Bids Must be Postmarked or E-mailed by Tuesday, May 20 , 2014
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Reminder: a 10% buyer fee will be added to each winning bid. This is a policy that has been in effect for many years. You can find our complete auction terms and conditions on our web site, or request a copy from the auction manager. To view the complete auction terms and conditions visit:
A new rule was approved by the MCS Board at the recent Annual Meeting. If an estimated value (EV) is given for a lot then no bid less than 1/3 of that EV will be accepted.
ad advertising mc multicolor R right
am airmail env envelope min minimum recd received
B bottom EV estimated value m s manuscript reg registered
b s backstamp(ed) flts faults o/s z oversize rev reverse
ca cachet(ed) gpc government postal card o/sk overstruck sm small
cc corner card hs handstamp(ed) o/w otherwise T top
cds circular date stamp ill illustrated pc postcard(picture or greeting) unad unaddressed
cr(s) crease(s) imp impression pm postmaster var variety
cnr corner L left pmk postmark yd yeardate
cv cover lt light pse postal stationary envelope w/ with
dd different die MB minimum bid pts points w/o without
The condition of the cancellation is indicated first, then the condition of the cover or card.
For example, F/VG means a fine cancel on a very good cover or card.
Condition of the cancel (consists of the postmark and the stamp invalidator)
VF = Very Fine; all letters and cancel virtually perfect.
F = Fine; letters and cancel well imprinted, considerably better than average.
VG = Very Good; letters and cancel well imprinted but perhaps some lightness or other defect.
G = Good; some defect, such as some letters or portion of cancel light or not imprinted, or
Right ends of lines or bars run off the edge of the card or cover.
P = Poor; merely an identifiable and complete example.
Condition of the cover or card
VF = Very Fine; attractive, no faults.
F = Fine; minor fault such as toning; not described.
VG = Very Good; several minor faults, but none judged to be major; usually described.
G = Good; one or two major faults; described
If you are hesitant to bid without further details, call with your questions or request photocopies.
Bidding increments are: $ 1.00 to $ 10.00 $ 0.50
$ 10.00 to $ 100.00 $ 1.00
$ 100.00 and above $ 5.00
These lots are from a member’s ship collection. The lots consist of covers and cards that have been posted aboard a ship, carried on a ship, feature voyages of a particular ship, or just identifies a ship in some way. Many have cachets and machine cancels. The collection will appear here over the next several auctions.
1 US Lines Maiden Voyage Transpacific American Manufacturer New York, NY cancel Jul 26, 1941 Universal Slogan ‘Buy Defense Bonds’ cvr w/ cachet w/#901 vf/vf
2 SS Agwiprince Maiden Voyage October 1941 New York & Cuba Mail Steamship Co Lima Peru Slogan Cancel cvr w/cachet w/Peru Stamp w/enclosure g+/vf-
3 SS American Lancer Mailed Aboard Liverpool cancel 7 Aug 1969 cvr w/US 6 cent #1369 w/cachet to Buda , Texas vg/f+
4 M.V. American Packer US Lines October 1941 Sydney Australia slogan cancel 30 Dec 1941 Square datestamp with ‘posted in oversea box’ in date stamp slogan ‘Australian Products for Quality and Value’ PHOTO
5 AUSONIA handstamp identifies the ship Montreal, P.Q. Oct 31, 1935 slogan cancel ‘Insure Your Parcels at the Post Office’ repeated in French cvr w/2c brn Duke f York and 1c grn Princess Eliz Canadian stamps f+/f+
6 SS ARIZONA handstamp identifies the ship Vancouver, BC Dec 2, 1968 slogan ‘Mail Early for Christmas’ cvr w/5c Canada comm stamp vg+/f+
7 BY SEA MAIL handstamp ship not identified aux marking: ‘Posted Under Clause ???/& T.Guide’ BOOK POST handstamp also present cancel is a pseudo machine cancel from India (New Delhi?) with 3 India stamps as postage #10 cvr w/cc All India Prayer Fellowship addressed to New York. G-vg/f+
8 Fred Olsen Line Oslo M/S Burrard Stavaneger, Neth handstamp May 4, 1951 cvr w/5c orange Netherlands stamp cancel with PAQUEBOT in rectangular box to San Gabriel, Calif vg+/f+
9 Baden ship on the Bodensee with unreadable German cancel RPPC of the ship Baden and handstamp cachet of Bodensee-Motorshiff in message part of card g+/f+
10 RMS Carmania Plymouth Devon cancel Jun 30, 1928 with PAQUEBOT in rectangle cancel of stamp ppc of RMS Carmania w/1.5c King George stamp f/f+
11 RMS Carmania and Caronia New York Sta J Intl mach cancel Apr 28, 1911 ppc of RMS Carmania with stamp missing f/vg
12 City of Plattsburg Streamline Ferry on Lake Champlain Burlington, Vt Aug 2, 1941 Univ CT-550 ppc of boat on Lake Champlain on way from Burlington to Port Kent vg+/f+
13 City of Cheboygan Cheboygan, Mich Aug 23, 1947 Intl machine cancel RPPC of City of Cheboygan boat f+/f+
14 City of Los Angeles 1934 South Seas Exploration Cruise Niuafoou, Tonga pseudo machine cancel 13 Aug 1934 cvr w/cachet w/ 2.5c blue Toga stamp to New York f+/f+
15 City of Cincinnati on Lake Chautauqua, NY Chautauqua, NY Aug 1, 1923 Universal machine cancel ppc of boat on the lake w/ 1c grn f+/f+
16 Ocean S.S. Co. of Savannah New York Apr 9, 1940 with 1940m New York World’s Fair cancel Bomar NY39-22 ppc of ship steaming along w/ 1c grn f+/f
17 Washington, DC Jun 4, 1892 D-2( ) cvr w/#220? f/f+
18 Washington, DC Sep 30, 1892 D-3( ) cvr w/2c red vg+/f
19 Chicago, Ill Dec 19, 1894 D-W3-3(3) cvr w/ 2c red f+/vg+
20 Boston, Mass Oct 28, 1887 3.25x5.25 pse w/cc commercial f+/f+ PHOTO
21 Boston, Mass Feb 24, 1890 D-6(4) 2 strikes 4x5 cvr w/2c grn banknote f/f
22 Boston, Mass Dec 19, 1890 D-2(6) gpc f+/f+
23 Boston, Mass Aug 23, 1890 D-2(11) cvr w/2c red vf/vg rgh open left
24 Lynn, Mass Jun 20, 1895 D-6( ) 3.5x4.5 cvr w/#250? w/enclosure vf-/f
25 Philadelphia, Pa 18 & Chestnut Sta Apr 25, 1894 N-6( ) pse w/cc f+/f
26 Philadelphia, Pa Jun 22, 1894 D-6(3) illustrated adv cvr w/2c red w/cc Jos Dixon Crucible Co illus: Pencil pushed through cover f+/f+ MB -5 PHOTO
27 Philadelphia, Pa Sep 7, 1904 B-W2(9) 3.25x5.25 pse w/#300 w/cc Historical Society f+/f+
28 Newport News, Va Sep 7, 1907 B-dial 1607 Jamestown Celebration FCE pg 95 cvr w/#329 vf/f+ MB-3
29 Chicago, Ill Jan 10, [1905] AMS-38 Armour Sta Received ppc w/pair #300 g-vg/f+ print partial but id sure
30 Boston, Mass Aug 17, 1904 bkstmp AMS-33 Jamaica Plain Received Station cvr vf-/f
31 Gloucester, Mass Dec 21, 1905 AMS-26 Received in 5 bars on top of origin cancel from New Bedford ppc
w/#300 very scarce cancel vg/f+ MB-5
32 Butte, Mont Mar 2, 1906 AMS-54 ppc w/#300 g+/f on top of grn stamp and dial half off top
33 Philadelphia, Pa Aug 30, 1900 bk stmp AMS-43 Transit Mach 2 cvr f+/f+
34 Philadelphia, Pa Jul 28, 1903 AMS-31 (1) Station S Received ppc w/1c grn f+/f
35 Brattleboro, Vt Mar 11, 1907 AMS-22(1) bkstmp vf/vg
36 Appleton, Wis May 21, 1913 lku? bkstmp AMS-25 Received in 7 wavy lines vf/back only front missing
37 Washington, DC Mar 3, 1898 A2-102a pse f+/f+ MB-3
38 Bloomington, Ill Nov 17, 1903 Ca4-122 gpc vg/f lite print
39 Chicago, Ill Sep 9, 1898 A2-102a machine # 1 gpc uncommon vg+/f+ MB-3
40 Chicago, Ill Nov 15, 1899 A4-121a pse w/cc f+/f aging T and R edges
41 Chicago, Ill Nov 28, 1900 lku? C4-121a machine # 2 dial ide d uncommon gpc vg/f+ dial lite MB-3
42 Decatur, Ill May 26, 1905 D4-101a from Italy to US ppc w/damaged Italian stamp f/f MB-3
43 East St Louis, Ill Jul 19, 1904 Da4-101b receipt cancel gpc uncommon vg/vg on top of origin cancel
44 Kansas City, Kans Stock Yds Sta May 30, 1904 AS1/4-122 illus adv cvr cattle w/#319 f/g+ tear TR crnr
45 St Louis, Mo Jan 14, 1899 bkstmp A2-103R large elliptical Received cvr vg/f cancel ½ off Rt
46 St Louis, Mo Jul 12, 1899 C4-121a cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc f+/vg fold on left
47 New York, NY Madison Sq. Sta Nov 15, 1898 AS1/2-102a adv cc w/2c red Bureau vf/f+ MB-3
48 Austin, Texas Jan 23, 1905 D4-101a used as receipt cancel German pc from Bautzen f+/f+
49 Washington, DC Dec 15, 1897 HB-2(1) cvr w/2c red Bureau vf-/f+
50 Augusta, Ga Dec 31, 1900 eku K-5(1) cvr w/2c red Bureau f/f rgh open Rt
51 Augusta, Ga Received Jun 26, [1907] yr removed is normal LRAa-6( ) comic pc w/#300 vg+/vg+
52 Chicago, Ill Dec 30, 1895 A-1(No Die Space) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc Ill Trust f+/f+ MB-3
53 Peoria, Ill Mar 8, 1900 L-7(1) pse w/cc f/f
54 Burlington, Ia Dec 9, 1896 1st wk of use F-2(1) gpc f/f+
55 Cedar Rapids, Ia Oct 23, 1897 last 2 wks of use F-2(1) 3.25x6 cvr w/2c red Bureau f+/f
