Here are some links that will help you learn more about machine cancels, and enhance your enjoyment of the hobby.
Here are some links to web pages about machine cancels.
Bob Swanson's Machine Cancel Page
Bob Swanson's Short Survey of Machine Cancels
[No images, loads fast]
Same but with lots of
Bob Swanson's U. S. Machine Cancel "Finder"
(primarily for cancels from 1900 to 1920)
Richard Small's Machine Cancel Database
In addition to the links given above, here are some scanned images of machine cancels.
Scans of machine cancels made by our past-president, Don Pearson [Flickr].
Scans of stamps and cancellations (Bob Swanson) [Flickr]
Machine Cancels on Google Photos>
Postal History (Including Machine Cancellations) on Google Photos
Flickr Postmarks Group, an informal group on Flickr
hosts members' images of all types of postmarks.
The Machine Cancel Society is an affiliate of The American Philatelic Society (APS).
Collectors Club of Chicago offers a menu heading indicating "Philatelic Resources" that contains some excellent links.
Try a 'Machine Cancel'
Search on eBay
Parcel and Postal History (With Lots of Links)
Postal Bulletins Online
(A Very Valuable Research Tool!)
Main Machine Cancel Society Web Page
Contact information for the Society's President.
Updated 31 August, 2020
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Web pages designed and executed by
The Swanson Group