Bids Must be Postmarked or E-mailed by Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Send Bids to: [no longer relevant]
ad advertising ddie different die mc multicolor R right
am airmail env envelope min minimum recd received
b bottom EV estimated value m s manuscript reg registered
b s backstamp(ed) flts faults o/s z oversize rev reverse
ca cachet(ed) gpc government postal card o/sk overstruck s m small
cc corner card hs handstamp(ed) o/w otherwise T top
cds circular date stamp ill illustrated pc postcard(picture or greeting) unad unaddressed
cr(s) crease(s) imp impression pm postmaster var variety
cnr corner L left pmk postmark yd yeardate
cv cover lt light pse postal stationary envelope w/ with
dd defect degrees MB minimum bid pts points w/o without
The condition of the cancellation is indicated first, then the condition of the cover or card.
For example, F/VG means a fine cancel on a very good cover or card.
Condition of the cancel (consists of the postmark and the stamp invalidator)
VF = Very Fine; all letters and cancel virtually perfect.
F = Fine; letters and cancel well imprinted, considerably better than average.
VG = Very Good; letters and cancel well imprinted but perhaps some lightness or other defect.
G = Good; some defect, such as some letters or portion of cancel light or not imprinted, or
Right ends of lines or bars run off the edge of the card or cover.
P = Poor; merely an identifiable and complete example.
Condition of the cover or card
VF = Very Fine; attractive, no faults.
VG = Very Good; minor fault such as toning; not described.
G = Good; some fault, such as opening reductions; described.
P = Poor; doggy; faults; described
If you are hesitant to bid without further details, call with your questions or request photocopies. |
Bidding increments are: $ 1.00 to $ 10.00 $ 0.50 $ 10.00 to $ 100.00 $ 1.00 $ 100.00 and above $ 5.00 |
American (non-flags)
1 Chicago, Ill Apr 10, 1894 D-6(D) pse w/cc f/p-g very rough open on left o/w vg-f cover
2 Chicago, Ill Mar 23, 1894 D-6(O) pse f/f
3 Chicago, Ill Aug 7, 1894 D-W3(5) gpc vg/f cds hard to read because on top of card design
4 Chicago, Ill Jul 18, 1895 D-W3-3(2) bkstmp vf/ g-vg rgh open on left o/w f cvr Lebanon,PA transit stamp
5 Boston, Mass Jan 29, 1887 D-6(4) adv cvr Revere Cigars vg/f+ cds light but very readable PHOTO
6 Boston, Mass Aug 2, 1889 D-6(6) cvr w 2c grn vg+/g-vg rgh open on left o/w vg+ cvr
7 Boston, Mass Oct 15, 1890 D-2(5) cvr w 2c red w/ adv cc f+/vg PHOTO
8 Boston, Mass Jan 15, 1891 D-2(D) 3.5x4.5 cvr w 2c red f/vg+ PHOTO
9 Boston, Mass Jun 3, 1891 D-4(G) 4x5 cvr w 2c red f/g-vg some soiling on cover PHOTO
10 Boston, Mass Oct 5, 1891 D-3(2) cvr w/ embossed cc w/ 2c red f/vg+ PHOTO
11 Boston, Mass May 17, 1892 D-3(3) cvr w/cc s/2c red f/f PHOTO
12 Boston, Mass 3rd class 1892 D-2( ) pse vg/vg+ PHOTO
13 Boston, Mass Sep 12, 1892 D-3( ) cvr w/cc w/2c red f/vg PHOTO
14 Boston, Mass Jun 15, 1893 D-6(D) pse w/cc f+/vg-f tiny tear on rt edge
15 Boston, Mass Jul 31 1893 D-6(12) pse w/cc f+/f irreg cut on rt
16 Boston, Mass Feb 7, 1895 D-6(3) adv cvr w/2c red Musical Instruments vg/g-vg PHOTO
17 Brockton, Mass Aug 3, 1894 D-6(1) pse w/cc f/f+
18 Worcester, Mass Feb 19, 1895 D-6(2) cvr w/2c red f/f
19 Worcester, Mass Sep 20, 1893 D-5( ) cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/vg+
20 Worcester, Mass Oct 5, 1893 D-6( ) cvr w/2c red f/g-vg rgh open on Rt cuts into stamp o/w f cvr
21 Manchester, NH Oct 11, 1895 D-6(3) 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg
22 Manchester, NH Nov 21, 1893 D-6(3) 3.5x4.5 cvr w #231 PHOTO
23 Erie, PA Jun 4, 1894 D-6(1) bkstmp 3.5x4.5 cvr f+/f+
24 Philadelphia, PA Jan 8, 1892 D-4(2) adv cvr w/2c red f/vg sm piece missing top see PHOTO
25 Philadelphia, PA Mar 4, 1909 B-W2(1) birthday pc w/#300 vg/f
26 Newport News, VA Sep 28, 1906 Jamestown 1907 Celebration wavy cancel cvr w#319 vg/vg
American Service Marks
27 Lewiston, ME Aug 8, 1908 AMS-24 bkstmp lt blue cvr f/vg
28 Gloucester, Mass Aug 5, 1903 AMS-22 dial B machine 1 bkstmp lt blue 3x5 cvr f+/vg sm tear on B L
29 Gloucester, Mass Jul 16, 1906 AMS-26 bkstmp 3.25x5 mourning cvr f/vg piece missing fm flap o/w f cvr
30 Gloucester, Mass Aug 29, 1908 AMS-26 bkstmp 3.25x5.25 cvr f/vg+
31 Springfield, Mass Dec 26, 1899 AMS-43 Transit dial B bkstmp f/vg aging stains at bottom
32 St. Louis, MO Aug 30, 1905 lku AMS-33 Annex Station (1) receipt cancel gpc f+/f+
33 Elyria, Ohio Jul 20, 1906 AMS-22 dial b machine 1 ppc w/#300 f+/f
34 Philadelphia, PA Jul 9, 1906 AMS-62 box-1-division bkstmp 3.25x5 cvr vg+/f PHOTO
Barr Fyke
35 Sacramento, Cal May 20, 1901 C4-121a adv cvr w/2c red vg/vg cds on top of adv design hard to read
36 Washington, DC Jun 16, 1898 A2-102 gpc uncommon vg/vg EV-8-12
37 Chicago, Ill Aug 12, 1898 A2-102a 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red Hampden receipt cancel Elizabeth, NJ f/vg+
38 Kansas City, MO Jun 29, 1899 C4-121a dial die a gpc vg+/f
39 St. Louis, MO May 20, 1899 C4-121a gpc uncommon vg/vg
40 Pueblo, Colo Dec 22, 1908 L-6(1) xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f
41 Wilmington, Del Mar 8, 1901 Ka-5(1) receipt cancel 3x5 cvr f/f
42 Chicago, Ill 3rd class no year F-2(1) pse vg/f
43 Chicago, Ill Feb 11, 1898 F-2(3) blue adv cvr w/2c red f+/f+ PHOTO
44 Terre Haute, Ind Jul 24, 1909 late use L-6(1) greeting pc w/1c grn vg/f
45 Dubuque, Iowa Dec 31, 1907 L-6(1) adv pse U325 Shoe Store adv also on back vg+/f PHOTO
46 Covington, KY Mar 27, 1907 L-6(1) easter pc w/#300 vg/f
47 Augusta, ME Mar 2, 1897 F-2(1) cvr w/2c red State of Maine cachet f/f some sm age spots PHOTO
48 Augusta, Maine Dec 1, 1908 L-6( ) ppc w/#300 vg/f+
49 Portland, Maine Sep 26, 1898 H-9(1) adv cvr w/2c red machinery g-vg/vg normal aging PHOTO
50 Portland, ME Sep 5, 1900 K-5(1) pse w/cc vg/vg
51 Boston, Mass 3rd class 1889 O-12(3) 4x5 cvr w/1c grn vg/vg
52 Grand Rapids, Mich Aug 22, 1896 Fa-2(1) lt blue adv cvr w/2c red g-vg/vg some aging PHOTO
53 Lansing, Mich Aug 23, 1904 Lb-6(1) cvr w/cc w/#324 f/f
54 Minneapolis, Minn Jul 9, 1898 O-8(1) die a cvr w/cc w/1c grn f/f
55 Saint Louis, MO Annex Sta Dec 2, 1908 lku extends Barry book by 2 yrs KS-6(1) adv pse vg/vg PHOTO
56 Manchester, NH Jul 20, 1904 4 days of use L-5(1) cvr w/cc w/#319 vg/vg scarce EV-15
57 New Brunswick, NJ Dec 10, 1907 L-6(1) 3.5x5 cvr w/#319 f/f
58 Schenectady, NY Jul 1, 1903 bkstmp L-6(1) 3x4 cvr vf/vf
59 Cleveland, Ohio May 1899 day and time slugs removed Kd-5(1) cvr w/cc w/1c grn w/enclosure vf/f
60 Cleveland, Ohio Feb 5, 1900 K-5(1) adv cvr w/2c red vg/g-vg rgh along edges PHOTO
61 Toledo, O Sep 10, 1898 O-9(1) pse w/adv cc f/f PHOTO
62 Scranton, PA Jul 6, 1896 F-2( ) adv cvr w/2c red vg/vg cancel into design PHOTO
63 Knoxville, Tenn Sep 11, 1907 L-6(1) cvr w/#319 vf/vg sm tear T L
64 Milwaukee, Wis Mar 7,1898 F-2( ) adv cvr w/2c red f/f+ PHOTO
65 Lot of 4 Bangor, ME, New York, Minneapolis, Minneapolis 1 pc 3 covers all less than vg/vg
66 Lot of 14 Denver, Colo 5 diff cancel types 13 covers 1 pc mixed condition
67 Lot of 12 Hartford, Conn 3 diff cancel types 10 covers mixed condition
68 Lot of 34 Washington, DC at least 5 diff types 23 covers 7 cards 4 2x4 cuts mixed condition
69 Lot of 24 Massachusetts 23 Boston 1 Fall River 7 diff types 23 covers 1 2x4 cut mixed condition
70 Lot of 22 Michigan 21 Detroit 1 Grand Rapids 8 different all covers mixed condition
71 Lot of 12 Minnesota 3 Minneapolis 9 St. Pa;ul 5 different 11 covers 1 2x4 cut mixed condition
72 Lot of 35 Missouri 15 Kansas City 20 St. Louis at least 7 different 31 covers 2 cards 2 2x4 cuts mixed cond
73 Lot of 32 New Jersey 1 Montclair 2 Morristown 27 Newark 2 New Brunswick 21 covers 5 cards mixed cond
74 Lot of 230+ New York 11 towns heavy duplication in Albany and New York most are covers mixed cond
75 Lot of 57 Ohio 7 towns heavy duplication in Cleveland and Dayton most are covers mixed condition
76 Lot of 12 Milwaukee, Wis 3 diff types all covers mixed condition
77 Lot of 150+ Pennsylvania 5 towns 80+ Philadelphia and 60+ Pittsburg mostly covers mixed condition
78 San Pedro, Cal Dec 20, 1916 F-7 xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