56 Dubuque, Iowa Dec 28, 1899 lku O-5(1) 3.75x5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f+/f 2 ink smudges
57 Portland, Maine Aug 16, 1898 H-9(1) 3x5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f/vg+
58 Baltimore, Md Feb 10, 1898 H-2(2) pse w/cc aux mark: Unclaimed f/vg+
59 Baltimore, Md Dec 26, 1898 very late use F-8(2) 4x5 cvr w/2c red Bureau w/enclosure f+/f
60 Detroit, Mich Jan 16, 1900 O-60(1) Letter Carriers Natl Convention 2x4 piece scarce vf/2x4 MB-5
61 Saint Louis, Mo Annex Station May 28, 1906 KS-6(1) cvr w/#319 f/f rgh open left
62 St. Louis, Mo Mar 15, 1900 L-56(2) Worlds Fair Louisiana Purchase front w/2c red Bureau f+/front some dirt smudges bottom scarce and very nice cancel but front piece is filler only MB-3
63 Lincoln, Nebr Jun 5, 1899 last month of use? O-8(1) cvr w/cc w/2c red Bureau vg/vg minor rgh open Rt
64 Newark, NJ Feb 5, 1901 lku? O-5(1) 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red Bureau vg+/vg+
65 Buffalo, NY Mar 30, 1899 O-5(2) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc Buffalo Abstract Guaranty w/enclosure f+/vg
66 Buffalo, NY Sep 20, 1899 O-54(1) Pan Amer Expo cvr w/illus adv cc Eire Fire Insurance vg+/vg+ MB-2
67 Buffalo, NY Apr 19, 1901 K-53(2) Pan Amer Expo cvr w/cc w/2c red Bureau f+/vg some aging on edge MB-2
68 Ithaca, NY Oct 5, 1908 L-6(1) ppc Boardman Hall Cornell Univ w/#300 vg+/f
69 Kingston, NY Aug 20, 1902 eku? bkstmp L-6(1) cvr vg+/f
70 New York, NY Dec 2, 1896 F-2(2) adv pse w/cc overall add on back Baking Powder Soap Powder f+/f+ MB-5
71 New York, NY Aug 22, 1896 lku E-2(3) cvr w/faulty 2c red Bureau f+/vg insect damage top
72 New York, NY Sep 11, 1896 E-2(4) pse w/cc Ill Central Railroad Co to London, Eng vg/f+
73 New York, NY Jan 31, 1896 A-1(5) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc f/f+ cancel ½ off rt
74 New York, NY Oct 26, 1895 early use A-1(6) pse w/cc vf/f+ MB-2
75 New York, NY PO Branch “S Jul 30, 1898 JS-8( ) cvr w/cc CastleIsland Linen Co w/2c red Bureau f/g+ rgh on Rt
76 Schenectady, NY Nov 11, 1904 bkstmp L-6(1) cvr f/f
77 Cleveland, O May 15, 1896 A-1(NDS) pse w/cc vg+/vg+
78 Toledo, Ohio Dec 16, 1899 O-55(1) Ohio Centennial cvr w/2c red Bureau uncommon f+/f cancel ¼ off R MB-3
79 Oil City, Pa Sep 12, 1899 L-5(1) 3x5.25 cvr w/2c red Bureau vf-/g+ rgh open Rt
80 Philadelphia, Pa Jul 19, 1899 O-8(1) cvr w/adv cc Knit Goods and Hammocks vf-/f+
81 Pittsburg, Penn Mar 9, 1898 H-2(1) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc The National Stockman and Farmer f+/f
82 Philadelphia, Pa Oct 27, 1899 Bomar P99-06(1) Nat Export Expo cvr w/2c red Bureau vf-/f+ MB-8 PHOTO
83 Pittsburg, Penn Nov 8, 1899 eku? K-5(1) adv cvr Gas Ranges, Bicycles w/2c red Bureau f/f+ MB-3
84 Pittsburg, Pa May 15, 1900 lku? K-5(1) illus adv cvr American Roofing Tin w/2c red Bureau vg+/f+ MB-3
85 Nashville, Tenn Feb 28, 1899 eku? O-2(1) illus adv cvr Mfg Company w/2c red Bureau g+/vg cancel ½ off Rt
86 Salt Lake City, Utah Jun 16, 1907 L-6(2) ppc w/#300 f/f+
87 Petersburg, Va Nov 8, 1907 L-6(1) gpc vg+/f+
88 Milwaukee, Wis Oct 27, 1896 F-2( ) 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau vg+/f+
89 Milwaukee, Wis Apr 28, 1898 lku? F-2( ) illus adv cvr Wis. State Fair w/2c red Bureau f+/vf- MB-10 PHOTO
90 Milwaukee, Wis Jun 16, 1899 O-2( ) commercial pse w/cc f/f cut shrt on left
91 Pine Knot, Calif Aug 5, [1927] yr removed G-1W pse U522 f/f toning on edges
92 Bristol, Conn Dec 22, 1913 J-6P xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
93 Rockville, Conn Dec 22, 1913 K-7 greeting pc w/1c grn vg/vg red stain in addr area
94 Washington, DC Feb 21, 1901 bkstmp A-1 cvr f+/f cancel slightly off top
95 Wauchula, Fla Dec 14, 1919 G-2WT Florida ppc w/1c grn w/WX24 tied by cancel g+/vg+ MB-4
96 Champaign, Ill Sep 22, 1916 K-8 die 2 pse f/vg+ toning and ink smear Rt edge
97 Champaign, Ill Sta A Nov 6, 1919 HS-1W cvr w/cc w/pair 1c grn vg/vg lite print unlisted in book
98 Chrisman, Ill Aug 15, 1932 G-1W cvr w/cc w/#708 f/f
99 Cissna Park, Ill Nov 17, 1933 G-1W pse w/cc vg+/f
100 Cullum, Ill Aug 19, 1932 G-2W pse w/cc w/#705 vg-/f+ killer partial
101 East St. Louis, Ill Dec 24, 1913 K-8 cvr w/pair 1c grn vg+/vg rgh open Lft
102 Galesburg, Ill Dec 2x, 19xx yr unreadable K-8 xmas pc w/pair 1c grn vg/f
103 Le Roy, Ill Dec 29, 1924 G-1W new years pc w/1c grn vg+/f+
104 Evansville, Ind Nov 21, 1902 A-1 pse w/cc vf-/f+
105 Council Bluffs, Iowa Jul 19, 1901 A-2 3.5x4.25 cvr w/2c red Bureau vg/vg some age spots
106 Council Bluffs, Iowa Aug 2, 1901 A-2 3.25x4.75 cvr w/2c red Bureau vg+/vg+
107 Council Bluffs, Iowa ?? 26, 19xx K-8 cvr w/cc w/2c red vg/vg month not printed yr unreadable
108 Linn Grove, Iowa Dec 20, 1940 G-1W 5x6 cvr w/#805 f+/f+
109 Camden, Maine Dec 21, 1916 K-8 xmas pc w/1c grn vf-/f
110 Westfield, Mass Nov 25, 1914 K-8 ppc w/1c grn f/f+
111 Ann Arbor, Mich May 8, 1905 A-2 die b pse f+/f+
112 Detroit, Mich Received Sep 14, 1901 1st wk of use BR-2 bkstmp cvr f+/f+
113 Detroit, Mich Jan 11, 1915 late use J-6S Sta B ppc w/1c grn f/f+
114 New Baltimore, Mich Dec 18, 1923 L-9 Known as “Baby” machine sold to 3rd and 4th class PO discussed in Col Story Vol II pg 61 ff xmas pc w/3c grn a few age spots vg+/vg+ MB-3 PHOTO
115 South Haven, Mich Sep 16, 1913 eku? K-7 ppc w/1c grn vg+/f
116 Faribault, Minn Jun 14, 1916 K-8 cvr w/2c red f+/f+
117 Minneapolis, Minn Aug 29, 1912 J-6PS Riverside Station ppc w/1c grn f/vf-
118 New Brunswick, NJ Nov 11, 1907 A-G die 1 greeting pc w/#300 vg/f
119 Patterson, NJ May 17, 1907 J-6 ppc w/#300 vf-/f+
120 Brocton, NY Apr 29, 1929 G-1W cvr w/2c red f+/f
121 Buffalo, NY Station C Feb 23, 1914 KS-8 birthday pc stamp missing vg/f
122 Cassadago, NY Jul 30, 1921 eku? G-2W ppc w/1c grn vg+/f+
123 Clifton Springs, NY Feb 12, 1919 E-1WT ppc local park stamp missing vg/f dial lite
124 Far Rockaway, NY Aug 2, 1908 J-6S Rockaway Beach Sta ppc w/#300 vg+/f+
125 Patchogue, NY Jan 27, 1916 K-8 birthday pc w/1c grn vg+/f+
126 Poughkeepsie, NY Jun 17, 1909 J-6P ppc w/1c grn f+/f T/L crnr clipped
127 Saratoga Springs, NY Aug 14, 1906 A-G die 2 ppc w/#300 vg+/f
128 Saratoga, Springs, NY Aug 27, 1915 K-8 die 2 ppc w/1c grn vg/vg toning bottom
129 Portsmouth, Ohio Feb 11, 1918 late use K-8 valetine pc w/2c red f+/f+
130 Allentown, Pa Mar 8, 1904 A-2 3.25x5 cvr w/#301 w/enclosure vg+/vg sm tears top crnrs
131 Greensburg, Pa Oct 13, 1916 K-8 ppc w/1c grn vg/vg
132 Lancaster, Pa Sep 4, 1906 A-G die 3 gpc vf-/vg+
133 Lancaster, Pa Dec 29, 1908 J-6P gpc vf-/f
134 Charlestown, SC Jul 19, 1901 A-1 pse w/cc f+/vg+
135 Paris Island, Sc Jan 24, 1918 E-1WTF 3.5x5.5 cvr w/3c violet f+/f+
136 Racine, Wis Mar 4, 1912 J-6PS Cooper Sta pse vf-/vg rgh open lft
137 Franklin, Mo Dec 15, 1956 lku type 6( ) 4.5x5.5 cvr w/3c violet vf-/vf-
138 Farmersburg, Ind Oct 28, 1948 lku? F-131 gpc w/1c and 5c red postage due f/f+
139 Story City, Iowa Jun 3, 1913 F-131 greeting pc w/1c grn f+/f
140 West Paris, Maine Dec 20, 1927 F-131 xmas pc w/2c red vg/f lite print
141 Barre, Mass Jul 22, 1913 F-131 ppc w/1c grn f/f+
142 Woodshole, Mass Oct 13, 1915 F-131 cvr w/2c red w/enclosure f/f+
143 Bay View, Mich Aug 22, 1912 F-131 ppc w/1c grn f/f+
144 Mackinac Island, Mich Aug 18, 1913 F-131 ppc w/1c parcel post f/f+
145 Jefferson, Ohio May 27, 1912 E-121 3.25x5.25 cvr w/pair 1c grn f/vg+ toning across addr area
146 Port Allegany, Pa Aug 20, 1914 Fa-131 greeting pc w/1c grn f/f+
147 New Decatur, Ala Jan 4, 1909 type E cvr w/#319 f-/f- MB-2
148 Selma, Ala Jul 21, 1906 type D used as recpt cancel gpc w/Sawyerville, Ala Doane 2/2 origin canc vg/f+
149 Bakersfield, Cal May 5, 1911 Kern Branch type 1 comic pc w/1c grn scarce vg/f cancel ½ off Rt MB-5
150 Leadville, Colo Nov 17, 1916 type D ppc w/#300 vg/f
151 Manitou, Colo Aug 15, 1906 type D cvr w/#319 vf-/f+ MB-3
152 Washington, DC Mar 27, 1905 Station F Received type DSR12 bkstmp cvr vf/f+ MB-4
153 Miami, Fla Feb 22, 1909 type D ppc w/1c grn Hotel Royal Pete Miami, Fla f/f MB-2
154 St. Augustine, Fla Aug 11, 1904 bkstmp type DR cvr f+/f MB-3
155 Honolulu, Hawaii Mar 6, 1906 type D 2nd type in book pse f+/vg+ MB-5
156 Idaho Falls, Idaho Mar 24, 1910 type E easter pc w/1c grn f+/f
157 Chicago, Ill Oct 10, 1917 51st Street Station ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
158 Chicago, Ill Nov 23, 1910 Austin Station illus #3 thansgiving pc w/1c grn f/f+ MB-2
159 Pontiac, Ill Apr 15, 1904 bkstmp received type CR cvr vg+/f+ cancel ½ off Rt
160 Indianola, Iowa May 14, 1913 type E comic pc w/1c grn vg+/f+ MB-2
