By A J Savakis
Thanks to alert readers, Robert J. McCurdy and Harold Effner Jr, the abbreviation or meaning of DVD has been solved. Examples of the DVD in dial have been found from P&DC NJ 073, machines 3, 5 and 7. Examples are shown below:
Machine Markings with DVD in Dial
Usage for other numbered machines presumed.
So what does the DVD stand for? Harold A. Effner Jr writes, "DVD is the Dominick V. Daniels Processing and Distribution Center in Kearny, New Jersey 07099-9998. (I see it twice a day as I take a train to NYC)."
Robert J. McCurdy writes, "This postmark comes from the North Jersey Facility. The facility was named after Dominick V. Daniels. For some reason North Jersey decided to go to the Daniels name in the postmark and fell victim to the rage for compact acronyms. So we get DVD. For may part, I would like to see Jersey City come back. In my records, the EKU for any North Jersey postmark is May 25, 1976. I do not have a LKU if it is discontinued. I hope this helps."
It sure does!
Thanks Harold and Robert. Now we can search for two cancels from the same facility, NORTH JERSEY and DVD P&DC.
This raises an interesting question. Will other facilities place the names of their facilities into their postmark? Cleveland’s huge mail processing facility, just off Interstate 77, also proudly displays its honoree on its entranceway. Will it ever make it into the postmark, too?
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