79 Santa Rosa, Cal Dec 25, 1917 J-6P xmas pc w/2c red vg/f
80 Danbury, Conn Feb 18, 1914 K-8 cvr w/2c red w/cc vf/g+ very rough open on R
81 Miami, Fla Jan 1, 1914 J-6P die 2 ppc w/1c grn f/vg small piece missing B Rt cnr
82 Sanford, Fla Feb 21, 1912 J-6P die 1 ppc w/1c grn g-vg/vg cancel lightly printed
83 Boise, Idaho Sep 10, 1917 ppc Boise PO w/1c grn f/f
84 Elgin, Ills Jan 17, 1906 A-G die 2 new Year pc w/#319 g-vg/f+
85 Ottawa, Ill Dec 24, 1913 J-6P xmas pc w/1c grn f/f+
86 Evansville, Ind Apr 23, 1904 A-G die 1 cvr w/#319 f/f cancel slightly off Right
87 Council Bluffs, Iowa Feb 14, 1913 birthday pc w/1c grn vg/f
88 Red Oak, Iowa Dec 23, 1913 xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f
89 Red Oak, Iowa Jan 4, 1916 New Year pc w/1c grn f/f
90 Baton Rouge, La Dec 20, 1915 or 1916 K-8 xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
91 Attleboro, Mass Nov 28, 1916 thanksgiving pc w/1c grn f/f
92 Worcester, Mass Dec 12, 1901 Type A-2 cvr w/2c red vg/vg sm tear at T L o/w vg cvr
93 Flint, Mich May 3, 1916 K-8 birthday pc w/1c grn vg/f
94 Jackson, Mich Mar 15, 1909 J-6P ppc w/1c grn f/f
95 Jackson, Mich May 24, 1909 J-6P greeting pc w/1c grn vg/vg cancel slightly off right
96 Hattiesburg, Miss Aug 20, 1913 K-8 cvr w/#Q2 parcel post stamp vf/f+ sm piece missing T R Cnr o/w vf cvr
97 Norfolk, Nebr Sep 1, 1913 J-6P ppc Norfolk PO w/1c grn vg/f
98 New Brunswick, NJ Dec 5, 1907 A-G die 1 3.5x5 cvr w/#319 f/f
99 New Brunswick, NJ Nov 8, 1910 J-6 cvr w/cc w/2c red f/f
100 Paterson, NJ May 5, 1907 J-6 ppc w/#300 vg/f
101 Paterson, NJ Apr 3, 1914 K-8 die 1 easter pc w/1c grn f/vg
102 Wildwood, NJ Apr 28, 1912 J-6P die 1 greeting pc w/1c grn f/f
103 Elmira, NY Nov 7, 1911 J-6P greeting pc w/1c grn f/f
104 Elmira, NY Aug 8, 1914? K-8 die 1 ppc w/1c grn vg/f
105 Jamestown, NY Mar 26, 1910 date/time reversed J-6P die 1 easter pc w/1c grn vg/f
106 Poughkeepsie, NY Oct 6, 1911 J-6P 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red f+/f
107 Saratoga Springs, New York Jul 20, 1913 K-8 die 1 ppc w/1c grn f/f
108 Silver Creek, NY Nov 20, 1911 J-6P gpc vf/vf
109 Watertown, NY Mar 16, 1910 A-G ppc w/1c grn vg/f
110 Cincinnati, Ohio Station V Dec 29-1909 J-6PS new years pc w/1c grn f/f
111 Logan, Ohio Nov 28, 1914 K-1W die 2 thanksgiving pc w/1c grn g-vg/vg cancel light o/w vg+ cancel
112 Corry, PA Apr 4, 1914 K-8 greeting pc w/1c grn g-vg/vg cancel 1/3 off Rt
113 Lock Haven, PA Jun 4, 1917 lku 6 months later than listed in Col book K-8 ppc w/1c grn g-vg/f 1/3 off Rt
114 Aberdeen, S. Dak Jun 16, 1916 K-8 pse w/cc vg/vg
115 Brownsville, Tex Jul 13, 1913 J-6P die 1 lt blue cvr w/pair Q1 parcel post stamps f/f
116 Corpus Christi, Tex Dec 27, 1916? K-8 new years pc w/1c grn vg/f
117 Brattleboro, VT Nov 2, 1914 K-8 3.25x5.25 cvr w/2c red f/vg
118 Ely, VT Jul 7, 1928 eku 1 yr earlier than in Col book G-2W 4x6 cvr w/2c red f/f
119 Milwaukee, Wis Station C Jan 19, 1914 KS-8 cvr w/cc w/2c red f/g-vg rgh open on Rt o/w vg+ cvr
120 Lot of 70+ California some duplication 44 covers 5 2x4 cuts rest are cards mixed condition
121 Lot of 11 Colorado some duplication 7 cvrs 4 cards mixed condition
122 Lot 12 Connecticut some duplication 8 cvrs 4 cards mixed condition
123 Lot of 12 Georgia some duplication 13 cvrs mixed condition
124 Lot of 19 Illinois some duplication 17 cvrs 1 card 1 2x4 cut mixed condition
125 Lot of 34 Iowa some duplication 33 covers 1 card mixed condition
126 Lot of 10 Massachusetts Dalton, Lee, Southboro, South Dartmouth all covers mixed condition
127 Lot 32 Minnesota some duplication 30 cvrs 2 2x4 cuts mixed condition
128 Lot 12 Missouri some duplication all covers mixed condition
129 Lot of 33 New Jersey 10 diff towns 17 items are Mount Holley 31 covers 2 cards mixed condition
130 Lot of 20 New York some duplication 11 covers 6 cards mixed condition
131 Lot of 9 Oregon some duplication 7 covers 1 card 1 2x4 cut mixed condition
132 Lot of 24 Pennsylvania some duplication 20 cvrs 4 cards mixed condition
133 Lot 6 Texas 5 diff towns all covers mixed condition
134 Lot of 8 Washington 7 towns 7 covers 1 2x4 cut mixed condition
135 Lot of 9 Wisconsin 8 towns 8 covers 1 front only mixed condition
Columbia Slogans
136 Santa Rosa, Cal May 12, 1916 Bomar SD16-12 Panama Cal Intl Expo San Diego ppc w/1c grn vg/f EV-12
137 Westport, Conn Jun 14, 1912 only year of use F-131 3x5 cvr w/2c red vg+/g-vg
138 Norway, Maine Dec 23, 1921 F-131 xmas pc w/1c grn vf/f
139 Bourne, Mass Dec 25, [1930] yr slug removed F-131 4x5 cvr w/2c red f/vg+
140 Bourne, Mass Dec 22, 1934 F-131 4x5 cvr w/#684 f+/f
141 Hyannis, Mass Jul 4, 1912 F-131 3x5 cvr w/2c red f/vg+ minor rgh open at top
142 Marion, Mass Aug 30, 1921 F-131 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+
143 Townsend, Mass Oct 1, 1913 F-131 cvr w/2c red w/cc f/f
144 Hillsboro, NH Oct 19, 1914 F-131 4x5 cvr w/2c red f/vg
145 Meredith, NH Dec 21, 1911 E-121 xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f
146 North Conway, NH Dec 24, 1914 F-131 xmas pc w/1c grn f/vg
147 Walpole, NH Dec 23, 1923 F-131 3.5x4.5 cvr w/1c grn vf/vg damaged stamp
148 Convent Station, NJ Nov 29, 1913 unreported year F-131 lt blue cvr w/2c red F/vg sm piece open Top
149 Lot of 3 covers Townsend, Mass, North Conway, NH, Walpole, NH all F-131 all less than vg/vg
150 Woodland, Cal Dec 30, 1912? Type E birthday pc w/1c grn vg/f year unreadable
151 Stamford, Conn Oct 1, 1903 type D 3x5 cvr w/2c red vg/vg
152 Boise, Idaho May 25, 1903 type D cvr w/cc w/#301 vg+/f
153 Sparta, Ill Nov 28, 1910 type E greeting pc w/1c grn vf/vf
154 Charles City, Iowa Jun 3, 1907 type D blue pse w/cc f/vg sm tear on Rt o/w f cvr
155 Andover, Mass Mar 9, 1903 type D pse w/cc f/vg+
156 East Northfield, Mass Apr 30, 1903 type D pse w/cc vf/vf
157 South Framingham, Mass Dec 15, 1903 type D adv cvr w/#301 g-vg/f+ PHOTO
158 Williamstown, Mass Sep 3, 1907 type D sm 3x4 mourning cover w/#319 vf/f
159 Faribault, Minn Sep 20, 1912 type D adv cvr w/2c red vf/vg some wear on edges PHOTO
160 West Plains, MO Aug 6, 1908 type E greeting pc w/1c grn vg/f
161 Louisiana, MO Jan 16, 1906 type D pc w/#300 f/f
162 Laconia, NH Mar 10, 1902 type D pse f/f
163 Redbank, NJ Jul 2, 1903 type C cvr w/cc w/#301 vg/vf
164 East Las Vegas, N. Mex May 13, 1909 type E 3x5 cvr w/#319 f/vg rgh open on Left
165 Cohoes, NY May 15, 1906 type D pse w/cc vg/vg+
166 Kingston, NY Rondout Station Sep 19, 1909 type E dial ppc w/1c grn Kingston Point Park f/f
167 Rome, NY Mar 5, 1902 type B cvr w/2c red g-vg/f some ltrs of town/state not printed but killer is fine
168 Ashland, PA Apr 6, 1912 type E easter pc w/1c grn f/vf cancel slightly off Rt
169 Bellefont, PA Jun 23, 1911 type E birthday pc w/1c grn f/vg sm waterspot on pc
170 Ridgway, PA Jun 6, 1902 type C pse w/cc f+/vg sm piece missing on T Rt cnr
171 Sunbury, PA May 14, 1903 type D pse w/cc f/f cancel 1/3 off Rt
172 Wellsboro, PA Jan 2, 1905 type D cvr w/cc w/#319 vg/f
173 Sherman, Tex Sep 30, 1904 bkstmp type D pse f/f
174 Bradford, PA Apr 4, 1899 P3-3 cvr w/2c red f/vf EV-$75 PHOTO
175 San Francisco, Cal Sta B Jun 27, 1900 receipt cancel ppc from Germany CS-8 f/f EV-$30
176 Mason City, Iowa Jan 14, 1901 B-8 die a pse f/vg EV-$15
177 Gardiner, ME Nov 13, 1901 B-8c pse vg/vf EV-$10
178 Hornellsville, NY Apr 26, 1901 B-8 die b 3x4.5 cvr w/#267 f/vf EV-$20
179 Island Pond, VT Nov 28, 1926 eku earlier than in book type 2 pse w/cc vg/vg cut short on Rt
180 Montgomery, Ala Dec 29, 1911 D-32(1) xmas pc w/1c grn Aux Mark:”Missent to Meredian, Miss.” vg+/vg+
181 Los Angeles, Cal Apr 27, 1925 ATS/Z-271 Arcade Station cvr w/ adv cc w/pair 1c grn f/f PHOTO
182 Oakland, Calif Jun 27, 1938 D-30 blue cvr w/#C-23 w/plate #21858 f/f
183 San Francisco, Cal St. D Mar 20, 1901 E-22(1) adv cvr w/#281 to Nottingham, Eng vg/g-vg piece missing PHOTO
184 Denver, Colo Dec 22, 1914 D-32(1) 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/f
185 Hartford, Conn Dec 16, 1910 D-32(1) 2.5x4 cvr w/2c red f+/f+
186 New Haven, Conn Sep 26, 1904 D-32(1) 3.5x5.5 cvr w/#319 f+/f+
187 Washington, DC 3rd class 1889 A dial 11[||] canceller block in canceller cvr w/cc f/g-vg EV-$15 PHOTO