161 Bar Harbor, Me Dec 6, 1901 bkstmp type CR cvr f/f+
162 Ellsworth, Me Apr 10, 1911 type E 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red vf-/vf-
163 Andover, Mass Jun 23, 1903 bkstmp type DR cvr f/f+
164 Concord, Mass Jun 13, 1908 type E ppc w/#300 vg+/f
165 East Northfield, Mass May 24, 1905 type D 3.5x4.5 pse f+/f+
166 Westboro, Mass Jul 14, 1902 type D 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f/f
167 Minneapolis, Minn Dec 18, 1911 Bloomington Sta xmas pc w/1c grn vg/vg+ town partial 1/3 off Rt
168 Lancaster, NH Oct 12, 1910 type E 3x5 cvr w/2c red f+/f+
169 Moorestown, NJ Oct 27, 191x yr partial type E cvr w/2c red f/f
170 Redbank, NJ May 19, 1906 type DC only used in 13 towns Florida ppc w/#300 f/f+ MB-3
171 Vineland, NJ Apr 11, 1906 receipt cancel type DR dd old type 10 ppc w/#300 f+/f
172 Kingston, NY Feb 12, 1901 Rondout Sta type 1 3.75x5.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f/vg MB-2
173 Wapakoneta, Ohio Jan 19, 1911 type E pse vg+/f
174 The Dalles, Oregon Jan 13, 190[8] late use type D ppc w/#300 vg-/f+
175 State College, Pa Dec 24, 19[12] type E 3x4.5 cvr w/2c red f/vg
176 San Juan, PR Feb 20, 1903 type D ppc w/1c grn overprint Puerto Rico f/vf- MB-3
177 Westerly, RI Sep 16, 1904 type D 3.5x5.5 cvr w/#319 f/f
178 Hot Springs, S. Dak Feb 2, 1920 type E ppc w/1c grn vg/f+
179 Sherman, Texas Sep 17, 1901 type C pse w/cc Grayson Cnty Nat Bank vf/vf MB-4
180 Richmond, Va Aug 25, 1907 Station B dd E dial 1907-1910 type ppc w/#300 f/vf
181 Crawfordsville, Ind Jun 21, 1900 B-8 cvr w/2c red Bureau f+/f+ MB-5
182 Redoak, Iowa Feb 28, 1902 B-8 bkstmp cvr f/vg scarce MB-15
183 Bridgeton, NJ Feb 17, 1902 B-8c gpc vg/f MB-5
184 Columbia, Pa May 24, 1902 B-8c die a bkstmp gpc scarce f/f MB-15
185 Erie, Pa Oct 15, 1899 B-8c pse w/cc vg+/f+ MB-5
186 Hypoluxo, Fla Dec 12, 1952 type 6 Florida ppc Old city gate St. Augustine w/2c red f/vf-
187 Byron, Ill Oct 4, 1949 A-1 folded note paper w/#978 vg/f town name lite
188 Anchorage, Alaska Aug 12, 1949 D-30 #10 cvr w/5c prexie Amateur Radio Reply w/enclosure f+/vg+
189 Elkmont, Ala Dec 17, 1952 HD3 5x6 cvr w/#1008 vf/f
190 Trona, Calif Apr 17, 1948 HD2 Rocket Mail w/cachet vf/vf MB-5 PHOTO
191 Berthoud, Colo Jul 21, 1945 HD3 3x4.5 cvr w/3c violet f+/f
192 Wilmington, Del Apr 20, 1914 D-32(1) illus adv cvr w/2c red f+/f
193 Washington, DC 3rd class 1890 A-11(bar) die 2 pse w/cc vf-/f
194 Washington, DC Mar 2, 1890 2 digit yr AA-11(bar) 3x5.25 cvr w/2c grn Banknote rgh open Rt touches stamp
195 Washington, DC Jul 23, 1890 2 digit yr AA-11(bar) gvt penalty card Dept of Interior vf/vf
196 Washington, DC Oct 5, 1892 B-11(2) cvr w/2c red f+/f+
197 Clewiston, Fla Jan 13, 1942 D-30 illus adv cvr w/3c violet illus Clewiston Hotel vg/vg
198 Miami, Fla Nov 20, 1923 D-30 pse w/cc f/f
199 West Palm Beach, Fla Mar2, 1910 D-34 Florida ppc Royal Arch Oak tree w/1c grn vg+/f
200 Alton, Ill Aug 18, 1926 D-30 cvr w/#627 f/f
201 Antioch, Ill Jul 29, 1947 D-30 ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
202 Aurora, Ill Mach #2 Feb 27, 1954 DT2R-30 cvr w/#1029 w/cachet vf/vf
203 Bushnell, Ill Oct 17, 1932 D-30 pse w/#705 vg+/vg sm tear top
204 Calumet City, Ill Feb 19, 1950 D-30 cvr w/cc w/#987 f/f
205 Carterville, Ill Aug 8, 1933 D-30 3.5x5.5 cvr w/#729 vg+/f+
206 Chicago, Illinois Feb 15, 1895 D-10 cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc vf/vf-
207 Chicago, Ill Aug 1, 1901 D-22(3) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/adv cc vg+/vg+
208 Anderson, Ind May 31, 1929 D-30 cvr w/#C11 w/ HS cachet Welch Field vf/f+
209 Topeka, Kan Mar 22, 1903 eku? bkstmp D-32(1) cvr f+/f+
210 Troy, Kans Sep 10, 1953 HD3 ppc w/2c red f+/vf
211 Lincolnville, Maine Sep 24, 1960 HD3 rocket mail vf/vf MB-5 PHOTO
212 Lincolnville, Maine Feb 21, 1960 HD3 rocket mail vf/vf MB-5 PHOTO
213 Kosciusko, Miss Oct 13, 1933 D-30 philatelic cvr w/#734 1st day cancel of stamp vf-/vf MB-3
214 St. Louis, Mo Jun 10, 1893 B-11(1) pse w/cc f+/vg
215 Lakehurst, NJ May 6, 1932 D-30 cvr w/#C11 w/ HS cachet USS Akron Blimp Carrying Mail vf-/vf
216 Lakehurst, NJ Aug 1, 1932 D-30 cvr w/HS USS Akron Blimp vf-/f+ MB-3 PHOTO
217 Hackensack, NJ Jun 1, 1945 Mach #2 E-30 cvr w/cc w/#908 w/perfins SNJ
218 South Orange, NJ Apr 15, 1941 D-30 4x5 cvr w/#CE2 aux mark: Fee Claimed at Kalamazoo, Mich w/ Hand stamp: Via Air Mail Special Delivery f+/f+
219 Albany, NY Sep 1, 1903 D-22(1) illus adv cvr w/pair #300 Stoves f+/vg+ MB-5
220 Buffalo, NY Apr 26, 1894 C-11(2) pse 2c Columbian w/cc vf-/f U L crnr missing
221 Cazenovia, NY Aug 11, 1937 D-30 cvr w/cc w/#795 vg+/vg+
222 Flushing, NY Mach #4 May 19, 1932 D-25 Jackson Heights Sta bicolor airmail cvr w/#C12 HS DOX First Flight from North Beach Airport to Jackson Heights, NY f+/f+ MB-2
223 New York, NY Mach #4 Dec 29, 1923 E-30 cvr to Amsterdam Holland w/5c blue Roosevelt w/cc vf/vg lrg tear thru corner card o/w f+ cvr
224 Saranac Lake, NY Nov 22, 1952 D-30 window cvr w/#1016 f/vf-
225 Asheboro, NC Oct 12, 1937 D-30 biclor airmail cvr w/cachet w/#796 first flight vf-/f+
226 Fort Bragg, NC Oct 16, 1953 D-30 gpc UX39 message frm 82nd airborne soldier to his wife f+/f+
227 Fairport Harbor, Ohio Apr 21, 1952 HD3 cvr vf/f
228 Elk City, Okla Nov 11, 1933 D-30 bicolor airmail cvr 1st flight w/cachet 5c UC1 w/three #728 vg-/f+
229 Portland, Ore Aug 19, 1905 Exposition Sta Bomar P05-02 pc Oriental Girl w/#300 damaged f+/f+
230 Butler, Pa Jun 23, 1938 D-30 ppc w/1c grn f/vf
231 Philadelphia, Pa Jun 28, 1929 D-30 pse w/cc f/f
232 Philadelphia, Pa Mach #34 Apr 23, 1941 E-45 Station C 2 color illus adv cvr Silver Lake Inn f+/f+ MB-4
233 Pittsburg, Pa Dec 2, 1901 D-22(1) cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc Wholesale Retail Stationers vf-/f+
234 Pottsville, Pa Mar 18, 1940 D-30 adv cvr w/ illus cc ‘Clothes Doctor’ w/#859 and 2c red vg+/f+ MB-2
235 Souderton, Pa Jul 4, 1932 D-30 bicolor airmail cvr w/cachet Franconia Bicentennial f/vf
236 Uniontown, Pa May 28, 1914 D-34(1) cvr w/2c red w/cc Hotel Brunswick f+/f+
237 Charleston, SC Aug 2, 1944 D-25 Navy Yard Br pse f+/f
238 Naval Base, SC Sep 7, 1951 D-30 #10 cvr w/cc w/3c violet f+/f minor rgh open top
239 Watertown, S. Dak Nov 17, 1933 D-30 illus adv cvr Hotel Lincoln w/#C17 f/f+ MB-3
240 Camp Campbell, Tenn Oct 27, 1942 D-30 soldier mail free cvr vf-/f+ minor rgh open Top
241 Gatlinburg, Tenn Dec 16, 1956 D-30 4.5x5.75 cvr w/2c red vf-/vf
242 Dallas, Texas Oct 10, 1934 D-30 amateur Radio card w/1c grn vf/vf
243 Cedar City, Utah May 18, 1929 D-30 cvr w/ HS cachet Cedar City Airport Opening f+/f+
244 Norfolk, Va Aug 16, 1907 Exposition Station D-26 Expo ppc w/#300 building at Jamestown Expo f+/vf
245 Seattle, Wash Aug 23, 1909 Expostion Sta D-26 Official Expo pc w/2c grn f+/f+
246 Weyauwega, Wis Jun 19, 1947 E-30 RPPC w/1c grn f+/vf
247 US Sea Post Office No 10 Aug 1, 1927 S.S. Leviathan philatelic cvr vf/vf MB-5
248 Washington DC Recd Aug 26, 1890 bkstmp IMS-1 2nd period of use 3x5 cvr f/f
249 Washington DC Recd Mar 10, 1894 IMS-11 bkstmp 3.5x4.75 cvr f/f
250 Washington DC Recd Apr 30, 1907 IMS-12 2nd per of use bkstmp cvr vf-/f+
251 St. Louis, Mo Dec 11, 1901 eku? 9 months earlier than in book bkstmp IMS-22 cvr f+/vg+ dirt smudges
252 New York, NY Dec 31, 1901 IMS-22 bkstmp + IMS-23 NY,NY St O Jan 1, 1902 cvr f+/vg+ rgh open top
253 New York, NY Feb 16, 1905 PAID ALL IMS-30 Dial Number 1 Dial Letter J transit cancel stamp missing f+/f
254 Philadelphia, Pa Recd May 20, 1895 IMS-12 1st per of use bkstmp cvr vf-/f
255 Philadelphia, Pa Sep 9, 1904 IMS-41 dial D with 5 bkstmp let blue cvr 3.25x5 f+/vg+ a few smudges
256 Philadelphia, Pa Recd Aug 24, 1901 IMS-17 dial DR with 6 number only bkstmp vg+/vg rgh open bottom
257 Philadelphia, Pa Jul 30, 1901 IMS-17 dial DR with 7 number only cvr bkstmp f+/f
258 Philadelphia, Pa Recd Jan 17, 1901 eku IMS-17 dial DR with 8 nmber only German ppc w/10pf red
259 Los Angeles, Ca Dec 19, 1916 PCIE Expo Mach #2 ppc w/1c grn vf/f+
260 Monterey, Calif Oct 22, 1962 Pray for Peace pse vf-/vf-
261 San Francisco, Cal Dec 24, 1917 Food Will Win the War mach#4 xmas pc w/2c red vf-/vf-
262 San Francisco, Cal Mach #7 Mar 21, 1934 Register or Insure Val Mail cvr w/pair 1c grn aux mark: machine cancel Return to Writer Unclaimed SF, Calif Mar 23 cancel slightly off left f+/f+
263 Denver, Colo Sep 8, 1915 yr partial Intl Dry Farming Expo dia a ppc w/1c grn vg+/f
264 Washington DC Apr 24, 1917 Twenty seventh Reunion United Confederat Vets die c ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
