg
537 Cincinnati, Ohio Mar 22, 1913 B38 Station D 2 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg/vg
538 3. Lima, Ohio May 1, 1900 B14( ) 15 pts adv cvr w/2c red f/g-vg tears & rgh open R PHOTO
539 1. Tiffin, Ohio Apr 20, 1904 B14 4 pts cvr w/cc w/#319 GAR Encampment on Back vf/f+ PHOTO
540 El Reno, Okla Apr 10, 1909 B14(1) 6 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg+/f
541 1. Nowata, Okla Jul 22, 1914 used 14 months A4 Ovate cvr w/2c red w/cc f/f slight cut shrt R EV-40 MB-20
542 4. Oklahoma, Okla Mar 3, 1913 B38 Stockyards Sta 40 pts ppc masonic temple w/1c grn f/f EV-24 MB-12
543 2. Chickasha, Ind. T. Mar 10, 1907 B14 cvr w/cc w/#319 f+/p-g cover has been in a fire with B R and back
showing burns. Interesting. EV-20
544 2. Grants Pass, Oregon Apr 13, 1910 A14 16 pts pse vg-/f+ dial partial
545 11. Portland, Ore May 15, 1909 B38 Station A dd 15 pts ppc w/#300 g-vg/f lite print
546 1. Carlisle, Pa Dec 21, 1904 B14 3 pts 3.75x4.5 cvr w/#319 vg+/f
547 Lancaster, Pa Nov 22, 1895 D13(black ball) pink cvr w/cc cigars w/2c red vg/g-vg vry rhg open R
548 6. Norristown, Pa Aug 30, 1916 A14 3 pts pse w/cc vg+/vg minor rgh open T
549 Scranton, Pa Dec 16, 1910 A38 West Scranton Sta 11 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f+/f+
550 5. Washington, Pa Jan 22, 1919 A14 10 pts cvr w/cc w/three 1c grn vg/vg+
551 Alamo, Texas Mar 14, 1936 A14 12 pts gpc f+/f+
552 2. Amarillo, Texas Mar 25, 1909 B14 6 pts pse w/cc f+/f+
553 Anson, Texas Apr, 7, 1927 A14 50 pts registry recpt card vf/f+ EV-27
554 Asherton, Tex May 20, 1931 A14 60 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+ cancel ??? off R year lite print EV-40
555 Belton, Texas Mar 31, 1920 B14 17 pts pse w/cc f/vg
556 Brady, Texas Apr 10, 1914 A14 26 pts easter pc w/1c grn f/f EV-6
557 7. Galveston, Texas 3rd class 1912 A14 3 pts adv cvr w/1c grn f+/f R edge wrinkle PHOTO
558 1. Rutland, Vt Jun 9, 1898 B14(1) 8 pts lt brown adv cvr w/2c red f+/f+ PHOTO
559 Woodstock, Vt Sep 10, 1925 A14 42 pts ppc w/2c red vg+/f EV-20 MB-8
560 3. Bellingham, Wash Jul 18, xxxx A38 So. Bellingham Sta 11 pts real PPC w/2c red g-vg/f+ yr not printed
561 2. North Yakima, Wash Jul 10, 1911 B4(1) ovate ppc w/1c grn vg/f+
562 2. Spokane, Wash Jan 19, 1899 B44 Involute cvr w/2c red vg/vg lite print tgh open R EV-15 MB-8
563 1. Tacoma, Wash Oct 3, 1898 B44 Involute gpc g-vg/f lite cancel cancel on T of pc design EV-8
564 Winlock, Wash May 18, 1927 A14 66 pts pse w/cc f/vf EV-50 MB-20
565 Cameron, W.Va Aug 11, 1926 A14 40 pts greeting pc w?2c red scarce cancel g-vg/vg+ EV-40
566 2. Keyser, W.Va Jul 12, 1914 B14 dd 17 pts st Patricks Day pc w/1c grn vg+/f
567 1. White Sulphur Springs, W.Va Aug 8, 1924 A14 63 pts cvr w/2c red vf/f+ EV-30
568 2. White Sulphur Springs, W.Va Oct 23, 1932 A38 Station A 58 pts cvr w/#555? Lite print w/cachet EV-30
569 Baraboo, Wis Nov 16, 1912 A14 10 pts pse f+/g many dirt smudges but nice cancel
570 2. Elkhorn, Wis May 23, 1923 A14 dd LFHC 72 pts 3x6 cvr w/2c red f+/f tear at T into dial EV-50
571 Lone Rock, Wis Sep 26, 1936 A14 62 pts cvr w/#720 f+/f+ EV-50
572 3. Manitowoc, Wis Aug 31, 1911 B14 4 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/vg some age spots
573 1. Milwaukee, Wis Feb 3, 1900 B14(2) 50 pts lt blue cvr w/2c red w/cc f/vg long tear along R EV-30
574 Thorp, Wis Apr 6, 1928 A14 63 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc f/vg+ tear T L in cc EV-40
575 Warrens, Wis Sep 28, 1920 A14 54 pts 3x5.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/f EV-30 MB-15
576 Newcastle, Wyo Feb 27, 1930 A14 67 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/f 2 pinholes L EV-50
577 Powell, Wyo Jan 22, 1931 last yr of use A14 60 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f lite print EV-50
578 Washington, DC Apr 26, 1911 B38 Station F 16 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f/f
579 US Army Postal Service Feb 4, 1918 A24(2) (Paris) 4.5x5.5 YMCA cvr soldiers mail f/g several tears at T and B