188 Washington, DC Mar 4, 1905 D-32(1) gpc vg/vg
189 Washington, DC Jan 1, 1913 D-32(1) pse f/vg-f
190 Wilmington, Del Oct 13, 1894 C-11(1) pse vg+/f
191 Lake Wales, Fla Jan 16, 1931 ATS-272 philatelic cvr w/#C-11 w/cachet vf/vf PHOTO
192 Chicago, Ill Nov 15, 1892 D-11(2) 3x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/vg
193 Chicago, Ill Feb 17, 1893 F-11(3) 4x5 cvr w/#231 vg/g-vg sm tear top into cancel
194 Chicago, Ill Aug 10, 1893 C-11(1) pse w/cc f/f
195 Chicago, Ill Jun 15, 1909 D-32(2) ppc w/#370 vg/vg
196 Peoria, Ill Sep 4, 1894 C-11(1) pse w/cc vg/f
197 Sandwich, Ill Aug 20, 1955 ATS-272 philatelic cvr w/#1063 w/cachet vf/vf PHOTO
198 Springfield, Ill Apr 14, 1894 C-11(1) pse w/cc vf/vf
199 Springfield, Ill Apr 18, 1894 C-11(1) pse vf/f
200 Fort Wayne, Ind Apr 9, 1894 C-11(1) pse vf/f
201 Indianapolis, Ind Jun 23, 1893 B-11(1) 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red f/f
202 Indianapolis, Ind Jan 31, 1894 C-11(1) pse w/cc f+/f+
203 Topeka, Kan Oct 29, 1913 D-32(1) ppc w/#Q1 parcel post stmp vg/f+
204 Portland, Me Nov 28, 1893 B-11(1) 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f/f
205 Baltimore, Md Jul 7, 1893 B-11(1) 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f/f
206 Baltimore, Md Sep 11, 1893 B-11(2) 3.5x4.5 cvr w/#231 vf/vg+
207 Baltimore, Md Apr 27, 1894 C-11(2) 4x5 cvr w/#231 f/vg one inch tear T Lft cnr
208 Balitmore, Md Apr 22, 1895 D-21(2) 3x5 pse f+/f+
209 Baltimore, Md Jan 2, 1901 D-22(2) 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/f
210 Boston, Mass Mar 26, 1921 Back Bay Station D-37 Mach#17(R) easter pc w/1c grn f/f
211 Concord Junction, Mass Aug 1, 1913 D-32(1) 3.5x6 cvr w/2c red f+/f
212 Springfield, Mass Oct 27, 1901 D-22(1) 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red f+/f
213 Worcester, Mass May 13, 1907 D-32(1)(R) adv cvr w/#319 F+/f+ PHOTO
214 Worcester, Mass Feb 2, 1912 D-32(1)(T) cvr w/cc w/2c red vf/vf
215 Detroit, Mich Nov 17, 1893 B-11(2) pse w/cc f+/vf
216 Grand Rapids, Mich Dec 26, 1900 D-22(1)(R) pse f/vg+ cut short on Rt
217 Saginaw E.S. Mich Sep 17, 1894 E-11(1) pse w/cc f/f
218 Minneapolis, Minn Feb 10, 1908 D-25 St. Anthony Falls Sta adv cvr w/#319 f/g-vg rgh open on rt PHOTO
219 St. Louis, Mo Jul 12, 1893 B-11(2) gpc UX9 f/f
220 St. Louis, Mo Sep 5, 1893 B-11(1) gpc UX10 vg/vg 1 spindle hole on Rt
221 St. Louis, Mo Mar 3, 1894 B-11(1) buff cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/vg minor rgh open on Rt
222 St. Louis, Mo Mar 22, 1895 D-21(1) cvr w/cc Standard Stamp Co w/#251 stamp $20 on cvr F+/vg-f
223 St. Louis, Mo Dec 14, 1907 D-25 Annex Station gpc UX18 w/Mt, Holly Vt Doane cancel vg/vg
224 Atlantic City, NJ Mar 29, 1904 D-32(1) cvr w/fancy cc w/pair#300 vg/vg+ PHOTO
225 Elizabeth, NJ Jul 3, 1911 D-32(1) 3x4 cvr w/2c red West Chesterfield, NH Doane cancel on back f+/f+
226 Newark, NJ Oct 26, 1892 B-11(1) ‘1’ is very faint 3x4 cvr w/2c red vg/f
227 Orange, NJ Sep 8, 1910 D-32(1) 3x4.5 cvr w/2c red vf/vf
228 Military used Hoboken, NJ Port-of-Embarkation 1917-1919 Jun 18 ymca pc of statue of liberty with biplane flying overhead and storm clouds clearing vg/f cancel is light but readable PHOTOS
229 Military used Hoboken as above only this is a Red Cross pc with message that ship has arrived safely overseas nice pc f/f PHOTO
230 Military used Hoboken as above but this is a 3.25x5.25 cvr with censer mark marked officers mail f/f PHOTO
231 Binghamton, NY Oct 18, 1894 C-11(1) pse f+/f
232 Brooklyn, NY Oct 15, 1892 B-11(1) 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red f+/f
233 Buffalo, NY Aug 17, 1893 B-11(1) cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f
234 Ithaca, NY Oct 19, 1913 D-32(1) gpc UX14 vf/vf
235 Grand Central, Sta, NY Feb 26, 1913 D-32(3) lt blue pse f/f
236 Madison Sq Station NY Jul 11, 1913 D-32(2) lt blue pse w/cc f/f
237 New York, NY Nov 6, 1893 C-11(2) pse w/cc f/vf
238 New York, NY Dec 5, 1900 D022(4) 3x5.25 cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f+
239 New York, NY Nov 15, 1901 D-22(9) cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f+
240 New York, NY Dec 21, 1901 Sta E E-22(1) cvr w/2c red f/f+
241 New York, NY Oct 13, 1904 Sta E E-32(2) lt blue cvr 3x5 w/#319 stamp missing T L cnr f+/f
242 New York, NY Jun 27, 1902 Sta H E-22(1) cvr w/2c red bkstmp Doremus Redbank NJ type 5 vf/vg
243 New York, NY Jun 11, 1901 Sta O E-22(1) pse w/cc f+/f+
244 New York, NY Nov 21, 1893 B-11(2) 4x5 cvr w/2c red vg/vg some aging bot rt
245 Rochester, NY Mar 7, 1894 C-11(2) pse vg/vg
246 Schenectady, NY Apr 15, 1915 D-32(1) 3x5 cvr w/2c red f/f+
247 Syracuse, NY Apr 3, 1895 D-21(1) 3x5.25 cvr w/2c red f/f+
248 Syracuse, NY Nov 26, 1907 D-32( ) 3x5 cvr w/#319 f+/f+
249 Troy, NY Nov 20, 1902 D-22(1) cvr w/2c red f/f
250 Charlotte, NC May 28, 1912 D-32(1)(R) ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
251 Pinehurst, NC Mar 18, 1932 D-30 cvr w/#716 w plate # 20816 vg+/f+
252 Salisbury, NC Jul 17, 1912 D-32(1) cvr w/pair 1c grn vg/vg tear and stain bot rt cnr
253 Akron, Ohio Apr 6, 1894 C-11(1) pse w/cc f+/f+
254 Akron, Ohio Jan 8, 1895 D-21(1) pse w/cc f/f
255 Cincinnati, O Feb 10, 1903 D-32(1) adv cvr w/2c red f/vg+ cut short on Rt PHOTO
256 Cleveland, Ohio Aug 16, 1892 B-11(1) pse w/cc f+/g-vg vry rgh open on rt o/w fine cvr PHOTO
257 Cleveland, O Nov 4, 1893 B-11(2) pse vf/vf
258 Cleveland, Ohio Jan 27, 1894 C-11(2) pse w/cc vf/vf
259 Cleveland, Ohio Apr 12, 1895 D-21(1) pse w/cc vf/vf
260 Cleveland, Ohio Mar 18, 1895 D-21(2) pse w/cc vf/f+
261 Dayton, Ohio Aug 23, 1912 D-32(1) adv cvr w/2c red 2 doane cancels of Maine as receipts PHOTO
262 Painesville, Ohio Jan 4, 1910 D-32(1) cvr w/cc w/pair 1c grn vg/f+
263 Portland, Ore Aug 28, 1901 C-22(1) cvr w/cc w/2c red aux mark “large pointing finger “Returned to Writer Unclaimed Portland, Ore Oct 1, 1901” f/f+ PHOTO
264 Allentown, Pa May 15, 1907 D-32(1) cvr w/#329 f+/f
265 Easton, Pa Dec 24, 1913 D-34(1) xmas pc w/1c grn vg/vg
266 Harrisburg, Pa Nov 24, 1912 D-32(1) adv cvr w/pair 1c grn vg+/f minor rgh cut on rt PHOTO
267 Media, Pa Mar 2x, 1910 D-32(1)(T) 3.5x5 cvr w/#372 vg+/vg+ EV $8
268 Philadelphia, Pa Sep 5, 1893 C-11(4) pse w/cc f+/vg+
269 Philadelphia, Pa Feb 7, 1901 D-22(4) cvr w/cc w/2c red f/f+
270 Philadelphia, Pa May 12, 1907 D-32(4) 3x5 cvr w/#319 f/f
271 Philadelphia, Pa D-25 Middle City Sta 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red vg+/vg+
272 Philadelphia, Pa Mach# 4 Oct 30, 1933 D-30 gpc f+/f+
273 Philadelphia, Pa Mar 16, 1922 D-39 Penn Square Station cvr w/2c red f/vg+
274 Pittsburg, Pa Dec 3, 1907 D-25 East Liberty Sta 3.25x5.25 cvr w/#319 vg/vg
275 Scranton, Pa Nov 15, 1894 C-12(1) pse w/cc vg+/f
276 Scranton, Pa Jan 16, 1903 D-22(1)(R) w/2c red w/adv cc f+/vg two aging spots bot rt PHOTO
277 Sharpsburg, Pa Dec 31, 1941 D-30 cvr w/#900 w/plate #22701 f/f
278 Providence, RI Mar 20, 1894 C-11(1) pse w/cc f/vg+
279 Columbia, SC Mar 22, 1918 D-32(1)(T) pse f/f aux mark Give Directory Services with stamps PHOTO
280 Chattanouga, Tenn Sep 14, 1918 D-32(1) cvr w/#529 w/ymca cc vg+/vg+
281 Dallas, Tex Aug 22, 1903 D-32(1) cvr w/pair #300 aux mark “Please Notice this Address and Have it corrected” vg/vg PHOTO
282 Dallas, Tex Jun xx, 1903 D-32(1) cvr w/2c red aux mark “Ret’d to P.O. for want of time.” f/vf EV $10
283 Kerrville, Tex Jan 16, 1908 D-30 cvr w/cc w/#610 w/plate #14895 f/f
284 San Antonio, Texas Mach #2 Mar 10, 1941 D-30 blue cvr w/#886 w/plate #22594 f/f
285 San Antonio, Texas Mach #3 Apr 1, 1941 D-30 blu cvr w/#807 w/plate #22134 f/f
286 South San Antonio, Texas Dec 18, 1943 D-30 cvr w/cc w/#899 w/#900 w/plate #22852 f/f
287 Bennington, Vt Aug 3, 1927 D-30 buff cvr w/#643 1st day cvr vf/vf EV $8 PHOTO
288 Brattleboro, Vt Dec 22, 1926 D-32(1)(T) 4x5 cvr w/2c red f/f
289 Hampton, Va Aug 26, 1908 D-32(1) cvr w/#319 f/vg some age spots o/w f cvr
290 Roanoke, Va Nov 2, 1914 D-32(1) adv cvr w/2c red w/adv cc f/f PHOTO
291 Spokane, Wash Jan 7, 1917 D-32(1) 3.5x5 cvr w/pair 1c grn vg+/f
International Slogans
292 Alameda, Cal Aug 14, 1916 Pana Cal Intl Expo San Diego 3.5x5 cvr w/two 1c grn vg/f