265 Washington DC Apr 3, 1928 Lets Go Citizens Mil Training cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+
266 Miami, Fla Mach # 1 Feb 13, 1934 AMST Florida ppc Hotel McAllister, Miami w/1c grn f/f
267 Miami, Fla mach #1 Nov 5, 1943 D-42 Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps Florida ppc Surf Club w/1c grn f+/f
268 Astoria, Ill Jul 23, 1962 Astoria Celebrating 125 yeas gpc f+/vf
269 Aurora, Ill mach # 1 Dec 10, 1955 DT1R Fight TB cvr w/#1071 vf/vf
270 Bushnell, Ill Jan 19, 1954 D-42 Bushnell Centennial cvr w/#1020 w/pm signature f/vf
271 Carthage, Ill Jun 4, 1962 D-42 Carthage 125th Anniv cvr w/#1197 f+/vf
272 Casey, Ill Jul 21, 1953 D-26 Casey First 100 Years cvr w/#1018 f/vf
273 Chicago, Ill Dec 22, 1917 Canal Station Food Will Win the War mach #5 xmas pc w/2c red f/vf
274 Baltimore, Md mach #3 Mar 21, 1924 Lets Go Citizens lt brn cvr w/2c red w/cc f/f B L crnr missing
275 Boston, Mass mach # H Apr 3, 1924 Lets Go Citizens cvr w/2c black Harding w/cc vf-/vf-
276 St. Louis, Mo Dec 14, 1917 Central Sta Food Will the War Don Waste It comic pc w/2c red f+/f
277 Sedalia, Mo Jul 11, 1923 Missouri State Fair ppc w/1c grn vf/vf
278 Grand Central Annex, NY mach #3 Nov 16, 1934 Red Cross Roll Call Join gpc f/f
279 Hud Term Sta, NY mach #2 Oct 29, 1924 AMST biplane pse lt blue f/f
280 Cleveland, Ohio Aug 15, 1913 Perrys Victory Put In Bay die a ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
281 Columbus, Ohio Nov 13, 1930 Red Cross Roll Call Join cvr w/2c red w/cc vf-/vf-
282 Toledo, Ohio Jun 21, 1913 Perrys Victory Cent Put In Bay cvr w/cc w/#398 stamp vf+ f+/f+
283 Toledo, Ohio Aug 12, 1913 Perry’s Victory Cent Put-In-Bay ppc w/1c parcel post f+/f
284 Albany, Oreg May 25, 1966 World Champinship Tmber Carnival July 2-3, 1966 4x5 cvr w/ 8c airmail f/f
285 Portland, Oregon Nov 27, 1913 WPPE Bomar SF15-16a expo cancel thanksgiving pc w/1c grn f/f
286 Easton, Pa Nov 9, 1951 Your Patriotic Duty Buy a Liberty Bond gpc 1c grn Jefferson vf/vf
287 Pittsburgh, Pa mach #4 Nov 19, 1937 Red Cross Roll Call Join gpc f+/f+
288 Norfolk, Va Nov 8, 1907 1607 Jamestown Celebration Expo ppc w/#328 f-vf stmp f/f+ MB-4
289 Olympia, Wash Feb 20, 1950 Olympia Centennial 1950 gpc 1c M. Wash. Vf-/vf
290 Seattle, Wash Jun 18, 1909 Worlds Fair Seattle mach #1 Bomar S09-06 ppc w/1c grn f+/f
291 Seattle, Wash Aug 28, 1909 Worlds Fair Seattle mach #1 ppc of Alaska-Yukon Pacific Expo w/#300 vg+/f+
292 Seattle, Wash Oct 25, 1913 WPPE Expo cvr w/ pair 1c grn f/f
293 Beardstown, Ill Nov 7, 1906 lku? Recd gpc f/f+ MB-2
294 Noblesville, Ind Dec 21, 1905? Yr partial type 1 ppc w/#300 stamp damaged vg/f
295 Bronson, Mich Aug 4, 1914 type 3 gpc vg/f
296 Bronson, Mich Jun 24, 1915 type 3 greeting pc w/1c grn vg/f
297 Howell, Mich Mar 30, 1912 type 1 greeting pc w/ 1c grn vg/f
298 Howell, Mich Jul 27, 1913 comic pc w/1c parcel post cancel 1/3 off Rt vg/f+
299 Mendon, Mich Jul 5?, 1913 type 1 RPPC w/1c parcel post f/f+
300 Milford, Mich Mar 25, 1910 type 3 easter pc w/1c grn vg/f
301 Reed City, Mich Apr 9, 1910 type 1 xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f+
302 St. Clair, Mich Jun 2, [1904] yr verified by bkstmp type 2 pse w/cc Diamond Crystal Salt Co vg/f+ cut shrt on L
303 St Johns, Mich Feb 6, 1905 type 3 pse f/f+
304 Gasport, NY Feb 3, 1911 type 1 greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/f
305 Homer, NY Apr 21, 1908 type 3 pse w/cc f/f+
306 Homer, NY Dec 22, 1917 type 3 xmax pc w/2c red vg+/vg+
307 Clyde, O May 1, 1901 type 2 pse f/vg+
308 Ashland, Pa Dec xx, 1906 type 1 New Years pc w/#300 f/f
309 Hartford, Conn Jan 26, 1900 J2d/b-5a pse w/cc Jewell Belting Co f+/f
310 Galesburg, Ill Jan 13, 1903 C3b-7b pse w/cc Adams & Johnson Co scarce vf-/vf- MB-5
311 Springfield, Ill Feb 21, 1901 B2b-7c cvr w/1c grn vg/vg cancel 1/3 off Rt 2 tears B
312 Indianapolis, Ind Sep 5, 1898 A1b-2a cvr w/2c red Bureau very scarce vf-/f MB-10
313 Ottumwa, Ia Feb 26, 1901 C2d/b-5a pse w/cc f+/vf-
314 Ottumwa, Ia Feb 14, 1903 C3(b)b-6a pse w/cc vf-/vf-
315 Bridgeport, Conn Apr 5, 1912? C-111 S2 West End Station easter pc w/1c grn vg+/f
316 Aurora, Ill Dec 21, 1910 D-104 xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
317 Chicago, Ill Mar 13, 1908 B-111 gpc f/f
318 Chicago, Ill Dec 21, 1910 used as recpt cancel A-105(XX) xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
319 Chicago, Ill Sep 15, 1908 C die 2 -111 ppc w/#320 vg+/f cancel 1/3 off Rt
320 Chicago, Ill Oct 1, 1908 C die 3 -111 ppc w/#300 f/f+
321 Chicago, Ill Aug 27, 1908 C die 4 – 111 3.5x5.25 cvr w/#319 vg+/f
322 Chicago, Ill Nov xx, 1911 day slug removed Canal Station mach #4 adv cvr Teach the Boy f+/f+
323 Chicago, Ill Mar 11, 1913 A-105(14) gpc f+/f
324 Chicago, Ill Dec 23, 1910 A-105(15) xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
325 Danville, Ill Oct 8, 1912 A-104 die 8 birthday pc w/1c grn f+/f
326 Elgin, Ill Jul 2x, 1907 Aa-102 used as transit cancel easter pc w/#300 vg-/vg 4 cancels compete for space
327 Elgin, Ills Oct 15, 1907 w/running clock A-102 3.25x5.25 cvr w/#329 f-vf stmp vf-/vf- MB-4
328 Evanston, Ill Sep 15, 1908 w/running clock A-102 3x5.25 cvr w/#319 f+/vg+ ink smear bot lft
329 Evanston, Ill Jan 27, 1910 A-104 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red f+/f
330 Quincy, Ill Dec 23, 1910 D-104 xmas pc w/1c grn F=/f+
331 Rockford, Ill Aug 28, 1911 C-112 pse w/fancy cc Barber-Colman Co f+/f+
332 Rock Island, Ill Feb 6, 1911 w/running clock A-104 middle bar removed, broken or missing gpc f+/f+
333 Dubuque, Iowa Feb 25, 1912 D-104 greeting pc w/1c grn f/f+
334 Jackson, Mich D-104 birthday pc w/1c grn vg+/f
335 West Chester, Pa Jun 3, 1913 D-104 cvr w/cc w/2c red coil vf/f
336 Nashville, Tenn May 29, 1911 late use A-104 gpc vg/f ‘Nash’ not printed vg/f
337 Madison, Wis Mar 26, 1910 w/running clock A-104 easter pc w/1c grn vg+/f+
338 Little Rock, Ark Jun 15, 1936 D-300 philatelic mail cvr w/#782 1st day cancel of stmp no cachet vf/vf
339 Little Rock, Ark Pike Branch Nov 18, 1918 DSB-300 ppc w/pair 1c grn Div HQ Camp Pike Soldiers vg-/f+
340 Wilmington, Del Dec 22, 1921 D-300 xmas pc w/1c grn w/WX29 tied by cancel vg-/f MB-3
341 Atlanta, Ga Gordon Branch Dec 29, 1917 DSB-300 YMCA cvr w/3c violet vg/f+ lite print
342 Milledgeville, Ga Jul 12, 1933 D-300 cvr w/#720 w/enclosure f+/vg toned
343 Arthur, Ill Sep 16, 1931 eku? DT-600 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg rgh open Tt o/w f+ cvr
344 Aurora, Ill Mar 6, 1916 BT-201 cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/vf
345 Belleville, Ill Jul 27, 1934 DT-600 window cvr w/ adv cc w/#720 f+/f+
346 Belvidere, Ill Oct 23, 1921 D-300 3.5x5.5 cvr w/#549 vg/f MB-2
347 Decatur, Ill May 17, 1958 CT-200 cvr w/#1105 w/cachet vf/f+
348 Decatur, Ill May 10, 1959 DT-200 bicolor airmail pse UC31 w/cachet vf/vf MB-2
349 Newton, Kansas Sep 2x, 1934 D-300 #10 pse vg+/vg+
350 Wichita, Kans Jul 23, 1945 Ca-110 bicolor airmail cvr w/pair #905 vg+/f+
351 Alexandria, La Beauregard Br Oct 22, 1918 DSB-300 cvr w/ illus cc eagle and flag w 3c violet vg/vg+
352 Baltimore, Md Meade Branch Feb 23, 1918 Model T driving on road to Camp Meade f/f+
353 Fitchburg, Mass Devens Branch Oct 9, 1917 DSB-300 ppc w/1c grn soldiers milling around barracks vg+/f+
354 Hattiesburg, Miss Shelby Br Feb 18, 1918 DSB-300 cvr w/3c violet f/f+
355 Imperial, Mo Dec 15, 1956 K-200 cvr w/3c violet vg/vg+ lite print
356 Tuscumbia, Mo Feb 6, 1969 HD3 cvr w/6c highway stamp vf/vf-
357 Eugene, Oregon Jun 17, 1922 B-200 recpt cancel from Ecuador to McMinnville Oregon Ecudor gpc w/US 1c grn added vg+/f interesting use
358 Amsterdam, NY Sep 2, 1952 C-110 cvr w/#1004 f/vf-
359 Le Roy, NY Aug 17, 1910 A-101 ppc w/1c grn f/f
360 New York, NY Sta U Sep 29, 1913 BSB-200 cvr w/cc Roofing & Sheet Metal w/2c parcel post f+/f
361 Poughkeepsie, NY Feb 1, 1915 CT-201 pse w/cc f+/f
362 Glen Haven, NY Jul 3, 1935 last day cvr? K-200 philatelic cvr vf/vf
363 Swan Quarter, NC Apr 14, 1943 pop 265 in 1943 HD3 gpc philatelic vg+/vf
364 Bellefonte, Pa Sep 25, 1950 D-300 ppc of court house w/1c grn vg+/vf
365 Camp Swift, Texas Mar 15, 1943 eku? D-300 cvr soldiers mail free f/vg cancel 1/3 off Rt cut shrt on Rt
366 Laredo, Texas Feb 14, 1932 D-300 dial rotated 180 degrees lt brn cvr Order of Railway Conductors w/#716 tear att top o/w f+ cvr f+/vg
367 Bellows Falls, Vt Aug 17, 1922 DT-200 cvr w/2c red w/masonic cc IOOF f/vg+ cancel part off top
