Over the years, we have been able to publish machine cancel-related articles on the MCS website. These include articles that appeared in older issues of the Machine Cancel Forum. Each article will display and discuss some individual aspect of machine cancels, the machines themselves, and/or mail handling in general.
The following article contents are reproduced and distributed to the public with the permission of the author and the Society. These article contents may only be used for non-commercial purposes.
It was decided to place a number of articles from the October 1999 issue of our newsletter on the website. These articles give you an idea of the wide-ranging subjects covered in each issue of the Forum newsletter. You can view the articles on the web by going to the link: October 1999 Machine Cancel Forum Issue. The web group with the articles contains a Table of Contents and Introduction, along with an extensive index of article subjects.
The late Frederick Langford spent a lifetime studying the American flag machine cancellations. He published the massive history and listing of these cancels, and was the authority on them.
At one time, he was asked to provide articles for the Forum newsletter, and so around 1999-2000 created the four items in this group. These articles don't necessarily cover flag cancels, but in fact, showcase his wide interests in history and postal history. You can view this group of articles on the web by going to the link: Articles by Frederick Langford. The web group with the articles contains a Table of Contents and Introduction, along with an extensive index of article subjects.
This early machine type is both rare and fascinating. This article, authored by A. J. Savakis, has appeared in previous issues of the Forum. More examples and information about this rare cancel is solicited of members of the MCS and the general collecting public. Go to the link: Milam and Holmes Article (updated). This article is available in a wide variety of computer formats, including a webpage and e-book reader formats.
The late Bob Payne wrote an article in 1999, discussing the "Received From Army Bordeaux" machine cancels seen used from France during and after the First World War. The article has been updated and is located at: The Bordeaux Story by Bob Payne (WW I).
This article by Bart Billings, lists some newer finds of machines used by the Army Post Offices (APO's) in the Second World War. It was published in the Forum in April 2007. U. S. Postal Machine of the Army Post Offices of the Second World War. (PDF file)
Note that the addresses and contact information in the article is out of date. Preface material has been added to the PDF file repeating this information.
Note also that APO information is collected and published by Military Postal History Society, which see.
We are honored to present 4 articles from the October 2007
Machine Cancel Forum:
Stamp Night for the Cub Scouts by Alex Savakis.
A Reminder to Share Your Stamp Collecting and Machine
Cancel Interests with Youth by Alex Savakis.
The Facer-Canceller Revolution
Fifty Years Ago the 'Space Age' Began:
A Revolution in Processing Mail Also Paralleled This Event by A.J. Savakis.
By Jerry H. Miller
Quoting from the Introduction:
"Jerry Miller’s subject article reflects excerpts from his gold-award winning exhibit of the
subject, which received the ‘Tom Current Founder’s Award’ for 2005 and, more recently,
received the Show Grand Award along with a number of postal history awards at WESTPEX
(San Francisco) in 2006 . The illustrations shown are of material from that exhibit and
collection which was formed over a twenty year period and is possibly one of the three
foremost of this subject ever formed in North America and Europe.
This article offers the reader a brief introduction to the experimental and early machine
postmarks of England as well as an overview of those machines and some of their
representative markings."
This article, published in the July 2007 Forum is an exhaustive history of cancellation machines used in England from 1857 to 1901. As noted above, the author, Jerry H. Miller, includes a number of items in this article that were part of his gold award-winning exhibit on this subject. See: From Hill to Bickerdike: The Experimental and Early Machine Postmarks of England, 1857-1901. (PDF file)
The January 2002 issue of the Forum contained an excellent article
by Robert L. Markovits, describing the history of this famous and
rare machine cancellation.
Eagle and Thunderbolt Machine Cancel Article (January 2002 Forum) (PDF)
Web Page of Eagle and Thunderbolt Machine Cancel Article (January 2002 Forum)
Nick D'Ercole wrote an article that appeared in the Forum regarding some Doremus machine cancellations. See: Nick D'Ercole's Article on Doremus Cancels.
by Michael Ludeman. He created an exhaustive article on 'Return to Sender' markings, both
old and the newer spray-on types. This excellent article appeared in the April 2006 Forum.
Michael Ludeman's Article on Return to Sender Markings (PDF)
and Webpage of Michael Ludeman's Article on Return to Sender Markings.
Paul Petosky wrote a lavishly illustrated article on the murals in the post offices of Upper Michigan. He includes postal history along with this tour of these interesting art works. This article appeared in the January 2012 issue of the Forum.
The article is available as a PDF file at: The Murals of Upper Michigan Post Offices
In addition, the article is available in Kindle (MOBI) and EPUB formats. The Kindle file is :
The Murals of Upper Michigan Post Offices (MOBI)
The EPUB file is :
The Murals of Upper Michigan Post Offices (EPUB)
Additional information on downloading and reading these e-book formats is available at:
using EPUB e-book formats and
using Kindle (MOBI and AZW3) e-book formats.
Frankie Sutera created an article in 2013, describing the new spray-on postal markings that appear on U. S. mail. As time goes on, more and more mail will show these markings.
This article can viewed as a web page at:
Web Page Containing Introduction to Spray-On Postal Markings.
The article is available as a PDF file at:
Introduction to Spray-On Postal Markings (PDF)
In addition, the article is available in Kindle (MOBI) and EPUB formats. The Kindle file is :
Introduction to Spray-On Postal Markings (MOBI)
The EPUB file is :
Introduction to Spray-On Postal Markings (EPUB)
Additional information on downloading and reading these e-book formats is available at:
using EPUB e-book formats and
using Kindle (MOBI and AZW3) e-book formats.
Our webmaster has written some articles on computer tools and techniques that may help the postal history collector. See: the web page on availability of electronic documents, and the use of new media to enhance postal history collecting.
Charles Noyes sent in an article about a flag cancel he saw on a picture postcard from Plymouth, Vermont. This led to a correspondence with John Coolidge, son of President Calvin Coolidge, regarding the people seen in the postcard photo.
This special machine was devised by A. C. "Cap" Townsend, an early flag cancel dealer, and later in charge of the mail handling at the Hoboken terminal. This marine facility in Hoboken, New Jersey was used as a primary departure and arrival terminal for military personnel during the First World War. The article is entitled: Hoboken Eagle and Wavy Box Cancel Reported Found in Red Ink AND a New Die! and was written by Robert J Payne & A J Savkis. It was first published in the Machine Cancel Forum January 2004. You can read this article (in 4 parts) at: Hoboken Eagle and Wavy Box Cancel Reported Found in Red Ink AND a New Die! .
The October 1999 Issue of Machine Cancel Forum
Articles by Frederick Langford
Milam and Holmes Machine Article
U S Postal Machines of the ARMY POST OFFICES (WW II)
Eagle and Thunderbolt Cancel
Doremus Article
Stamp Night for the Cub Scouts
Share Your Stamp Collecting with Youth
The Facer-Canceller Revolution
'Space Age' Machines
The Bordeaux Story
Article on the Murals of Upper Michigan Post Offices
Article on the Hoboken Eagle and Wavy Box Cancel of the First World War
Article on a Flag Cancel from Plymouth, Vermont, and Correspondence with John Coolidge
A New Type of "Return to Sender" Endorsement, Created by Ink Jet Printer Technology, Part I: Texas P and DCs
Introduction to Spray-On Markings on U. S. Mail
Technical Articles by Bob Swanson
Main Machine Cancel Society Web Page
Contact information for the Society's President.
Updated 16 September, 2020
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