293 Fresno, al May 19, 1912 World Pan Pac Expo in SF 1915 ppc w/1c grn vg/f
294 Los Angeles, Cal Mach #1 Feb 7, 1916 Pan Cal Expo at SD 1916 SD16-14A(1) greeting pc w/1c grn f/f+
295 Los Angeles, Cal Mach #2 Oct 31, 1916 Pan cal Intl Expo at SD 1916 SD 16-14B(2) ppc w/1d grn f+/f+
296 Oakland, Cal Jan 2, 1912 World Pan Pac Expo in SF 1915 ppc w/1c grn vg/f
297 Oakland, Cal Jul 4, 1916 Pan Cal Intl Expo at SD 1916 blue pse f/f
298 Oakland, Cal Dec 19, 1916 Pan Cal Intl Expo at SD 1916 xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f
299 Pasadena, Cal Apr 11, 1912 World Pan Pac Expo in SF 1915 ppc w/1c grn f/f
300 San Francisco, Cal Mach #1 Jul 31, 1911 Wor Pan Pac Expo 1915 ppc w/1c grn f/f
301 San Francisco, Cal Mach #2 Sep 13, 1912 Wor Pan Pac Expo 1915 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red vf/f
302 San Francisco, Cal Mach #2 Jul 2, 1916 Pan Cal Intl Expo at SD 1916 16-17B(2) ppc w/1c grn vg+/f
303 San Francisco, Cal Mach #3 Aug17, 1916 Pan Cal Intl Expo at SD 1916 SD16-17C(3) ppc w/1c grn vg/f
304 Denver, Colo Jul 10, 1917 New Rocky Mountain Nat Park die b g-vg/g-vg vry rgh open on Rt PHOTO
305 Washington, DC Mach # 13 Jun 23, 1928 Let’s Go Citizens Military Train Camps gray cvr w # 465 vf/vf EV $5
306 Washington, DC Mach # 17 Aug 21, 1936 Third World Power Conference Sept 7-12 Aux Mark: “This is the mail for which you sent postage” cvr w #720 very scarce cancel Payne pg 295 f/f EV $50 PHOTO
307 Washington, DC Mach # 7 Jul 30, 1934 Address Your Mail To Street and Number cvr w/cc vf/vf
308 Washington, DC Mach # 8 Jul 19, 1935 lku Buy US Sav Bonds Ask Your Postmaster cvr w # 772 f/vg
309 Washington, DC Jun 4, 1917 Do Your Bit Buy a Liberty Loan Bond Aux Mark: ”Co Your Bit/Buy a Liberty Loan Bond/ Inquire at any Bank or Post Office” cvr w/cc The Willard Hotel w 2c red scarce cancel vf/vf EV $10
310 Chicago, Ill Dec 22, 1917 Food will win the war don’t waste it cvr w/cc w 3c purple adv perfin EV $10
311 Baltimore, Md Jan 18, 1944 Buy War Sav Bonds and Stamps penalty env w/cc f/vg+
312 Boston, Mass Mach # C Feb 23, 1937 Buy US Sav Bonds Ask Your Postmaster 2.5x5.5 cvr w # 551/684 f/f
313 St Louis, Mo Dec 24, 1917Mach # 2 Food will win the war don’t waste it xmas pc w/2c red vg+/f
314 Brooklyn, NY Aug 6, 1947 Brooklyn vs World Baseball Combats Juvenile Delinquency Aug 15-16-17, 1947 nice cvr w 3c purple on top of cds killer is vf vg/f PHOTO
315 Grand Cent Annex, NY Mach # 3 Mar 1, 1937 Buy US Sav Bonds Ask Your Postmaster pse w/cc f/f
316 Lot of 2 New York, NY Mach #4 and # 13 Address Your Mail to St and Numb each pse w/cc vf/vf
317 New York, NY Jun 10, 1941 Buy US Sav Bonds Ask Your Postmaster cvr w 2c red perfins SR g-vg/vf
318 New York, NY Mach # 2 Dec 21, 1922 Int Grand CenT Silk Palace Feb 5 to 15, 1923 Expo cvr vf/vg MB $5 PHOTO
319 World’s Fair Sta, NY Oct 27, 1940 New York World’s Fair 1940 cvr w last day cach and # 898 vg/vf EV $6
320 Hud Term Sta, NY Mach 10 Dec 31, 1923 Add Your Mail to St and Numb pse w/cc vf/vf
321 Cleveland, Ohio Mach 5 Jan 18, 1933 Add Your Mail to St and Numb pse w/cc U526 f/f
322 Columbus, Ohio Mach 1 Jun 23, 1935 Buy US Sav Bonds Ask Your Postmaster cvr w/cc w # 729 f/f
323 Columbus, Ohio Apr 27, 1929 Lets Go! Citizens Military Training Camp pse vg+/f
324 Columbus, Ohio Mach 1 Mar 5, 1943 Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps #10 pse w/cc vg/f
325 Columbus, Ohio Mach 1 Nov 8, 1940 lku Buy US Sav Bonds Ask Your Postmaster #10 pse cut shrt on L vg/vg
326 Philadelphia, PA Mach 3 Jan 16, 1939 Airmail Saves Time Monoplane pse w/# 728 vg/f EV $8
327 Philadelphia, PA Mach 3 Sep 12, 1940 Airmail Saves Time Monoplane adv cvr w # 885 vf/vf EV $7 PHOTO
328 Philadelphia, PA Mach 4 Apr 19, 1932 Address Your Mail to St and Numb pse f/vf
329 Charleston, SC Sep 24, 1915 7th Annual Convention Southern Commercial Congress Charleston, SC Dec 13-17, 1915 Payne pg 283 cvr w 2c red vf/vf EV $15 PHOTO
330 Charleston, SC Nov 9, 1915 same slogan as above 3.5x5 cvr w 2c red vf/g very rough open at T o/w fine cvr
331 Norfolk, VA Oct 14, 1907 Jametown Celebration 1607-1907 cvr w #329 f/f cancel slightly off Rt EV $4
332 Washington, DC Nov 12, 85 type C-WASH gpc vg/vg
333 Louisville, KY Sep 4, 80 type B-LOU(D) gpc vg/vg RARE EV $300 PHOTO
334 Boston, Mass Feb 20, 1877 type A-2 Inverted Cancel gpc UX-7 vg/vg EV $25
335 Boston, Mass Jan 5, [83] year slug removed type C-2 gpc UX-7 to St. Johns, New Brunswick vg/f EV $25
336 Maquoketa, Iowa Apr 30, 190x yr slug removed type 1 registry receipt card vf/f
337 Mendon, Mich Mar 29, 1910 type 1 Easter pc w/ 1c grn g+/f typical for most Perfection cancels
338 Homer, NY Dec 21, 1917 type 3 xmas pc w/2c red f/f
339 Ashland, PA Dec 17, 1908? Type 1 xmas pc w/ 1c green vg/f yr on top of green stamp o/s fine cancel
340 Emporium, PA Jan 4, 1909 type 1 New Years pc w/ 1c green g+/f
341 Emporium, PA Jan 27, 1909 type 1 3.5x5.5 cvr w/ # 319 vg/f
Pitney Bowes
342 Cleveland, Ohio Oct 31, 1960 BTS5R-400 slogan Report Obscene Mail to Your Postmaster vg+/vg+ PHOTO
343 Hartford, Con. May 5, 1902 C4b-5b pse w/cc vg+f cancel ¼ off right
344 Ottumwa, Ia. May 5, 1901 C2d/b-5a cvr w/2c red vf/vf EV-10
345 Helena, Mont. Jul 13, 1900 B2d/b-5a cvr w/cc w/2c red f/g-vg aging along Rt and bot edges
Time Marking
346 Washington, DC Jan 25, 1911 A-104 ppc w/1c grn vg/f
347 Chicago, Ill Mar 16, 1909 C-112 Mach # 4 ppc w/1c grn f/f
348 Chicago, Ill Nov 12, 1909 C-113 Mach #4 greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/f
349 Chicago, Ill Dec 25, 1911 A-105 Mach # 5 xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f
350 Chicago, Ill Sep 6, 1910 two cancels A-105(1) and A-105(8) amber cvr w/ 1c green vf/vf
351 Chicago, Ill Apr 26, 1913 A-105(14) cvr w/ 2c red vf/vg
352 Chicago, Ill Oct 17, 1912 D-105(15) private mailing card w/ 1c green f/f
353 Chicago, Ill Oct 10, 1909 C-113(16) ppc w/1c grn f+/vg
354 Chicago, Ill Mar 8, 1910 A-105(16) cvr w/cc w 2c red bkstmp Columbia Racine Wis Cooper Sta J-6PS vf/vf
355 Chicago, Ill Dec 19, 1911 A-105(18) xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
356 Chicago, Ill Sep 25, 1911 A-105(21) bkstmp Chicago TM A-105(7)(R) vf/f
357 Chicago, Ill Mar 27, 1913 D-105S(5) Canal Sta wind env w/cc w/two 1c grn vg/g-vg
358 Gary, Ind May 5, 1913 A-104 ppc Street scene w/1c grn f/f
359 Muncie, Ind Dec 30, 1912 A-104 new year pc w/1c grn vg+/f
360 Terre Haute, Ind Dec 24, 1912 A-104 new year pc w/1c grn f/f
361 Ottumwa, Iowa Feb 17, 1913 A-104 ppc w/1c grn f/f
362 Kansas City, Kan Dec 6, 1909 A-104 birthday pc w/1c grn f/f
363 Detroit, Mich Feb 6, 1913 D-104S1 Station C ppc Palmer park w/1c grn f/f
364 Kalamazoo, Mich Dec 24, 1910 A-104 xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f
365 Joplin, Mo Sep 4, 1912 D-104 ppc walnut river dam w/1c grn f/vg+
366 Passaic, NJ Jul 15, 1911 eku? D-104 3.5x5 mourning cvr w/2c red f/vg sm piece miss T L o/w f cvr
367 Poughkeepsie, NY Sep 3, 1912 A-104 ppc sugar loaf mtn w/1c grn f/f
368 Alliance, Ohio Jul 12, 1912 bkstmp D-104 cvr f+/f+
369 Bellingham, Wash Oct 2, 1911 D-104 ppc scene on Puget sound w/1c grn f/f
370 Madison, Wis Mar 6, 1912 A-104 ppc main hall UW w/1c grn vg/f
371 Montgomery, Ala Sheridan Branch Jan 28, 1918 DB-300 cvr w/ymca cc w/3c purp vg+/vg+
372 Trussville, Ala Nov 3, 1958 DT-200 pse w/2c red f+/vf
373 Berkley, Calif Jul 30, 1937 BT2L-200 blue cvr w/#720 w/plate # 21526 f+/f+
374 Pomona, Calif Apr 15, 1936 CT-200 pse w/three 1 c grn w/ blue label By Airmail Par Avion f/f
375 Boston, Mass Apr 14, 1922 Dorchester Center Sta Mach # 24 DT-400 easter pc vg/vg stmp missing
376 Boston, Mass Mar 30, 1923 East Boston Sta Mach # 28 DT-400 easterpc w/ 1c grn vg=/vg+
377 Boston, Mass Jan 28, 1925 Roxbury Station No. 13(or 18?) DT-400 ppc w/1c grn vg/vg
378 Cambridge A, Mass Jan 27, 1923 Mach # 1 lku DT1-204c 3.5x5.25 mourning cvr w/1c grn f/vg
379 Ludington, Mich Aug 14, 1936 DT-300 cvr w/cachet w/#775 vf/vf PHOTO
380 Atlantic City, NJ Nov 14, 1933 Mach # 1 BT1L-200 w/1c grn w/ attached reply card vf/f+
381 New Brunswick, NJ Nov 25, 1944 Mach # 2 BT2L-200 cvr w/ C26 f+/f+ PHOTO
382 Ventnor, NJ Apr 2x, 1936 DT-300 3x4.5 cvr w/2c red f/vg sm tear at top