368 Aberdeen, Wash May 13, 1943 D-300 4x6 vr w/ pair #905 w/airmail sticker f/f rgh open lft
369 Vancouver, Wash Dec 7, 1968 Arnada Park Annex cvr w/10c airmail f+/f+
370 US Army APO 512 Mar 7, 1945 soldiers mail free ppc Italy to Key West, Fla f+/f+
371 Phoenix, Ariz mach #2 Mar 20, 1943 Give Red Cross War Fund 4x5 cvr f+/f+
372 Berkeley, Cal Oct 17, 1916 BT-430 PCIE 3.5x5.5 w/2c red Bomar SD 16-19 f+/f+
373 Los Angeles, Calif Arcade Annex mach #3 Mar 5, 1938 AMST biplane bicolor airmail #10 cvr w/#C19 w/cc Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles vg+/f MB-2
374 San Diego, Cal Mar 5, 1915 BT-430 PCIE Bomar SD16-24 ppc of PCIE gardens vg+/f+
375 Pueblo, Colo Jul 27, 1923 Colorado State Fair Pueblo ppc w/1c grn f/f
376 Saint Augustine, Fla Jul 9, 1965 D-400 St Augustine 400th Anniv Florida ppc st Augustine w/4c violet vf/vf
377 Bloomington, Ill Feb 19, 1950 C-400 Bloomington Centennial cvr w/#961 w/nice cachet vg+/f
378 Chicago, Ill Aug 12, 1921 lku Pageant of Progress Expo mach #23 #10 cvr w/2c red w/cc f/vg+
379 Chicago, Ill Jun 12, 1922 Pageant of Progress mach #1 cvr w/2c red w/cc f/vg tear T R crnr
380 Downers Grove, Ill Mar 21, 1956 DT-400 Easter Seals cvr w/#1072 w/ Univ ship Canc Soc label vg/f+
381 Concordia, KS Jun 30, 1969 American Lefion 50th Anniv #10 cvr vg+/f+
382 Halstead, Kans Jul 30, 1960 D-300 #10 cvr w/cc The Halstead Bank f+/vf-
383 North Newton, Kans Jan 24, 1963 Bethel College 75th Ann #10 cvr w/cc Bethel College vf/vf
384 Bowling Green, Ky Nov 1, 1958 Pray for Peace #10 cvr Off Business Free Congress William H Hatcher vf/vf
385 Henderson, Ky May 29, 1964 Pray for Peace phil cvr cachet for JFK w/#1246 Kennedy 1st day of stmp vf/vf
386 Flint, Mich Nov 27, 1928 Red Cross Roll Call Join bicolor airmail cvr w/#C19 f+/f+
387 Independence, Mo Apr 18, 1959 Pray for Peace aux mark: Advise your Correspondence … illus cachet cvr covered wagon on the Oregon Trail w/label for Oregon Cent covered Wagon Mail 25c f+/f+ MB-3
388 St. Louis, Mo mach #2 Sep 2, 1920 BT2L: Learn while you Earn Join US Army cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f
389 Toledo, Ohio Nov 12, 1933 Red Cross roll Call Join adv cvr illus Hillcrest Hotel f+/f+
390 Austin, Tex Aug 10, 1949 Hire the Handicap Its Good Business Am Radio Card w/1c grn f+/f+
391 Salt Lake City, Utah Dec 3, 1942 Buy War Saving Bonds & Stamps ppc f/f+
392 Salt Lake City, Utah Mar 10, 1951 Give Red Cross Fund 4x7.5 cvr w/cc The Newhouse Hotel vf-/vf-
393 Falls Church, Va Sep 1, 1962 City of Falls Church All America City #10 cvr w/cc Congressional Schools of Virginia w/4c violet Lincoln f/vf-
394 Illinois lot of 50 covers and cards A and B small towns from 1950 to 1970’s 40 diff towns 48 diff cancels most are vg/vg or better MB-5
395 Illinois lot of 96 covers and cards C, D and E small towns from 1950 to 1980 most are covers 68 diff towns 95 diff cancels most are vg/vg or better MB-10
396 Lot of 16 covers and cards mostly flag cancels but some others present also. These were all previously offered as individual lots and did not sell. All vg/vg or better
397 Lot of 17 covers and cards mostly cards no flag cancels in this lot. These were all previously offered as individual lots and did not sell. All are vg/vg or better.
398 Carnegie, Victoria, Australia 6 May 1964 slogan ‘Please Mail Early Before Lunch & Before Four O’Clock’ cvr w/cc and w/ two Queen Elizabeth stamps f+/vf
399 Hamilton, Bermuda Dec 5, 1961 slogan ‘Come to Bermuda the Isles of Rest’ ppc w/6p QEII vg+/f
400 Hinckley, Great Britain Sep 11, 1909 greeting pc to Nuneaton f/f+
401 Lee S.O.S.E. GB Sep 5, 1907 ppc w/1p red f/f
402 Llandudy, GB Jul 22, 1919 repeater cancel ppc Conway Castle w/1p red vg+/vg+
403 Malvern, GB 1 June 1916 repeater cancel ppc w/1c red to Montreal Canada f+/f
404 Capetown, South Africa 1969 Univ? cancel ppc of cruise ship to Orange Park, Florida two nice stamps vg+/f+
405 Oberammergau, Passionspiele Sep 12, 1910 ppc of Oberammergau w/10 p Bavarian stmp to Brooklyn, NY with nice American machine cancel dial as receipt cancel very scarce vg+/f+ MB-10
406 Birmingham, GB Jun 11, 1917 R5-W6 wavy lines ppc w/1/2 p grn postmark on top of message g/f+
407 London, N Aug 29, 1916 mach letter A type R-W6 ppc w/1/2p grn vg+/f
408 London, W.C Aug 27, 1914 mach letter A type R-W6 cvr w/1p red f/f lite tone
409 Maida Hill W9 8 Jun 1909 London missort mark with wavy lines cvr w/1 1/2 p brown scarce MB-2 g+/g+
In the January 2014 issue of The MCS Forum, Otto Koene had a nice article on Dutch post marks. The following 21 International Flier machine cancels feature some of those attractive cancels. In the Universal section there will be some more of those cancels featured in The Forum
410 Arnheim Station - 1933. Single circle dial date (the small type with the closed star.) Dater on the left. Slogan GEBRUIK BU VOORKEUR NEDERLANDSCH FABRIKAAT (Translation: Favor Dutch produce.) Post card with 2 cents orange and 3 cents green Gull to Slot Zuylen a/d Vecht. f/vf- MB-3
411 Amsterdam – Centraal Station – 1933. Dual circle dial with single closed star. Dater switched to the righ. Slogan GOEDKOOPE BRIEFTELEGRAMMEN (Translation: Affordable letter cables.) Firma I Frank & Zn stationary (red colored band.) Letter to Leipzig, Germany. 12 ½ cent blue Q. Wilhelmina (type Veth.) vf-/vf- MB-4 PHOTO
412 Amsterdam – Centraal Station – 1934. Cancelled top and bottom. The small single star, single circle dater. Dater on the right. Slogan: ADRESSEER VOLLEDG (Translation: Complete Address.) Picture postcard Westerkerk Amsterdam to Antwerp, Belgium . 2 ½ ct green Gull. f/f+ MB-3
413 Amsterdam – Centraal Station – 1935. Single circle dial with single dot. Dater on the right. Slogan: GOEDKOOPE KERST -*NIEUWJAARSTELEGRAMMEN & GESPREKKEN. (Translation: Affordable Christmas & New Yearr Cable and Phone Calls.) Postcard Koninlijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Botanical Garden Buitenzorg to Amsterdam. 3 cent lightgreen Gull. Vf-/vf- MB-3
414 Amsterdam – Centraal Station – 1935. Single circle with dot. Slogan: GEBRUIKT BU VOORKEUR NEDERLANDSCH GABRIKAAT (Translation: Favor Dutch Produce.) Private letter to Hilversum. 5 cent brown Queen Wilhelmina. Type Veth. Vf-/vf- MB-4 PHOTO
415 Amsterdam C.S. – 1935 Single circle with small closed star. On the right. Slogan: GEBRUIKT BU VOORKEUR NEDERLANDSCH FABRIKAAT (Transl: Favor Dutch Produce.) Private letter to Amersfoort. 5 cent green Q Wilhelmina type Veth 1 cent red Gull. Attractive f+/vf- MB-4
416 Amsterdam C.S. – 1936. Dual circle dial with closed star. Dater on the left. Slogan: VERZEND PER LUCHPOST (Transl: Send by Air Mail.) Postcard to Bergen op Zoom. 5 cent green Q. Wilhelmina type Veth. Vf-/vf- MB-3
417 Amsterdam C.S. – 1936. Single circle dater with closed star. To the right. Slogan: ADRESSEER VOLLEDIG. (Translation: Address fully.) Private blue cover to Amsterdam West 3 cent green Gull. Vf-/vf- MB-4
418 Amsterdam Centraal Station – 1938. Dual circle dial with closed star. Illustrated slogan: ELKE BOSCH OF HEIDEBRAND IS VERLIES VOOR STAD EN LAND (transl: Every wood or heather fire is a loss for town and country.) local business letter. 3 cent green Gull by W. Rozendaal vf-/vf- MB-5 PHOTO
419 S Gravenhage. (without comma) – 1930 Dual circle dater ‘type smiley’ Slogan: GEBRUIKT BU VOORKEUR NEDERLANDSCH FABRIKAAT (Transl: Favor Dutch produce.) Letter to Amsterdam 5 cent Brown Queen Wilhelmina type Veth. Vf/vf MB-4
420 ‘s Gravenhage (with comma) – 1933 Dual circle dater with three open stars. Slogan: GBRUIKT BU VOORKEUR NEDERLANDSCH FABRIAAT (Transl: Favor Dutch Produce.) Letter to Amsterdam. 6 cent lilac William of Orange (small tear right hand side bottom.) vf/f MB-4
421 ‘s Gravenhage – 1934. Dual circle dater with three open stars. Slogan: POSTZEGELS-RECHTSBOVEN IN DEN HOEK! VLUGGER VERZENDING (Transl: Stamps upper right corner – expedites delivery.) Letter to Oosterhesselen (Drenthe.) 5 cent light brown Q Wilhelmina type Veth. Vf/vf- MB-4
422 ‘s Gravenhage – 1936. Single circle dater with one closed star. Illustrated slogan (W. Rozendaal) STEUNT HET NATIONAAL CISISCOMITE (Support the National Crisis Committee.) Letter to Delft. 5 cent light brown Q Wilhelmina type Veth. Vf/vf MB-5 PHOTO
423 ‘s Gravenhage – 1939. Single circle dater with one closed star. Slogan: ADRESSEER VOLLEDIG. (Address fully.) Illustrated postcard Hotel des Indes The Hague to Andalusia, Alabama U.S.A. 7 ½ cent red Queen Wilhelmina type Veth. Vf/vf- MB-3