Nice square AEF Censor mark EV-15
580 US Army Postal Service Aug xx, 1918 A24(705) (Bordeaux) 4.5x5.5 YMCA cvr sailors mail circular blue USN
Censor mark poor cancel but fine cvr for this era p/f EV-15
581 Norfolk, Va Nov 14, 1918 A38 Naval Base Sta buff YMCA cvr w/3c violet f/vg+ EV-6
582 U.S.S. Melville Jun 14, 1934 A14 pg 71 FCE cvr w/#720 w/cachet f+/f+ EV-8 PHOTO
583 U.S.S. Texas Feb 12, 1934 A14 front w/#555? w/cachet f/front PHOTO
584 6. Boston, Mass Sep 5, 1906 B38(2) trip Boston Circuit RPO scarce greeting pc w/#300 vg/f+ EV-35 MB-20
585 Cleveland, Ohio Aug 22, 1909 B38 Clev Circuit RPO trip 9 ppc w/1c grn vf/f+ EV-4
586 Baltimore, Md Feb 21, 1916 A38(1) Rol Park & Highlandtown RPO pg75 FCE 2x4 piece f+/piece
Hand Stamped Flag Cancels
587 2. Amboy, Ills Aug 27, 1907 R.F.D. No 2 violet pg 126 top FCE comic pc no stamp g-vg/g-vg lite print EV-24
Large Lots of Flag Cancels
588 California lot of 52 cvrs/cards a few 2x4 a few duplicates mixed condition MB-8
589 Conn and Rhode Island lot of 36 cvrs/cards a few 2x4 a few duplicates mixed condition MB-5
590 Illinois lot of 29 cvrs/cards a few duplicates mixed condition MB-5
591 Massachusetts lot of 92 cvrs/cards a few duplicates mixed condition MB-12
592 New York lot of 26 cvrs/cards a few duplicates mixed condition MB-5
593 Ohio lot of 48 cvrs/cards a few duplicates mixed condition MB-6
594 Pennsylvania lot 45 cvrscards a few 2x4 a few duplicates mixed condition MB-7
595 Northeast States ? Maine NH and VT lot of 18 cvrs/cards a few duplicates mixed condition MB-4
596 Remainder lot of 190+ Ala to Wis cvrs/cards a few 2x4 a few duplicates mixed condition MB-25
The following lots are some of the last books from the library of Reg Morris.
597 American Machine Cancels by R. Morris Copyright 1978 while he was still living in the United Kingdom. This
book covers the story of the American Postal Machines Company from the introduction of the first Etheridge
machine into the Boston PO in 1884 through 1890. This book is paper bound and new condition with no notes.
598 US Postal Machines of the Army Post Offices: World War II: Volume II by Bart Fillings copyright 2006. The
history and markings as the title says. Cover is in color, but no color in the remainder of the book. This volume is
also paper bound and new condition with no notes.
599 Just Perfect: The Patents and Postal Markings of machines invented by Joseph O. Lamoureux andOmer Francois
Lefebvre 1912-1965 by Reg Morris and Bob Payne. This is the final draft copy of 2005 before it waited 2 years
for publication by the British North America Philatelic Society in 2007. Paper bound with a few annotations by
600 Same as above, but appears to be an earlier draft with many annotations by Reg. All chapters are the same
length as above.
601 US Classic Machine Cancels 1871-1991 Volume I by Bob Payne. This is the first volume of the two volume copy
of Bob?s prize winning exhibit of machine cancels. Spiral bound with no notes.
602 The Columbia Story Volume II by Reg Morris, Bob Payne and Tim Holmes. 1996 Paper bound with a few date
corrections in town listing otherwise like new.
603 The Columbia Story Volume IV. Same authors as above. 1998 Paper bound like new with no notes.
604 The Columbia Story Volume V. Same authors as above. 2000 Paper bound like new with a couple of notes.
605 The Columbia Story Volume VI: Machines used in Great Britain. Same authors as above. 2001 Paper bound like
new with no notes.
606 The Multipost Company: History, Machines and Markings. Same authors as above. 1997. Stapled copy like new
with no notes.
607 An Introduction to Japanese Cancelling Machines and Markings. Same authors as above. Undated. Paper bound
copy on yellow paper and no notes. Includes a review of the book in Japanese from the President of the Japan
Postal Museum and a letter to Reg Morris from a Japanese friend referring to the review of the book.
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