383 Grand Central Sta, NY Oct 7, 1913 Mach # 3 CST3-201(c) cvr w/2c red vf/f+
384 Hudson Term Sta, NY Aug 8, 1913 Mach # 7 CST7-201(c) win env w/cc w/2c red perfins WU f+/vg+
385 New York, NY Feb 6, 1918 Sta W DSB-202b adv cvr w/2c red Hotels front and back f+/f+ PHOTO
386 Ogdensburg, NY Dec 20, 1910 A-101 xmas pc vg+/vg+
387 Plattsburg, NY Military Branch Jul 29, 1918 eku DB-300 ppc Sable Rock Adirondacks w/pair 1c grn vg+/f
388 White Plains, NY Dec 21, 1910 A-101 one of 1st 25 machines delivered 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red f/f+ EV-10
389 Charlotte, NC Greene Branch Feb 8, 1918 DB-300 3.5x5.25 cvr w/3c purp vg+/vg+
390 Ravenna, Ohio May 5, 1927 DT-500 cvr w/cc w/2c red #583? F+/f+
391 Lancaster, Pa Sep 1, 1933 Mach # 1 BT1L-200 cvr w/cc w/#729 f+/f+
392 Lock Haven, Pa May 17, 1934 DT-300 cvr w/#737 f/f
393 Philadelphia, Pa Oct 3, 1916 CT-430 Penn Square Sta cvr w/cc w/2c red f+/f
394 Spartanburg, SC Wadsworth Br Jul 25, 1918 DB-300 cvr w/3c purp f/vg
395 Brownwood, Texas May 11, 1945 CT-200 cvr w/#802 w/#927 w/plate # 23237 vg/vg rgh open at Top
396 Yellowstone Park, Wyo Jul 19, 1931 Fishing Bridge Sta BT-400 ppc Hot Springs Terraces w/1c grn f+/f+
397 Yellowstone Park, Wyo Jul 22, 1929 Old Faithful Sta BT-400 ppc Canyon frm Great Fall w/1c grn f+/f+
Universal Slogans
398 Fresno, Cal Apr 20, 1916 Pan Cal Intl Expo at SD 1916 BT-430 easter pc vg+/f EV-12
399 Los Angeles, Cal Arcade Sta 6 Sep 22, 1928 Notify your correspondenst DT6R-400 cvr w/cc w/2c red vf/f
400 Los Angeles, Cal Arcade Sta 9 Dec 13, 1928 Mail Early for Christmas eku 7 days earlier than Payne p 160 DT9R-400 pse vf/f+
401 Los Angeles, Calif Dec 26, 1934 AMST DT-400 bicolor airmail env w/C19 vg+/vg+ EV-5
402 San Diego, Cal Dec 22, 1914 1st week of use Pan Cal Expo SD 1915 scarce BT-430 ppc w/1c grn f+/vg EV-15
403 Hartford, Conn Jan 9, 1923 BT2L-400 Trinity Coll Centenn 1823-1923 cvr w/cc w/2c red vg/vg+ EV-8
404 Fort Myers, Fla Dec 5, 1949 Ft Mysers fla Cent 1950 DT-400 Philatelic Cvr w/pair #974 f+/vf PHOTO
405 Chicago, Ill Jul 16, 1923 Citz Train Camp Camp Cust Mich Aug 1-Sep 1 DT-400 pc w/2c red f/f EV-10
406 Chicago, Ill Sep 20, 1922 DT-400(4) Address Your Mail to St and Numb Payne pg 12 pc w 1c green f/f
407 Chicago, Ill Oct 19, 1922 DT-400(8) Int Livestock Expo Chicago Dec 2 to 9, 1922 pse w/cc vf/f EV-7
408 Chicago, Ill Nov 12, 192x DT-400 Red Cross Roll Call Join 3.5x5.5 cvr w 2c red f/f
409 Chicago, Ill Englewood Sta Jun 1, 1933 Cent of Prog Worlds Fair Chicago 1933 Bom C33-09 ppc w/#728 f+/f+
410 Decatur, Ill Nov 18, 1935 Red Cross Roll Call Join lku phil cvr w/#774 w/cachet f/f+ PHOTO
411 Topeka, Kans Jun 19, 1947 Build Your fut wisely safely us savings bonds DT1L-400 Aux mark postage due _6_ cents w/2 postage due stamps vf/f+ PHOTO
412 Plymouth, Mass Aug 3, 1921 DT-450 Plymouth-Pilgrim Tercentenary 1620 1921 July Aug Sept 1921 Payne pg 240 cvr w plate# block of 4 #549 vg-f/vg+ normal aging EV-20 PHOTO
413 Omaha, Nebr Harney Sta May 31, 1925 lku 50 days later than Payne slogan listing CSB-400 Let’s Go Citizens Military Training Camps 3x6 cvr w 2c red vg/vg
414 Madison SQ. Sta. NY Apr 12, 1920 DT-400 Join the Navy Training-Travel cvr w/cc w 2c red vg/vg
415 Dayton, Ohio Aug 25, 1943 DT3L-400 Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps #10 pse w/cc and 1c green f/f
416 Dayton, Ohio Apr 24, 1950 DT2L-400 Hire the Handicapped It’s Good Business #10 pse w/cc vg+/f
417 Sugarcreek, Ohio Sep 9, 1963 Ohio Swis Fes Sugarcreek Sep 27-28 DT-400 cvr w/#958 f+/f
418 Toledo, Ohio Mar 2, 1943 Give + Red Cross War Fund DT1L-400 buff cvr w/three 1c grn f+/f+
419 Lancaster, PA Sep 28, 1922 BT-400 Electrical Show Lancaster Oct 18-19-20-21, 1922 Receiving postmark Payne pg 293 Payne says this is scarce cvr w 2c red vg/vg partially blocked by origin cancel EV $15
420 Lot of 2 Houston, Texas Jul 4, 1921 BT2L-400 and Apr 28, 1922 BT-400 Address Your Mail to Street and Number each cvr has 2c red and cc g-vg/g-vg
Small Town Machine Cancels from 1970’s
These are all stamped small covers from “small” towns of the states indicated. They are International and Universal with a few slogans and most are from 1970 with maybe some earlier or later. They are mixed condition but most are vg/vg or better. There is sometimes a lot of duplication in each lot and will be estimated with each lot. Send questions for any states in which you might be interested. Machine cancels from small towns are sometimes difficult to find.
421 Arkansas towns A to L lot of 180+ estimated 50 % duplication
422 Arkansas towns M to W lot of 150 estimated 30-50% duplication
423 Colorado lot of 200 estimated 30-50% duplication
424 Connecticut lot of 260+ estimated 30-50% duplication
425 Louisiana lot of 180+ estimated 30-50% duplication
426 New Hampshire lot of 190+ estimated 50% duplication
427 New Jersey lot of 120+ estimated 30% duplication
428 New Mexico lot of 130+ estimated 50% or more duplication
429 North Carolina lot of 200+ estimated 30% duplication
430 North Dakota lot of 180+ estimated 50% or more duplication
431 Oklahoma lot of 200+ estimated 30-40 % duplication
432 Rhode Island lot of 54 estimated 30-50 % duplication
433 South Carolina lot of 44 estimated 30% duplication
434 South Dakota lot of 180+ estimated 30-50% duplication
435 Tennessee towns A to L lot of 200+ estimated 30-50% duplication
436 Tennessee towns M to Z lot of 190+ estimated 30-50% duplication
437 Utah lot of 58 estimated 30% or more duplication
438 Vermont lot of 200+ estimated 50% or more duplication
439 Virginia towns A to K lot of 230+ estimated 30 – 50 % duplication
440 Virginia towns L to W lot of 210+ estimated 30 % duplication
Mixed Lots
441 Lot of 50 unsold lots from one consignor 16 Barry, 10 Columbia, 3 Cummins, 6 International, 1 Doremus, 1 Leavitt, 1 Perfection, 1 Time Marking and 1 Universal 33 covers all are vg/vg or better
442 France, Paris Mar 27, 1934 3.75x5.75 cvr w/three 50 f stamps f+/f+ PHOTO
443 France Paris Dec 19, 1951 Croix-Rouge Lestimbres-Poste Avec Surtaxe f+/f+ cvr PHOTO
444 Germany, Trier Apr 12, 1928 pc Luftposte plane in clouds f/f PHOTO
445 Great Britain, London British Circular Letter from late 1930’s slogan Save Your Waste Paper for Salvage cvr w/triangle postmark w/ ½ penny green vg+/f PHOTO
446 Great Britain, Liverpool Aug 1, 1927 PAQUEBOT 3.5x5.5 cvr w/US# 629 vf/f+ PHOTO
447 Great Britain, Liverpool Feb 5, 1947 British Industries Fair May 15th-16th, 1947 London and Birmingham 3.5x5.5 cvr w/ 2 ½ penny blue f+/f PHOTO
448 Great Britain London May 19, 1971 Chessington Zoo, Surrey Open Every Day airmail cvr vg+/vg+ PHOTO
449 Netherland, s-Gravenhage Nov 5, 1962 slogan 4.5x5.75 cvr w/50c grn vg/vg sm piece miss lft edge PHOTO
450 South Africa, Durban lot of 2 1940 Adv Covers with stamps each vg/vg PHOTO
451 S. Rhodesia Bulawayo May 22, 1964 slogan Visit The Wanke Game Reserve vg/f+ PHOTO
452 Canada, Montreal Aug 25, 1898 pse vg/vg+ PHOTO
453 Great Britain, London NW Aug 28, 1909 type J-1 pc w/pair ½ p grn vg/f PHOTO
454 Great Britain London NW Jul 14, 1909 type J-1 pc w 1p red vg/g-vg crease on left thru cancel PHOTO
455 Ireland Belfast May 19, 1909 type J-1 pc w 1p red vg/vg PHOTO
456 Cuba, Habana Jul 2, 1941 slogan Libero Almurdo De La Fiebre Amarela cvr w/3c purp US posted on United Fruit Company Steamship S/S Antiqua vg+/f cancel slightly off Rt PHOTO
457 Cuba, Habana Dec 22, 1937 same slogan as above cvr w/2c redCuba stamp g-vg/f cancel ¼ off Rt
458 Canada, Ottawa Jul 1, 1942 slogan Save Metals Rags and Waste Paper cvr w/cachet f/vg+ PHOTO
459 Canada, Toronto Dec 2, 1940 slogan Help the Santa Claus Fund 3.5x5.5 cvr w/3c red f+/f+ PHOTO
460 Canal Zone, Balboa Heights Sep 4, 1941 the Panama Canal Speeds World Commerce ppc w/1c grn vg/f
461 Scotland, Edinburgh Nov 20, 1941 Model H 3.5x5 cvr w/ 2 ½ p blue with nice Opened By Examiner 3769 label to reseal the envelope f+/vg PHOTO
462 S. Rhodesia, Bindura Feb 29, 1964 Model H lt blue cvr w/3 p blue postage f+/f+ PHOTO
FLAG CANCELS page references are to the Flag Cancel Encyclopedia 4th Edition
American Postal Machines Co.