424 Haarlem. – 1940 Single circle dater with three closed stars. Slogan: VERZEND PER LUCHTPOST (Send by Air Mail.) postcard to Leiden 3 cent green Gull. F+/vf- MB-3
425 Leeuwarden – 1931. The rare dual circle dater with three 8-pointed stars. Most of the slogan is missing off Right. Change of Address notice to Amsterdam. 1 ½ cent lilac. Postal stationary. Vg+/f+ MB-3
426 Rotterdam – 1926. Dual circle dater with three closed stars. Slogan: GEBRUIKT BU VOORKEUR NEDERLANDSCH FABRIKAAT (Favor Dutch Produce.) Letter to Amsterdam. 10 cent red Q Wilhelmina type Veth. Vf/f+ MB-3
427 Rotterdam – 1931. Dual circle dater with three open stars. Boxed slogan: KOOPT THANS WELDADIGHEIDPOSTZEGELS VOOR HETKIND (Buy now charity stamps to benefit the child.) Local Happy New Year picture postcard. 1 ½ cent Gull lilac. F+/vf MB-3
428 Rotterdam – 1932. Dual circle dater with three open stars. Slogan: GEBRUIKT BU VOORKEUR NEDERLANDSCH FABRIKAAT (Favor Dutch Produce.) Local picture postcard 1 ½ cent lilac Gull. Vf/vf MB-3
429 Rotterdam – 1933 Dual circle dater with three black stars. Slogan: GEBRUIKT BU VOORKEUR NEDERLANDSCH FABRIKAAT (Favor Dutch Porduce.) Preprinted window envelope Cohn’s Wijn & Spiritualienhandel. 6 cent lilac Prince William of Orange. Vf/f+ MB-3
430 Utrecht Station – 1930. The rare dual circle dater with an open star adjoinedby two black ones. Slogan: POSTZEGELS-RECHTSBOVEN IN DEN HOEK! VLUGGER VERZENDING. (Stamps upper righ corner – expedites delivery.) cancel part off Right. Picture postcard to Apeldoorn. 1 ½ cent lilac Gull. F+/vf- MB-3
431 Roma, Ferrovia Jul 23, 1913 dual circle postmark with 7 wavy lines ppc w/10c brown f/f+
432 Zurich, Switzerland - 1956 dual circle postmark to the right with 7 wavy lines with + in center cvr w/cachet of “The World Trader” and cc from Cleveland, Ohio addressed to Cleveland with Luftpost label vf-/vf
433 Winnipeg, Manitoba Jun 18, 1917 Slogan: Help to Wint The War Buy War Savings Certificates adv cvr w/1c grn w/cc f+/vg+ cut shrt on left MB-2
434 Kristiania, Norway – 1917 repeater cancel 5x6 lt brn cvr w/5 ore green Posthorn f+/vg+ sm tears top
435 Helsinki, Helsingfors, Finland – 1964 repeater cancel airmail cvr w/2 Finnish stamps f+/f+
436 Deventer (Netherlands) – 1932. Triple closed stars dial (used only at Deventer.) The smaller design slogan: ADRESSEER VOLLEDIG (Address in full) cancel with the broken upper curved line 1 ½ cent purple numeral. Small repaired tear upper right corner. Local picture pastcard of De Waag (The Scales) at Deventer. f/f MB-3
437 LEIDEN – 1932. Cancel by Willem Rozendaal. The dial with the doves and the Flying Horse Pegasus VERZEND MET DE LUCHTPOST (Send by Air Mail.) 1 ½ cent purple numeral. Local ppc MB-5 PHOTO
438 Leiden – 1933. Cancel by Willem Rozendaal. Same cancel as lot above but on 3 cent green postal stationary card f+/f+ MB-5
439 Amsterdam C.S. – 1935. Cancel by Willem Rozendaal. Postmark switched to the right. Dual open star in stylish frame. NEDERLANDSCH MUZIEKFEEST 1935 AMSTERDAM 2-9 MEI slogan 1 ½ cent purple numeral Change of Address form. Cancel on top of form design. F+/vf MB-5 PHOTO
440 Gouda – 1936. Cancel by Willem Rozendaal. The dial with the three lines in the four corners. GEBRUIK BU VOORKEUR NEDERLANDSCH FABRICAAT slogan with the Dutch Lyon (Use Dutch Products.) 1 ½ cent grey numeral on Gelukkig Nieuwjaar ppc to Rotterdam f+/vf MB-5 PHOTO
441 Zwolle – 1938. Cancel by W Rozendaal. The cancel with the “four ears” adjusted design of the Flying Horse Pegasus VEZEND MET DE LUCHTPOST (Send by Air Mail) slogan Picture postcard sent to Hoogenveen, showing interior farmer’s home. 1 ½ cent grey numeral. Cancel slightly off Right. f/f+ MB-4 PHOTO
442 Apeldoorn – 1939. Cancel by W Rozendaal. Postmark (the simplified design dater of 1938 with only one open star.) POST UW BRIEVEN ZOODRA ZE GEREED ZUN! (Post your letters when they are ready) slogan with running man. Gelukkig Nieuwjaar picture postcard. 1 ½ cent grey numeral. Vf-/vf MB-5 PHOTO
443 Balboa, Canal Zone Apr 9, 1969 D-300 ppc w/8c canal zone f+/f+
444 Southampton, Paquebot 7 Jun 1954 postmark cancel PAQUEBOT POSTED AT SEA ppc w/2c QEII f/f
Page references are to the Flag Cancel Encyclopedia 4th Edition American Postal Machines Co.
(note: the ‘points’ respectively indicated in the FCE are affected when the cancel is on a gpc or pc; see pages 112 to 114)
445 2. Huntsville, Ala Sep 20, 1909 B14(1) dd 7 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f+
446 Los Angeles, Cal Jul 30, 1910 B38 Hollywood Station 18 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f
447 San Pedro, Cal Dec 7, 1919 A14 45 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f+ EV-6
448 San Pedro, Cal Jul 30, 1920 A14 45 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f+ EV-6
449 Canon City, Colo Dec 21, 1909 B14 10 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
450 2. Canaan, Conn Jul 25, 1929 A14 dd 58 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f+ MB-4
451 1. New Haven, Conn Jan 14, 1900 B14(1) 2 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau vg/vg+
452 1. New London, Conn Sep 26, 1899 B14(1) 5 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau vf/vg+
453 South Norwalk, Conn Dec 24, 1909 B14(1) 4 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f
454 South Norwalk, Conn Oct 7, 1911 B14(1) 4 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
455 1. Daytona, Fla Dec 13, 1910 B14 12 pts Florida ppc w/1c grn f/vg stain lft edge
456 1. Palatka, fla Mar 11, 1908 B14 22 pts Florida ppc w/#300 vg+/f+
457 6. Savannah, Ga Apr 29, 1899 B14(1) dd 8 pts pse w/enclosure vf/vg rgh open Rt
458 2. Coeur D’Alene, Idaho Jul 21, 1909 A14 42 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f+ yr lite MB-5
459 2. Nampa, Idaho Apr 12, 1911 A14 16 pts easter pc vg+/f+ cancel runs off top
460 Decatur, Ill Dec 29, 1914 A14 2 pts new years pc w/1c grn f+/vg+
461 Chicago, Ill Mar 10, 1899 B4(11) cvr w/2cred Bureau w/cc vf/g+ lrg tear T L crnr o/w f+ cvr
462 1. Chicago, Ill Aug 14, 1895 D13(A) no halyard 25 pts gpc vf-/f spindle hole in addr area
463 1. Chicago, Ill Jul 1, 1896 D13(A) no halyard 25 pts adv cvr w/1c blue Bureau w/illus cc vf/f+
464 3. Chicago, Ill Aug 5, 1895 D13(B) no halyard 25 pts gpc vf/vf
465 3. Chicago, Ill Nov 21, 1896 D13(B) no halyard 25 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc f+/f+
466 4. Chicago, Ill May 14, 1897 B13(B) 25 pts gpc f+/f+
467 5. Chicago, Ill May 12, 1896 D13(C ) no halyard 30 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc vf-/vg rgh open Rt
468 6. Chicago, Ill Jun 28, 1897 B13(C ) 20 pts gpc f+/f+
469 7. Chicago, Ill May 15, 1896 D13(D) no halyard 25 pts cvr w/1c blue Bureau vf/vf
470 8. Chicago, Ill Aug 27, 1897 B13(D) no halyard 20 pts gpc vf/f+
471 9. Chicago, Ill Feb 6, 1896 D13(E) no halyard 35 pts 3.75x4.75 cvr w/2c red Bureau vg+/f sm tear top
472 10. Chicago, Ill Apr 30, 1897 B13(E) no halyard 20 pts gpc vg/f+
473 11. Chicago, Ill Jul 20, 1896 D13(F) nohalyard 65 pts lt brn cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc f+/f+ MB-5
474 15. Chicago, Ill Mar 27, 1896 D14(G) 30 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc vf/vf
475 16. Chicago, Ill Jun 16, 1897 B14(G) 15 pts gpc f+/v+
476 17. Chicago, Ill Apr 25, 1896 D14(H) 30 pts lt brn cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc vf/vf-
477 18. Chicago, Ill Jan 11, 1897 B14(H) 15 pts adv cvr w/2c red Bureau w/adv cc vf-/vf
478 19. Chicago, Ill Apr 15, 1896 D14(I) 30 pts cvr w/1c blue Bureau w/adv cc vf-/vf
479 21. Chicago, Ill May 9, 1896 D14(J) 30 pts cvr w/1c blue Bureau vf/vf-
480 23. Chicago, Ill Apr 29, 1896 D14(K) 30 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc vf-/vf
481 24. Chicago, Ill Jan 13, 1898 B14(K) 15 pts gpc f/f
482 26. Chicago, Ill May 2, 1896 D14(L) 30 pts lt brn cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc vf-/f+ sm piece missing Top
483 33. Chicago, Ill May 15, 1896 D14(O) 30 pts cvr w/1c blue Bureau vf/vf
484 34. Chicago, Ill Oct 27, 1897 B14(O) 15 pts gpc f+/f+
485 36. Chicago, Ill Sep 9, 1896 D14(P) 35 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc vf/vg large tear thru cc o/w f cvr
486 37. Chicago, Ill Jul 11, 1898 B14(P) 15 pts gpc f/f+ another cancel on top of this one
487 40. Chicago, Ill Jun 13, 1896 D14(R) 35 pts lt brn cvr w/1c blue Bureau vf/vf-
488 42. Chicago, Ill Sep 21, 1896 D14(S) 35 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau vf/vg rgh open top
489 49. Chicago, Ill Dec 15, 1899 B14(V) 15 pts gpc f/f
