The Machine Cancel Society (MCS) offers a number of its documents online in electronic formats. Using these formats allows these products to be offered at low or no cost to our members as well as the general public.
However, it can be a major challenge for the average computer, phone, and tablet user to access and then view these electronic documents. This web page attempts to help you navigate this complex subject.
Each format will be discussed individually. Hopefully you will be able to follow the narrative and view the electronic documents easily.
First, the declared format and/or the file extension of a document file is VERY IMPORTANT. You need to know what type of file you want to view, as well as what equipment you have for viewing. On most computer systems, the last 3-4 letters of the filename (after a period character) indicate the file type. I will try to describe your actions for each file type, including:
ZIP Archive Files (including website-in-a-box sets)
PDF: (Adobe Portable Document Format) Files
AZW3 or MOBI: Amazon Kindle (tm) Book Files
EPUB: Standard Ebook Format Files
Contact information for the Society's President.
Updated 30 August, 2020
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