(note: the ‘points’ respectively indicated in the FCE are affected when the cancel is on a gpc or pc; see pages 112 to 114)
463 Fort Smith, Ark Jul 31, 1899 B14 5 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red f/vg
464 Carmel, Calif Jan 31, 1927 A14 40 pts ppc w/2c red f/vf EV-10
465 3. Oakland, Cal Dec 27, 1901 B14( ) 7 pts cvr to England w/5c #281 f/vg wear at edges EV-6
466 Ocean Park, Cal Sep 19, 1911 A14 17 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f/f
467 Ontario, Cal Feb 5, 1911 A14 16 pts greeting pc w/#405 vg+/vg+
468 Petaluma, Cal Sep 29, 1908 B14 14 pts ppc Clear Lake Sisson w/#300 f/vf
469 San Pedro, Cal Dec 7, 1919 A14 45 pts ppc Old Mission Church w/1c grn f+/f+ EV-10
470 Denver, Colo Jul 15, 1911 B38 Highlands Sta 18 pts greetings pc w/#374 vg+/f
471 Fort Morgan, Colo Sep 14, 1910 B14 30 pts ppc Mt McClellan w/#331 vg+/vg+ EV-6
472 1. La Junta, Colo Jun 12, 1909 B14(1) ‘1’ is not printed FCE no longer lists B14( ) var pc w/1 cgrn f/f+
473 3. Pueblo, Colo Nov 7, 1910 9 pts ppc Lake Minnequa w/1c grn vg+/f
474 1. Hartford, Conn May 30, 1898 B14(1) 10 pts cvr w/2c red vf/vg+
475 Middletown, Conn Jan 4, 1911 B14 2 pts pse w/cc f/f+
476 New Haven, Conn Dec 2, 1912 A38 Station A 4 pts ppc West Rock Park w/1c grn f+/f+
477 2. Waterbury, Conn May 12, 1898 B14( ) 13 pts pse w/cc f/f
478 1. Dover, Del Apr 1, 1909 B14 22 pts easter pc w/1c grn f/f
479 3. Dover, Del Mar 25, 19xx A14 20 pts easter pc w/1c grn f/f year not printed o/w f+ cancel
480 3. Dover, Del Jan 31, 1912 A14 20 pts greeting pc w/1c grn f+/f+
481 Milford, Del Feb 13, 1922 A14 38 pts birthday pc w/1c grn f/f EV-10
482 2. Gainesville, Fla Jan 6, 1908 B14(1) 20 pts ppc Suwannee River w/#300 f+/f+
483 2. Saint Petersburg, Fla Feb 15, 1911 A14 dd 17 pts ppc The Manor w/1c grn vf/f+
484 9. Tampa, Fla Feb 24, 1913 A14 2 pts ppc The Grounds at Ballast Point w/1c grn vg/ f
485 9. Tampa, Fla Feb 11, 1916 A14 2pts ppc The Grounds at Tampa Bay Hotel w/# 452 coil ? f+/vg+
486 1. Athens, Ga Oct 2, 1907 B14(1) 4 pts ppc w/#328 vg+/vg+
487 Macon, Ga Sep 28, 1917 A38 Wheeler Branch ppc churches in Macon w/1c grn vg+/f+ EV-8
488 3. Thomasville, Ga Dec 30, 1911 A14 17 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg+/vg+
489 3. Waycross, Ga Mar 8, 1918 A14 7 pts greeting pc w/2c red vg+ /f+
490 Honolulu, Hawaii Aug 16, 1910 B14 ppc Windmill and Old Car Golden Gate Park w/1c grn f/vg
491 48 or 49 Chicago, Ill Feb 9, 1900 B14(9) adv cvr w/2c red vg+/f PHOTO
492 2. Chicago, Ill Mar 14, 1898 B13(A) 20 pts #10 brn penalty env vg/g-vg top rt crn missing
493 5. Chicago, Ill Mar 25, 1896 D13(C) no halyard 30 pts adv cvr w/2c red f+/f+ EV-8 PHOTO
494 8. Chicago, Ill Sep 2, 1896 B13(D) no halyard 20 pts pse vf/f+
495 Chicago, Ill Jun 29, 1907 B38 Stock Yards Station dd 10 pts #10 pse w/cc vg+/vg+
496 2. DeKalb, Ill Sep 20, 1916 A14 7 pts 3x5.5 cvr w/2c red f/f
497 10. Quincy, Ill Nov 24, 1909 B14 8 pts 8 pts thanksgiving pc w/1c grn vg+/vg damaged stamp
498 2. Woodstock, Ill Dec 24, 1909 A14 18 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg/vg
499 Angola, Ind Dec 24, 1914 A14 22 pts New years pc w/1c grn vg+/f+
500 Goshen, Ind Jan 10, 1911 B14(1) 5 pts adv cvr w/2c red vf/vf PHOTO
501 Jeffersonville, Ind Dec 21, 1911 B14 5 pts pse w/cc f/f+
502 Winchester, Ind Dec 20, 1909 A14 13 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f
503 1. Estherville, Iowa Dec 23, 1910 B14 14 pts xmas pc w/1c grn g-vg/f+
504 Grinnell, Iowa Dec 23, 1914 B14 1908-1920 9 pts cvr w/2 c red f/vg PHOTO
505 Cherryvale, Kans. Dec 23, 1911 B14(1) 13 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/vg
506 Gardiner, Maine Sep 12, 1922 A14 12 pts ppc w/1c grn vg+/vg
507 Gardiner, Maine Jul 25, 1924 last yr of use A14 12 pts ppc promenade in Portland w/1c grn f/f
508 Lewiston, ME Jun 10, 1912 B14 1908/1912 5 pts pse f/f
509 Portland, ME Dec 22, 1924 C14 Woodsfords Sta 20 pts lt blue cvr vg/vg
510 Saco, Maine 1923 3rd class A14 1911-1931 7 pts pse w/cc f/vg
511 Athol, Mass Aug 18, 1908 B14(1) bk stmp 13 pts cvr vf/f
512 6. Boston, Mass Aug 23, 1897 Involute P42(lg C ) 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red EV-10 vf/vf PHOTO
513 16. Boston, Mass Apr 6, 1899 B53(C) Involute gpc EV-10 vg/vg PHOTO
514 Boston, Mass May 6, no year A38 Food will win the war don’t waste it die II gpc vg/f
515 7. Boston, Mass Aug 15, 1905 B4(2) 3 pts ppc w/#300 vg/vg
516 Lot of 2 Boston Ovates 16 and 23 both on pse w/cc one vg/vf and one vf/f
517 23. Boston Nov 1, 1904 B4(4) dd 3 pts pse vf/f
518 30. Boston, Mass Jan 18, 1900 B4(5) dd 5 pts ppc the Show Memorial w/#300 vg/vg
519 31. Boston, Mass Jan 31, 1896 D3(6) 30 pts cvr w/2c red vf/g-vg rgh open on Rt
520 35. Boston, Mass Feb 13, 1906 B4(6) dd 2 pts cvr w/#319 g-vg/g-vg rgh open at top
521 37. Boston, Mass Sep 25, 1896 D4(7) Steep dd 25 pts gpc vg/vg
522 41. Boston, Mass Dec 7, 1901 B4(7) 15 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red vf/vg+
523 44. Boston, Mass Mar 13, 1896 D4(8) Steep dd 25 pts pse w/cc f/vg
524 49. Boston, Mass Oct 12, 1896 D4(9) Steep dd 25 pts pse w/cc vg+/vg+
525 50. Boston, Mass Dec 10, 1897 B4(9) Steep 30 pts cvr w/embossed cc w/2c red vg/f
526 52. Boston, Mass Mar 10, 1902 B4(9) 10 pts cvr vf/f
527 55. Boston, Mass Oct 26, 1898 B4(10) 12 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red vg+/vg+
528 56. Boston, Mass Jan 20, 1902 B4(10) 8 pts 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red f/f
529 6. Boston, Mass Nov 4, [1897] pg 33 FCE $400 pse w/cc f-vf/vg-f EV-300 PHOTO
530 10. Boston, Mass Jun 20, 1896 D13(B) no halyard 20 pts pse vf/vf
531 12. Boston, Mass Feb 16, 1898 B14(B) 30 pts cvr w/2c red f/f
532 15. Boston, Mass Jul 24, 1895 D13(C) no halyard 20 pts lt brn cvr w/cc w/pair 1 c grn PHOTO
533 19. Boston, Mass Sep 13, 1898 B14(C) 25 pts 3.5x4 cvr w/2c red f/f
534 26. Boston, Mass Sep 27, 1895 D13(E) no halyard 20 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f/vg
535 18. Boston, Mass Mar 7, 1913 A14 no D/S 35 pts p33 FCE pse w/cc f/f
536 30. Boston, Mass Jul 1, 1918 A14 no D/S 10 pts p33 FCE ppc w/2c red g-vg/f
537 Boston, Mass Cambridge Sta N14 Steep dd pg 35 FCE 20 pts 2.5x4 cvr w/2c red vg/f
538 Boston, Mass Somerville Sta B38 5 pts pg 35 FCE pse w/cc f/vg cut short on Rt
539 Boston, Mass Station A B38( ) Oct 14, 1904 and B38(2) Apr 4, 1904 bkstmp both cvrs vg/vg
540 Boston, Mass Feb 20, 1918 last die of Sta A flags B38( ) 20 pts greeting pc w/2c red vg/f
541 Boston, Mass May 11, 1896 6th listed die of Sta B flags pg 36 FCE E14(2) 35 pts 3.5x4.5 pse vg/f+
542 Boston, Mass Jul 31, 1906 12th listed die of Sta B Back Bay flags B38(1) Back Bay ppc w/#300 vg/vg
543 Boston, Mass Oct 16, 1916 20th listed die of Sta B Back Bay flags B38(2) Back Bay blu cvr w/2c red vg/vg
544 Boston, Mass Sep 10, 1908 25th listed die Sta B Back Bay B38(3) Back Bay ppc w/#300 f/f
545 Boston, Mass Cambridgeport Sta Dec 6, 1897 F14( ) last 2 or 3 2ks of use 38 pts cvr w/2c red vf/vg
546 Boston, Mass Cambridgeport Sta Apr 22, 1898 B38 10 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f/vg
547 Lot of 2 Boston, Mass Hyde Park Sta B38 1913 and Malden Sta B38 1904 gpc f/f
548 Lof 2 Boston, Mass Hyde Park Sta B38 1918 pen env North Post Sta B38 1917 cvr w/2c red vg/vg
549 Lot 2 Boston Roxbury Sta 1913 B38(2) 1907 B38(3) gpc f+/vg
550 Lot 3 Boston Stations RoxburyCross 1912 B38 Essex St Sta 1912 B38(1) and 1905 B38(3) pc vg+/vg
551 Lot of 2 Boston 1. Fenway Sta B38 1908 2. Fenway Sta B38 with dashes 1911 pc vg/f
552 Lot of 2 Boston North Postal Sta B38(1) and B38(3) pc w /1c grn vg/vg
553 Lot of 3 South Postal Sta B38 1913 A38(1) 1914 and B38(2) 1913 gpc f/f
554 Boston, Mass Apr 5, 1911 A38 South Postal Sta 10 pts pg 37 FCE cvr w/2c red f+/vg sm tear T Lft
555 Boston, Mass Apr 14, 1914 A38(1) South Postal Sta 8 pts pg 37 FCE pse w/cc vg/f+
556 Boston, Mass Mar 15, 1917 A38 South Postal Station 1 20 pts pg 37 FCE pse w/cc vf/f+
557 Boston, Mass Oct 21, 1906 B38 Winter Hill Sta 7 pts ppc w/#300 vf/f+
558 3. Boston, Mass Nov 13, 1907 B38 Boston Circ RPO pg 74 FCE ppc w/1c grn f/vf
559 5. Boston, Mass Oct 1, 1909 B38(2) Boston Circ RPO ppc w/1c grn g-vg/f+
560 11. Brockton, Mass Aug 5, 1910 B38 Campello Sta 6 pts adv pse f/f PHOTO
561 Lot of 3 4. Fall River 1910 B14(1) pse 4. Fitchburg 1909 B14 dd pse 5. Fitchburg 1915 A14 pse vg+/f