490 51. Chicago, Ill Nov 20, 1897 B14(W) 15 pts gpc f/f
491 52. Chicago, Ill Apr 12, 1895 D13(X) no hayard 35 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc f+/f toning on lft
492 57. Chicago, Ill Nov 10, 1897 B14(Y) 15 pts gpc f+/f
493 58. Chicago, Ill Dec 10, 1895 D13(Z) no halyard 65 pts gpc vg-/vg+ 2 spindle holes MB-4
494 60. Chicago, Ill Jun 9, 1897 B14(Z) 15 pts gpc f/f
495 39. Chicago, Ill Apr 29, 1899 B14(7) 15 pts gpc f/f
496 50. Chicago, Ill Nov 26, 1897 B14(10) 30 pts gpc vg-/f
497 73. Chicago, Ill Mar 30, 1900 B14(16) 30 pts eku? very early use of this variety cvr w/2c red Bureau w/fancy cc Western Wheel works f/f uneven cut on Rt MB-2
498 84. Chicago, Ill Nov 20, 1899 B14(22) 30 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/2c red Bureau w/enclosure f+/f+
499 1. Iowa City, Iowa Feb 7, 1910 B14(1) 5 pts gpc vf/f
500 1. Mount Pleasant, Iowa A14(1) 15 pts birthday pc w/1c grn f/f
501 1. Muscatine, Iowa May 23, 1904 B14(1) 3 pts pse w/cc YMCA ltr enclosed f+/f toning on edges
502 1. Waverly, Iowa Mar3, 1910 B14 22 pts gpc vg+/f
503 Pittsfield, Maine Dec 22, 1914 A14 22 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f 1/3 off Rt
504 2. Presque Isle, Maine Sep 6, 1916 A14 15 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f+
505 1. Waterville, Me Feb 25, 1908 B14 4 pts gpc w/ Westview, NH Doane cancel 3/2 f+/f+
506 1. Athol, Mass Jan 25, 1916 B14(1) 5 pts pse vf-/f+
507 Lynn, Mass Dec 22, 1910 A38 East Lynn Station 12 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f
508 Marion, Mass Jan 8, 1938 A14 10 pts 3.75x4.75 cvr w/#774
509 7. Salem, Mass Jul 1, 1911 B14 5 pts gpc UY4 w/attached reply card w/Peabody, Mass B14(1) unusual and nice use vf-/f+
510 Shelburne, Falls, Mass Apr 18, 1919 A14 33 pts easter pc w/pair 1c grn f/f+
511 16. Boston, Mass Mar 22, 1899 B53(sm C) Involute flag gpc vg/vg MB-3
512 16. Boston, Mass Apr 5, 1899 B53(sm C) involute flag gpc vg+/f+ MB-3
513 7. Boston, Mass Mar 23, 1904 B4(2) ovate 3 pts gpc vf/vf
514 16. Boston, Mass Nov 24, 1903 B4(3) dd ovate 2 pts ppc w/#300 f+/f+
515 21. Boston, Mass Jan 2, 1902 B4(4) dd ovate 15 pts 3.25x5.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau vf/f+
516 23. Boston, Mass Feb 20, 1904 B4(4) dd 3 pts pse 5c blue Grant w/cc to Hannover Germany vf-/f+ MB-5
517 23. Boston, Mass Sep 22, 1903 B4(4) dd 3 pts used as receipt cancel on Jamaica gpc f/vg
518 24. Boston, Mass Sep 4, 1908 B4( ) of 4 10 pts ppc w/#300 f+/vg+
519 28. Boston, Mass Mar 12, 1906 B4(5) 4 pts ppc w/#300 f/f
520 31. Boston, Mass Apr 10, 1896 D3(6) steep pse w/cc 30 pts vf/f+
521 37. Boston, Mass Nov 16, 1895 early use D4(7) steep dd 25 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc f+/f
522 38. Boston, Mass Nov 4, 1899 B4(7) steep 10 pts lt blue pse w/cc f/f
523 47. Boston, Mass Aug 20, 1900 B4(8) 20 pts pse w/cc f/vg+
524 54. Boston, Mass Jul 28, 1896 D4(10) steep 30 pts pse w/cc f+/f
525 55. Boston, Mass Dec 8, 1897 B4(10) steep 12 pts gpc 1c Grant reply card f+/f
526 56. Boston, Mass May 24, 1902 B4(10) 8 pts lt blue pse w/cc f+/f
527 11. Boston, Mass May 8, 1897 B14(2) 30 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red Bureau vf/f
528 2. Boston, Mass Feb 12, 1896 D13(A) dd no halyard 60 pts gpc vf-/f+ MB-5
529 15. Boston, Mass Jun 14, 1895 D13(C) no halyard 20 pts no halyard f+/f+
530 19. Boston, Mass Sep 9, 1897 B14(C) pse 25 pts pse w/cc f+/f+
531 26. Boston, Mass Sep 7, 1895 D13(E) no halyard 20 pts pse vf-/f+
532 Boston, Mass Dec 20, 1900 B38 Cambridgeport Station 10 pts gpc f/f
533 Boston, Mass Jan 5, 1907 lku? B38 Cambridge Sta (1) 2 pts 1902-1907 gpc f/f
534 Mount Clemons, Mich Feb 23, 1909 B4 ovate TPPC w/2c red f+/f+
535 1. Biloxi, Miss Mar 21, 1908 B4 ovate ppc w/#300 f/vg
536 Carthage, Mo Sep 30, 1902 B14( ) 5 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau f+/vg rgh open on Rt
537 13. St. Louis, Mo Apr 14, 1906 B38 Annex Station 23 pts easter pc w/#300 f+/f+
538 4. Bozeman, Mont Jul 11, 1910 A14 16 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red vf-/f
539 4. Butte, Mont Feb 10, 1900 B14 3 pts pse w/cc Montana Hardware Co f+/f
540 5. Butte, Mont Jan 16, 1902 B14(2) 4 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f/f+
541 Cut Bank, Mont Mar 22, 1935 A14 14 pts #10 pse w/cc Glacier Grocery vf/f
542 2. Miles City, Mont Aug 7, 1917 1st yr of use A14 11 pts window cvr w/2c red coil vg/f+
543 3. Femont, Nebr 3rd class B4 ovate cvr w/1c grn w/adv cc ‘Western Seed and Irrigation Co’ vg+/f+ MB-2
544 1. Kearney, Neb. May 14, 1906 only 1 yr of use B14(1) 23 pts 3x5.5 cvr w/#319 f/vg rgh open on Rt
545 Red Cloud, Nebr May 14, 1924 A14 36 pts 4x7.5 cvr w/2c red Bureau MB-3
546 Lisbon, NH Sep 19, 1932 A38 Sugar Hill Station 30 pts lt brn cvr w/3c violet coil #600? g/f+ town not printed and most of Sugar Hill not printed but id sure
547 Dover, NJ Aug 1, 1904 B14(1) 6 pts lt brn cvr w/#319 vf-/f
548 Plainfield, NJ Jul 11, 1904 B14 2 pts 3x5 buff cvr w/#319 w/comic cc f+/f trim lft
549 Deming, New Mexico Jan 20, 1918 A14 25 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/three 1c grn g/f field on top of grn stamps
550 Brooklyn, NY Dec 24, 1908 B38 Station V Tuck xmas pc w/#300 5 pts f/vg+
551 Brooklyn, NY Oct 27, 1915 A38 Saint Johns Place Station 8 pts ppc w/1c grn f/vg+ fold at bottom
552 1. Cooperstown, NY Sep 15, 1908 B14 28 pts ppc w/stamp removed vg+/vg-
553 2. Cooperstown, NY Aug 4, 1919 A14 18 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
554 1. Herkimer, NY Jul 22, 1911 B14(1) 5 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/f
555 Niagara Falls, NY Sep 26, 1910 A38 Falls Station 4 pts ppc w/1c grn f/vf-
556 5. Syracuse, NY Jun 7, 1898 B14(3) 28 pts gpc vg/vg+
557 Wellsville, NY A14 14 pts birthday pc w/#300 vg/vg+
558 1. New York, NY Sep 17, 1896 D14(2) 30 pts gpc vg+/f
559 9. New York, NY Feb 1, 1896 D14(4) 25 pts lt blue cvr w/cc w/2c red Bureau vf/vf-
560 10. New York, NY Nov 2, 1897 B14(4) 25 pts bkstmp transit marking 3x5 cvr f/f
561 20. New York, NY Aug 23, 1897 B14(8) 8 pts pse w/cc vg+/f
562 24. New York, NY Nov 17, 1896 D14(10) 30 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/adv cc Produce f+/vg rgh open top
563 29. New York, NY Apr 9, 1896 D14(12) 25 pts 3.25x5.25 lt blue cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc vf/vf-
564 46. New York, NY Jun 16, 1896 D14(18) 25 pts 3.25x5.25 lt blue cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc f+/f
565 61. New York, NY Dec 6, 1897 B14(26) 35 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau f/vg aging on edges
566 1. New York, NY Sta A Nov 19, 1896 E14(1) 30 pts pse w/oval adv cc vf/f+ MB-2
567 1. New York, NY Sta A Aug 1, 1896 E14(1) 30 pts gpc vg/vg+
568 2. New York, NY ‘A’ Apr 14, 1897 F14(1) 10 pts gpc vg/vg+
569 1. New York, NY Sta D Oct 17, 1896 E14(1) 30 pts gpc vg+/vg+
570 2. New York, NY ‘D’ Apr 15, 1897 F14(1) 15 pts gpc vg-/vg+
571 6. New York, NY ‘D’ Nov 11, 1897 F14(2) 15 pts gpc f/f
572 8. New York, NY ‘D’ Dec 28, 1899 F14(B) 30 pts gpc f/f
573 8. New York, NY ‘H’ Jan 8, 1897 F14(2) 25 pts 3.75x4.75 cvr w/2c red Bureau f/f ink smear in addr
574 3. New York, NY ‘P’ 3rd class 1898 F14(1) 10 pts pse to Hamburg, Germany w/cc vf/vf-
575 6. New York, NY ‘P’ Feb 3, 1899 F14(2) 10 pts pse w/cc vf/f+
576 7. New York, NY Jun 21, 1900 B38 Station P (2) 25 pts pse w/cc vf/f+
577 9. New York, NY ‘P’ Dec 2, 1898 F14(3) 11 pts pse w/cc vf-/vf-
578 New York, NY Jul 25, 1917 A26(C ) Station T 30 pts birthday pc w/1c grn vg+/f+
579 New York, NY Apr 6, 1917 A34 Fordham Station(C ) 15 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f+/f+
580 New York Penn Term Sta Mar 29, 1915 C25(2)(C ) dd 10 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
581 New York, NY May 29, 1915 A38 Penn Terminal Station (5) 6 pts window pc w/cc w/2c red vf-/f+
582 New York, NY Jan 21, 1908 B38 Tremont Station 7 pts ppc w/#300 f+/f
583 New York, NY May 26, 1918 A34(C ) Tremont Station 15 pts pse w/2c red add postage f/f+
584 2. Henderson, NC Aug 6, 1911 A14 17 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/vg
585 2. Canton, Ohio Nov 25, 1895 D14(1) 23 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau w/cc The Aultman Co vf-/vf-
586 2. Chickasha, Ind. T Mar 10, 1907 B14 $20 cvr w/cc f+/vg cvr was in fire shows burn marks frt and bck
587 1. Grants Pass, Oregon Oct 25, 1907 1st yr of use H14 16 pts RPPC stagecoach¶de f/f+
588 1. Medford, Oregon Oct 22, 1910 H14 12 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
589 Silverton, Oreg Nov 6, 1926 A14 30 pts cvr w/2c red w/adv cc Vulcanizing&Battery Shop vf-/f+
590 2. Altoona, Pa Nov 19, 1909 eku? B14 dd 8 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f
591 1. Greenville, Pa Oct 14, 1904 B14(1) 7 pts cvr w/#319 w/cc vf-/f
592 1. Pottsville, Pa Sep 18, 1900 B14(1) 2 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc vf-/f
593 South Bethlehem, Pa Jul 20, 1917 A14 15 pts lt blue cvr w/2c red w/cc vg/f
594 Weissport, Pa Jan 6, 1937 A14 11 pts cvr w/#784 f+/vg+ sm tear top
595 Weissport, Pa Jan 17, 1933 A14 11 pts cvr w/#706 w/HS cachet Hon Revolution Soldier f+/vf-
596 3. Philadelphia, Pa Nov 16, 1907 B38 Broad Street Station 7 pts gpc f+/f+
597 2. Philadelphia, Pa Feb 13, 1908 B38 West Park Station dd 2 pts valentine pc w/#300 f/f
598 Philadelphia, Pa Jan 20, 1910 B38 West Phil Station(1) dd 5 pts 3.25x5.5 cvr w/vf #370 vf-/vf-
599 1. Providence, RI Jul 2, 1898 B44 involute cvr front w/2c red Bureau w/adv cc Machinery vf-/front MB-3
600 Columbia, SC May 19, 1910 B14(1) 4 pts cvr w/2c red f/vg+
601 Westminster, SC Apr 24, 1934 A14 10 pts pse vf/f+
602 Wagner, S. Dak May 1, 1929 A14 41 pts #10 window cvr w/2cred w/cc vg+/vg MB-4
603 Memphis, Tenn Feb 11, 1915 A38 Dutro Station 18 pts cvr w/2c red f/vg rgn open lft
604 1. Denton, Texas Dec 7, 1906 B14 19 pts ppc w/#300 f/f+ cds on top of message
605 1. El Paso, Tex Apr 16, 1905 B14(1) 3 pts ppc w/#300 vg/vg+ cancel angles off top
606 2. El Paso, Tex Jan 23, 1907 1st month of use B14 14 pts ppc w/#300 f+/f+
607 Omaha, Texas Dec 29, 1938? Yr very lite A14 24 pts 3x5 index card w/1c grn sent thru mail f+/f
608 2. Vernon, Texas Sep 18, 1914 A14 17 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+ 1/3 off Rt
609 1. Salt Lake City, Utah Apr 8, 1909 B14 5 pts easter pc w/1c grn f/f
610 1. Middlebury, Vt Nov 4, [19]35 yr partial A14 34 pts ppc vg+/vg dirt smudges
611 Woodstock, Vt Sep 10, 1925 A14 42 pts ppc w/2c red f+/f+ MB-2
612 Greenway, Va Jul 22, 1938 A14 13 pts cvr w/#784 vg+/vg+ fold in center
613 Hot Springs, Va Apr 12, 191x yr unreadable A14 38 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f MB-2
614 2. Petersburg, Va Feb 26, [1919] yr slug removed A14 15 pts gpc vg+/f
615 Staunton, Va May 22, 1908 B14 6 pts ppc w/#300 vg+/f
616 1. Lynchburg, Va May 2, 1896 D14(1) 40 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc vf/f+ MB-3
617 University, Va Sep 1, 192x A14 34 pts gpc UX33 vg/f+ fold lft
618 Everett, Wash May 2, 1911 B14 4 pts official ppc of Alaska-Yukon Pacific Expo w/1c grn f/f+
619 1. North Yakima, Wash Jul 19, 1909 B14(1) 4 pts official ppc of Alaska-Yukon Expo w/1c grn f/f+
620 2. North Yakima, Wash Jul 10, 1911 B4(1) ovate ppc w/1c grn vg/f+
621 1. Martinsburg, W.Va Apr 12, 1911 B14 8 pts easter pc w/1c grn f+/f
622 2. Martinsburg, W.Va Jul 9, 1914 B14 dd 7 pts comic pc w/1c grn vg-/f+
623 3. Martinsburg, W.Va Dec 29, 1917 A14 13 pts new years pc w/2c red vg/f dial partial off top
624 Parkersburg, W.Va May 19, 1909 B14 3 pts ppc w/#300 f+/f+
625 Sistersville, W.Va Nov 8, 1914 A14 25 pts gpc vg/f dial partial
626 1. Wellsburg, W.Va May 3, 1921 B14 18 pts cvr w/pair 1c grn f/f
627 1. Wheeling, W.Va Jun 28, 1899 B14(1) 14 pts gpc vg+/f
628 3. Wheeling, W.Va Apr 17, 1910 B14(1) dd 1 pt ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
629 1. White Sulphur Springs, W.Va Jun 12, 1922 A14 63 pts cvr w/2c red w/cc Greenbrier vg-/f+ lite print
630 2. Appleton, Wis Feb 24, 1908 B14( ) 3 pts ppc w/#300 f+/f
631 Burlington, Wis Dec 20, 1911 A14 15 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f+/f
632 Clintonville, Wis May 26, 1925 A14 22 pts #10 cvr w/adv cc Four Wheel Drive Auto Co w/1.5c Harding f+/f cover folded down middle
633 Clintonville, Wis Jun 22, 1926 last yr of use A14 22 pts cvr w/#627 w/cc f+/f+
634 Cumberland, Wis Jul 16, 1921 A14 40 pts ppc w/1c grn f/vg+ lite print scarce MB-4
635 8. Green Bay, Wis Station A Mar 12, 1913 C-38 Station A 12 pts St Pats Day pc w/1c grn f+/f+
636 1. Janesville, Wis Aug 11, 1902 B14(1) 3 pts pse w/cc f+/vg+ minor rgh open Rt
637 Kenosha, Wis Sep 17, 1906 1st yr of use B14 2 pts ppc w/1c grn vf/f+
638 Kewaskum, Wis Sep 5, 1934 A14 11 pts cvr w/#729 w/adv cc AT&T Bell System f/f
639 2. La Crosse, Wis Aug 29, 1906 B14(1) dd 2 pts ppc w/#300 f+/f+
640 2. Madison, Wis Nov 26, 1900 B14(1) dd 6 pts pse w/cc f/vg+
641 2, Madison, Wis Mar 28, 1900 B14(1) dd 6 pts #10 pse w/cc vf-/f+
642 3. Madison, Wis Jan 3, 1907 B14 2 pts ppc w/#300 f/vg sm piece missing lft edge
643 1. Manitowoc, Wis Apr 13, 1907 lst yr of use with ‘1’ slug B14(1) 5 pts ppc w/#300 f/f+
644 3. Manitowoc, Wis Apr 22, 1909 B14 4 pts ppc w/1c grn vf/f+
645 Marinette, Wis Apr 17, 1910 lst yr of use B14(1) 4 pts comic pc vf-/vg+ stamp faulty
646 2. Menasha, Wis Nov 18, 1914 A14 dd 10 pts cvr w/pair 1c grn w/cc ‘psi upsilon Fraternity’ vg-/vg toning
647 4. Milwaukee, wis Feb 21, 1917 A38 Station A 12 pts birthday pc w/1c grn f+/f+ stamp faulty
648 1. Monroe, Wis Sep 10, 1910 B14 12 pts ppc w/1c grn f/vg+
649 Platteville, Wis Dec 16, 1919 A14 13 pts cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+
650 2. Stoughton, Wis Dec 29, 1924 yr partial A14 dd 18 pts new years pc w/1c grn vg/vg+
651 Viroqua, Wis Nov 12, xxxx yr unreadable A14 40 pts birthday pc w/2c red vg-/vg scarce B L crnr torn
652 Watertown, Wis Dec 24, 1913 B14 6 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/vg
653 1. Waukesha, Wis Feb 17, 1914 B14 6 pts ppc w/1c grn f/f+
654 2. Wauwatosa, Wis Sep 6, 1918 A14 12 pts ppc w/2c red f/f
655 Westby Wis Nov 1, 1932 A14 10 pts red brdr Adv commercial cvr w/#720 f+/f+
656 1. Whitewater, Wis Nov 12, 1917 A14 19 pts pse w/cc w/1c grn added postage vg-/vg+ uneven cut Rt
657 Washington, DC Aug 16, 1895 D13(2) no halyard 20 pts cvr w/2c red Bureau vf-/f+ tiny tear Rt
658 Washington, DC Oct 3, 1912 early use A38 Terminal Station 15 pts ppc w/1c grn red aux mark: ‘Missent to Sedgwick, Kan.’ F+/f+
659 Washington, DC Dec 31, 1910 B38 Station F 16 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/f
660 US Army Postal Service Feb 4, 1918 A24(2) Paris 4.5x5.5 YMCA cvr nice square purple AEF Censor mark f/vg- a few small tears at top and bottom MB-3
661 Hempstead, NY May 17, 1918 A38 Mills Branch ppc w/pair 1c grn f/f
662 Spartansburg, SC Oct 3, 1917 A38 Wadsworth Branch ppc soldiers in calisthentics w/1c grn vg+/f+ MB-3
663 Chattanooga, Tenn Aug 7, 1918 A38 Military Branch ppc troops boarding train w/pair 1c grn vg+/f+
664 Norfolk, Va Jul 1, 1918 A38 Naval Base Station ppc sailors on parade w/2c red vg+/f+
665 Norfolk, Va Jan 16, 1919 A38 Naval Base Station YMCA cvr w/3c vilet vg/vg rgh open top
666 3. Boston, Mass Jan 26, 1902 B38 Boston Circuit RPO 4x5 cvr w/2c red Bureau f+/f+
667 4. Boston, Mass Dec 13, 1912 B38 Boston Circuit RPO dd ppc w/1c grn vg+/f+
668 5. Boston, Mass Dec 31, 1908 B38 Boston Circuit RPO (2) new years pc w/#300 to Nova Scotia vg/f
669 18. Baltimore, Md Jun 6, 1916 A38 Rol Park & Highlandtown RPO (2) 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red f+/vg rgh openT R
670 42. Pittsburg, Pa Dec 23, 1908 only yr of use B38 Street Car RPO xmas pc w/#319 vg+/f+
671 44. Pittsburg, Pa Oct 20, 1913 A38 Street Car RPO ppc w/1c grn vg/f+
672 Honolulu, Hawaii Feb 14, 1908 B14 ppc w/#300 f+/f+
673 Manila, P.I. Nov 29, 1920 A14 dd lt brn w/4c red PI stmp f/vg lite print insect damage on T and R MB-2
674 2. Amboy, Ills Aug 27, 1907 R.F.D. No 2 violet pg 126 top g-vg/vg lite print but recognizable no stamp
675 Forest Park, Ga Jan 21, 1938 pg 125 3rd Commercial Style philatelic gpc vg/f+
676 Dawson, Ill Aug 2, 1921 pg 125 3rd Commercial Style cvw w/2c red g+/g+ lite print toning
677 US Naby Jun 14, 1941 hand stamp says USS Vestal philatelic cvr w/#900 w/cachet
678 Banner, Wyoming Jul 4, 1976 cvr w/pair #1402 coils vf/vf
679 Chautauque Lake Local Post, NY Jun 14, 1974 cvr w/CLLP label very nice vf/vf MB-3
680 Postmark Collectors Club Conv Sta Aug 8, 1975 cvr w/Bicentennial label very nice vf-/f+ MB-2
681 Lot of 35 covers and cards previously offered as individual lots all vg/vg or better low MB-7
682 Lot of 60 covers and cards previously offered as individual lots all vg/vg or better low MB-10
683 Lot of 90 covers, cards and a few 2x4 pieces mixed condition 1/3 previously offered as individuals low MB-12
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Updated 11 September, 2020
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