562 7. Fall River, Mass Jan 24, 1912 A14 28 pts priv mailing card f/g-vg Top Lft cnr missing
563 Framingham, Mass Jul 30, 1913 A14 8 pts pse f/f
564 3. Haverhill, Mass Oct 6, 1896 B14(1) 9 pts adv cvr w/2c red vf/f PHOTO
565 Lynn, Mass May 12, 1897 B14(1) 18 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr w/2c red f/vg
566 Melrose, Mass May 14, 1917 B14 dd 1908-1920 cvr w/2c red vf/f
567 2. Methuen, Mass Dec 23, 1914 A14 dd 25 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
568 2. Methuen, Mass Dec 24, 1914 A14 dd 25 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f+/f+
569 Newton Center, Mass Mar 26, 1907 B38 Newtonville Sta 20 pts ppc w/#300 f/f
570 Northampton, Mass Feb 14, 1913 A38 Florence Sta 22 pts greeting pc w/#405 vg/vg
571 Pittsfield, Mass Aug 2, 1916 A14 dd 9 pts pse w/adv cc f/vg+ PHOTO
572 7. Salem, Mass Dec 21, 1911 B14 5 pts xmas pc f/f
573 11. Springfield, Mass Apr 8, 1908 B14(D) dd 30 pts easter pc w/#300 g-vg/f
574 Swampscott, Mass Jun 22, 1921 A14 21 pts ppc w/1c grn vg/f
575 Swampscott, Mass Jul 24, 1924 A14 21 pts ppc w/1c grn f+/f+
576 Taunton, Mass Feb 15, 1899 B14(1) bkstmp 9 pts 3.5x4.5 cvr vf/f
577 Taunton, Mass Jul 11, 1900 B14(1) die 1 bkstmp lku? cvr f/vg
578 Charlotte, Mich Jan 2 1918 A14 13 pts new year pc w/2c red f+/vg
579 2. Coldwater, Mich Oct 7, 1909 A14(1) 23 pts 3x5 cvr w/two #405 vg/vg
580 Duluth, Minn Jul 10, 1925 A38 West Duluth Sta 12 pts bank pc w/2c red f/vg
581 2. Meridian, Miss Feb 19, 1910 B14 8 pts ppc Highland Park w/1c grn f+/f+
582 3. Brookfield, Mo Aug 28, 1916 A14 dd 10 pts ppc Elk’s Home w/1c grn f/f
583 2. Carthage, Mo Mar 14, 1909 B14( ) 5 pts gpc f/f+
584 Eldorado Springs, Mo Feb 25, 1936 A14 10 pts gpc f+/vg+
585 1. Fulton, Mo Feb 29, 1916 Leap Day A14 15 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg/vg+
586 11. Kansas City, Mo Dec 7, 1915 A38 Gateway Sta 18 pts ppc Colonnade at the Pasco w/1c grn f+/f
587 Saint Joseph, Mo Dec 22, 1920 A38 Station A 12 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg/f+
588 Trenton, Mo Jan 4, 1921 A14 10 pts pse vf/vg minor rgh open at Top
589 Freemont, Nebr Dec 23, 1912 B4 ovate xmas pc w/1c grn f+/f+
590 11. Lincoln, Nebr Dec 21, 1907 B38 Station C 17 pts xmas pc w/#300 vg/vg+
591 Nebraska City, Nebr Dec 18, 1915 B14 9 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vf/f+
592 5. Concord, NH Mar 4, 1911 B14(1) 1pt 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red vg/f
593 Hanover, NH Oct 14, 1909 A14 12 pts pse vg+/vg+
594 Milford, NH Jul 9, 1921 A14 15 pts cvr w/cc w/#549 f/f ct open on Rt
595 Plymouth, NH Feb 22, 1915 A14 25 pts 3.5x5.25 cvr w/2c red vf/vg+
596 3. Portsmouth, NH May 1, 1907 B14 3 pts cvr w/cc w/#319 w/plate # 3253 f/vg piece missing B R cnr
597 1. Cape May, NJ Dec 21, 1911 B14 25 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f
598 3. Cape May, NJ Feb 15, 1921 A14 20 pts valentine pc w/1c grn f+/f+
599 1. Jersey Clity, NJ Oct 19, 1896 B14(1) 28 pts cvr w/cc w/2c red very attractive f+/f+
600 Lot of 2 2. Jersey City, NJ 1897 B14(1)dd 8 pts cvr w/2c red New Brunswick 1911 B14 4 pts cvr vg/vg
601 Ocean City, NJ Aug 17, 1921 A14 18 pts ppc Board Walk w/1c grn f/f+
602 8. Ocean Grove, NJ Aug 15, 1912 A14(1) 8 pts greeting pc w/1c grn vg/f+
603 Ventnor, NJ Aug 15, 1929 A14 17 pts ppc Board Walk w/1c grn vg/f
604 Santa Fe, N. Mex Aug 16, 1912 A14 13 pts ppc Old San Miguel Church w/1c grn vg+/vg
605 4. Auburn, NY Aug 28, 1909 B14 4 pts ppc Street Scene w/1c grn f+/f+
606 Ballston Spa, NY Apr 2, 1915 A14 14 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg/f+
607 Brooklyn, NY Nov 28, 1904 B38 Station V 4 pts 3.5x4.5 mourning cvr w/#319 vg/vg
608 Ilion, NY Jul 21, 1909 A14 10 pts tan cvr w/#370 vg/vg some aging spots
609 New York, Penn Term Sta Jun 18, 1915 C25(2)(C) dd 10 pts 3.5x4 cvr w/2c red vf/vg tear T L cnr
610 New York, Station X Dec 19, 1904 B38 aux Mark: Misdirected (NY – I.D) pc w/#319 vf/f
611 New York 1911 3rd class B38 Tremont Sta 7 pts adv cvr f/f PHOTO
612 Palmyra, NY Dec 22, 1914 A14 23 pts xmas pc w/1c grn vg+/f
613 Patchogue, NY Dec 21, 1911 A14 20 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/f+
614 Saugerties, NY Oct 6, 1918 A14 14 pts 3.5x5 cvr w/#501? Vg/vg
615 3. Stapleton, NY Dec 28, 1911 B14 dd 20 pts new year pc w/1c grn vg+/vg
616 Troy, NY Dec 26, 1914 A38 Lansingburg Sta 10 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/f
617 West New Brighton, NY Apr 16, 1913 B14 15 pts 2.5x3.5 mourning cvr w/inclosure w/2c red vg/vg
618 1. Ashville, NC Jan 4, 1902 B14(1) 9 pts pse w/cc f/vg rgh open on L o/w F cvr
619 Lot 2 covers 2. Ashville 1904 B14 6 pts cvr w/#319 and 3. Ashville, NC 1908 B14( ) 6 pts cvr w/#310 f/vg
620 Lot of 2 6. Ashville 1914 A14 dd 3 pts cvr w/2c red and Wilmington, NC 1907 B14 3pts pc w/#300 f/vg+
621 1. Concord, NC Feb 2, 1918 A14 14 pts gpc vg/vf
622 2. Elizabeth, NC Mar 25, 1916 B14dd 7 pts pse w/cc vf/vg sm tear Top
623 1. Lexington, NC Mar 22, 1913 B14 17 pts birthday pc w/#397
624 Siler City, NC Jun 5, 1933 A14 10 pts cvr w/three 1c grn vg+/vg+ rgh open top o/w vf cvr
625 Spray, NC Jun 7, 1931 A14 10 pts cvr w/2c red vg/vg rgh open top o/w f cvr
626 Swannanoa, NC Jul 11, 1935 A14 13 pts cvr w/#727 g+/f
627 Akron, Ohio Dec 24, 1913 B38 East Akron Sta 6 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f/vg
628 Cleveland, Ohio Dec 23, 1915 A38 Brooklyn Sta 12 pts xmas pc f/f
629 Massillon, Ohio Apr 13, 1911 B14( ) 3 pts easter pc w/1c grn f/f
630 Medford, Oregon Jan 20, 1908 H14 12 pts eku? pri mailing card w/#328
631 Portland, Oregon Apr 18, 1913 A26 World Pan Pac Expo gpc vg/f EV-8
632 Roseburg, Oregon Dec 11, 1910 A14 13 pts ppc Farmer’s Home and Buggy vg/vg damaged stamp
633 Cambridge Springs, PA Apr 4, 1912 B14 20 pts easter pc w/#394? Vg/vg
634 Clymer, PA Mar 14, 1934 A14 10 pts cvr w/#720 f+/f+
635 Lot of 3 Johnstown, PA 1900 B14(1) pse 9. Lancaster 1917 A14dd pc Lebanon 1909 B14(1) cvr vg/vg
636 Kulpmont, PA Jan 22, 1934 A14 10 pts pse vg/f
637 McKees Rocks, PA Nov 22, 1910 A14(1) 16 pts thanksgiving pc w/#331 vg/vg
638 Philadelphia, PA Jul 7, 1911 B38 Frankford Sta 1 pt ppc Home of Aged w/1c grn vg/f
639 Philadelphia Jan 10, 1913 B38 Mount Airy Sta 7 pts pse vg/f
640 Philadelphia Nov 29, 1912 B38 Penn Square Sta 5 pts aux mark: Unclaimed at Toledo, Ohio 3.5x5 cvr w/2c red and #E8 RPO cds on back g+/f
641 Philadelphia Apr 9, 1914 B38 Point Breeze Station 10 pts easter pc w/#405 vg/vg
642 Lot of 3 Philadelphia 1903 B38 Station O var 1 4 pts cvr 1906 B38 West Park Sta var 2 2pts cvr and 1904 B38 West Philadelphia Station (1) var 1 3 pts pse all vg/vg
643 Pittsburgh, PA Mar 23, 1910 A38 Street Car RPO Trip 1 easter pc w/1c grn vg+/vg repaired cnr B Rt
644 Punxsutawney, PA Nov 8, 1914 A14 8 pts pse vg/vg
645 Ridgway, PA Dec 22, 1908 B14 10 pts xmas pc w/#300 vg+/vg+
646 1. Somerset, PA Feb 14, 1917 B4(1) greeting pc w/1c grn vg/vg
647 Wayne, PA Jan 7, 1925 A14 19 pts bank pc vg/f year partial o/w vf cancel
648 Weissport, PA Jun 14, 1933 A14 11 pts cvr with National Flag Adopted Cachet w/three #705 vf/vf
649 Westchester, PA Feb 13, 1906 B14(1) 5 pts cvr w/#319 f/f
650 4. Newport, RI Apr 22, 1908 B14 dd 15 pts ppc Purgatory w/#300 vf/f
651 7. Pawtucket, RI Jun 6, 1913 A14 1 pt pse w/cc f/f
652 2. Woonsocket, RI Apr 11, 1906 B14( ) 1 pt ppc Wilkinson Park w/#300 G+/f
653 3. Woonsocket, RI Dec 20, 1911 B14 2 pts gpc w/ wx7 tied by cancel f/f 2 spindle holes EV-30
654 4. Charleston, SC Nov 23, 1900 B38 slogan SC pse w/cc ex scarce vf/g+ rgh open on Rt EV-30
655 Darlington, SC Feb 10, 1923 A14 35 pts 3.5x5.5 cvr w/2c red and E-8 vg/vg a few age spots EV-9
656 4. Greenville, SC Jan 11, 1919 A14 dd 20 pts cvr w/YMCA cc w/3c violet g+/f hvy ink in star field of cancel
657 1. Rock Hill, SC Sep 17, 1908 B14 8 pts greeting pc w/#300 vg/vg
658 Fort Worth, Texas Jul 31, 1911 A38 Stockyards Sta 25 pts ppc vg/vg
659 9. Galveston, Texas Oct 23, 1916 A14 dd 9 pts 1st yr of use ppc Sacred Heart Church f/f
660 1. Salt Lake City, Utah Aug 31, 1908 B14 5 pts ppc Morman Choir w/#300 vg/vg
661 1. Bellows Falls, Vt Oct 25, 1907 B14 9 pts ppc Streetcar and Buggies w/#300 f/g-vg ink smudges
662 Lot of 2 1. Brattleboro 1908 5 pts cvr 3. Rutland 1912 B14(1)dd 3 pts pse f/f
663 Lyndonville, Vt Dec 24, 1912 A14 10 pts xmas pc w/1c grn f+/f
664 1. Middlebury, Vt Dec 17, 1923 A14 34 pts 3x5 cvr f/f+ EV-9
665 Alexandria, Va Dec 24, 1914 B14( ) 11 pts New Year pc w/1c grn f+/f
666 7. Spokane, Wash Jun 21, 1909 B38 Station A 12 pts ppc Garfield School w/1c grn f/f
667 1. Fairmont, W.Va Mar 25, 1907 B14(1) 5 pts 3.25x5 cvr w/#319 f/f
668 3. Fairmont, W.Va. Dec 22, 1917 A14 11 pts xmas pc w/2c red f/f
669 Neenah, Wis Mar 19, 1910 A14 12 pts easter pc w/1c grn vg/vg
670 Racine, Wis Sep 27, 1910 B38 Racine Junction Sta 20 pts cvr w/cc vf/vf
671 Washington, DC Feb 13, 1912 A38 Station B 15 pts greeting pc w/#374? Vg/vg
672 Washington, DC Feb 10, 1900 B38 Station G short crossbar var 6 pts 3.5x5 cvr w/#267 vg+/vg+
673 Washington, DC Jul 4, 1913 A38 Terminal Sta 15 pts pse U380 or U383 vg+/vg+
Large Lots of Flag Cancels
674 Lot of 8 Alabama 6 different 1 cvr 7 cards all vg/vg or better
675 Lot of 31 California 22 different 15 covers and 16 cards mixed condition most vg/vg
676 Lot of 23 Connecticut 8 different all gpc cards all vg/vg or better
677 Lot of 103 Illinois 23 different 49 of #1 Bloomington 3 covers 100 gpc nearly all vg/vg
678 Lot of 200+ Massachusetts heavy dup in Lynn, Haverhill and New Bedford 73 of #4 Lynn all gpc mixed cond
679 Lot of 135 Boston at least 50 diff 7 covers rest are gpc mixed condition
680 Lot of 48 Alabama to Illinois mixed covers and cards mixed condition
681 Lot of 78 Illinois to New Jersey mixed covers and cards mixed condition
682 Lot of 90+ Colorado to Wisc and Wash DC some dup but not heavy mixed cards and covers mixed cond
Hand Stamp Flag Cancel (not APMC)
683 Orwell, Pa Dec 23, 1912 1st Comm Style p125 of FCE Tuck’s xmas pc w/1c grn f/f EV-30 PHOTO
684 3rd Edition of Langford FCE Like new no markings in book
685 American Service Markings Study # 10 with Nov 93 Update like new no markings in book
686 Same Year Use of Different Flag Cancel Dies January 1991 Billings like new no markings
687 APMC Transfer of Flag Cancelation Dies June 1991 Billings like new no markings
688 International Service Markings Study #30 Payne and Billings
689 Intro to US Flats Machine Cancels October 1994 Becker
690 Anthology of Machine Postal Markings Vol 6 Aero-Marcophilately by Savakis
691 Machine Cancel Forum 1991 issues like new
692 Machine Cancel Forum 1992 issues like new
693 Machine Cancel Forum 1993 issues like new
694 Machine Cancel Forum 1994 issues like new
695 Machine Cancel Forum 1995 issues like new
696 Machine Cancel Forum 1996 issues like new
697 Machine Cancel Forum 1997 issues like new
698 Machine Cancel Forum 1998 issues like new
699 Machine Cancel Forum 1999 issues like new
700 Machine Cancel Forum 2000 issues like new
701 Machine Cancel Forum 2001 issues like new
702 Machine Cancel Forum 2002 issues like new
703 Machine Cancel Forum 2003 issues like new
704 Machine Cancel Forum 2004 issues like new
705 Machine Cancel Forum 2005 issues like new
706 Machine Cancel Forum 2006 issues like new
707 Machine Cancel Forum 2007 issues like new
708 Machine Cancel Forum 2008 issues like new
709 Machine Cancel Forum 2009 issues like new
710 Machine Cancel Forum 2010 issues like new
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end of auction <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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Real |
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Rea |
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Real |
Lot |
Rea |
Lot |
Reali |
Lot |
Rea |
1 |
2.00 |
124 |
3.50 |
228 |
1.00 |
340 |
5.50 |
408 |
1.00 |
451 |
2.50 |
495 |
6.00 |
563 |
1.00 |
609 |
2.00 |
655 |
5.50 |
9 |
5.50 |
126 |
2.50 |
230 |
2.00 |
341 |
7.50 |
409 |
5.00 |
452 |
2.50 |
496 |
3.00 |
564 |
1.50 |
610 |
1.50 |
657 |
1.00 |
19 |
2.00 |
127 |
5.00 |
232 |
2.00 |
342 |
3.50 |
410 |
11.00 |
454 |
2.00 |
497 |
2.00 |
566 |
1.00 |
611 |
2.50 |
658 |
1.50 |
25 |
2.00 |
148 |
1.00 |
233 |
2.00 |
344 |
2.50 |
411 |
1.50 |
455 |
2.50 |
498 |
2.00 |
567 |
3.00 |
612 |
2.50 |
659 |
1.50 |
37 |
2.50 |
154 |
1.00 |
235 |
2.00 |
346 |
2.00 |
412 |
1.50 |
456 |
1.50 |
499 |
1.50 |
568 |
4.00 |
613 |
2.00 |
662 |
1.00 |
38 |
2.00 |
165 |
1.00 |
236 |
2.00 |
348 |
1.50 |
413 |
1.50 |
457 |
2.50 |
501 |
2.50 |
569 |
3.00 |
614 |
5.00 |
666 |
2.00 |
40 |
3.50 |
177 |
2.00 |
239 |
1.00 |
351 |
25.00 |
415 |
1.50 |
458 |
2.50 |
505 |
3.00 |
570 |
2.00 |
615 |
2.50 |
667 |
1.00 |
43 |
3.50 |
178 |
1.50 |
245 |
2.50 |
355 |
2.00 |
416 |
7.00 |
459 |
2.50 |
506 |
3.00 |
572 |
4.00 |
620 |
2.00 |
668 |
1.00 |
45 |
3.50 |
179 |
2.00 |
250 |
6.50 |
356 |
3.00 |
417 |
10.00 |
460 |
2.00 |
507 |
1.50 |
573 |
3.00 |
621 |
3.00 |
669 |
1.00 |
46 |
1.00 |
180 |
16.00 |
251 |
4.00 |
357 |
2.00 |
418 |
7.00 |
461 |
3.50 |
510 |
5.50 |
574 |
1.50 |
622 |
1.00 |
671 |
3.00 |
47 |
1.00 |
181 |
2.50 |
257 |
5.50 |
359 |
2.00 |
419 |
9.50 |
462 |
2.50 |
514 |
2.00 |
576 |
1.00 |
624 |
3.00 |
677 |
1.00 |
49 |
1.00 |
182 |
5.00 |
258 |
3.00 |
360 |
4.50 |
422 |
1.00 |
463 |
2.50 |
518 |
3.50 |
577 |
8.00 |
627 |
3.50 |
678 |
2.00 |
51 |
2.00 |
183 |
1.50 |
263 |
3.50 |
362 |
3.00 |
428 |
1.50 |
465 |
1.50 |
520 |
41.00 |
578 |
15.00 |
628 |
4.00 |
679 |
1.00 |
66 |
2.00 |
185 |
8.00 |
265 |
1.00 |
365 |
3.50 |
429 |
5.00 |
468 |
1.50 |
521 |
9.00 |
579 |
3.50 |
629 |
6.00 |
682 |
3.00 |
67 |
1.50 |
186 |
3.00 |
266 |
3.50 |
367 |
3.00 |
430 |
1.50 |
474 |
1.50 |
522 |
3.50 |
581 |
1.00 |
630 |
6.00 |
687 |
1.50 |
68 |
2.00 |
187 |
2.50 |
267 |
1.00 |
372 |
9.50 |
431 |
1.50 |
475 |
1.50 |
523 |
6.50 |
583 |
2.00 |
631 |
1.50 |
688 |
3.50 |
69 |
1.00 |
188 |
2.50 |
269 |
1.00 |
373 |
1.00 |
432 |
1.50 |
476 |
1.00 |
524 |
3.00 |
586 |
2.00 |
632 |
1.00 |
692 |
1.50 |
72 |
2.00 |
189 |
4.50 |
273 |
2.50 |
376 |
7.50 |
433 |
2.00 |
477 |
1.50 |
525 |
1.00 |
588 |
2.50 |
633 |
1.50 |
693 |
1.50 |
84 |
5.00 |
190 |
3.50 |
287 |
3.00 |
377 |
2.50 |
434 |
3.00 |
478 |
1.00 |
526 |
2.50 |
589 |
2.50 |
634 |
1.00 |
694 |
6.00 |
85 |
2.50 |
192 |
3.00 |
300 |
4.00 |
378 |
2.00 |
436 |
3.00 |
479 |
1.00 |
528 |
2.00 |
592 |
2.50 |
635 |
1.00 |
698 |
1.50 |
88 |
3.00 |
193 |
4.00 |
301 |
13.00 |
379 |
2.50 |
437 |
5.00 |
480 |
1.50 |
540 |
1.50 |
594 |
1.50 |
637 |
1.00 |
699 |
4.00 |
91 |
3.50 |
194 |
3.50 |
302 |
2.00 |
380 |
3.00 |
438 |
5.00 |
481 |
2.00 |
541 |
1.50 |
596 |
2.00 |
638 |
1.50 |
706 |
1.00 |
92 |
22.00 |
195 |
4.00 |
303 |
1.50 |
384 |
4.00 |
439 |
2.00 |
482 |
1.00 |
542 |
1.00 |
597 |
1.50 |
641 |
1.50 |
712 |
3.00 |
95 |
2.00 |
210 |
2.50 |
313 |
1.50 |
385 |
5.50 |
440 |
3.50 |
483 |
1.50 |
543 |
5.50 |
598 |
2.50 |
642 |
3.50 |
713 |
3.50 |
96 |
2.00 |
211 |
3.50 |
318 |
2.50 |
389 |
3.50 |
441 |
1.50 |
485 |
1.00 |
544 |
1.00 |
599 |
1.50 |
643 |
1.50 |
714 |
1.50 |
102 |
4.50 |
212 |
3.00 |
321 |
2.50 |
390 |
5.00 |
442 |
3.50 |
486 |
2.00 |
545 |
2.50 |
600 |
3.50 |
644 |
1.00 |
715 |
5.00 |
103 |
2.50 |
213 |
3.00 |
322 |
2.50 |
391 |
5.50 |
443 |
26.00 |
487 |
1.50 |
546 |
1.50 |
601 |
1.50 |
645 |
1.00 |
721 |
1.00 |
118 |
1.50 |
214 |
4.00 |
323 |
2.00 |
393 |
4.00 |
444 |
3.00 |
488 |
4.50 |
547 |
1.50 |
603 |
1.50 |
646 |
1.00 |
722 |
3.00 |
119 |
2.00 |
215 |
5.00 |
333 |
2.50 |
394 |
2.50 |
445 |
1.50 |
490 |
1.50 |
549 |
1.50 |
604 |
1.50 |
647 |
1.00 |
723 |
1.00 |
120 |
2.50 |
216 |
5.00 |
334 |
1.00 |
398 |
2.00 |
446 |
1.50 |
491 |
1.50 |
551 |
2.00 |
605 |
1.50 |
650 |
2.00 |
730 |
2.00 |
121 |
5.00 |
217 |
6.00 |
335 |
2.00 |
401 |
4.00 |
447 |
2.50 |
492 |
5.00 |
553 |
1.50 |
606 |
2.00 |
651 |
1.00 |
732 |
13.00 |
122 |
3.50 |
225 |
1.00 |
337 |
9.00 |
404 |
7.50 |
448 |
3.00 |
493 |
25.00 |
559 |
1.50 |
607 |
1.50 |
652 |
1.00 |
733 |
2.00 |
123 |
3.50 |
226 |
1.00 |
338 |
3.00 |
407 |
5.00 |
449 |
1.50 |
494 |
36.00 |
560 |
1.00 |
608 |
1.50 |
654 |
1.50 |
740 |
5.00 |
Prices Realized do not include the 10% buyer's commission. |
741 |
15 |
There were 745 individual item lots. 740 lots were consigned by 9 members, and 5 lots were assembled from donations. Bids were received from |
745 |
8.00 |
25 members. Successful bidders (at least one lot) numbered 23. 332 lots (45%) were sold. |
Income Total, prices realized $ 1121.50 Add buyer commissions 112.15 Gross Auction Revenue $ 1233.65 |
Outgo |
Payments to Consignors |
$ |
999.65 |
Profits from sales |
$ |
234.00 |
Printing/Mailing of Auction: |
20 copies@2.40 |
48.00 |
Preliminary Value of this auction to MCS |
$ |
186.00 |